Thursday, August 30, 2007 1:28 PM

I just returned from the battlefield...
Chinese Prelims are over. Result? Well i dunno. but i,d say i either got a C6 / C5 or B4
*prays for B4*

I kinda screwed up my letter writing... cos of TIME problems. ( what to do? my chinese sucks i need to check the dictionary for every sentence )

but the night before , i was er. listening to F.I.R
I had the player on while sleeping and guess what.

I used words like. Wo men de ai , Ni de wei siao , guang mang , Ai de li liang
Lol but hey they were all valid. It was a compo about a son saying his last words to his mother on her deathbed = (

Ok enough about chinese. But wah i seem to like F.I.R lyrics a lot.

So... tomorrow got JAMMING HOHOHO and we are gonna watch movie *prays*

hmm i should try and get A1 for everything else = )
Yesterday i went out with my mom. It was quite fun. I had an enjoyable time. Its been quite some time since i,ve had that much fun with her. We talked about all those funny things that you usually dont talk with to parents. Then she was like.

Her : eh you got girlfriend ah?
Me : no?
Her : issit dont hide le
Me : eh but scully next time i call you out. Then when you meet me got one girl next to me. Then i introduce lol.
Her : Eh cannot cannot. If you bringing a girl to see me must give me warning. Then i can make sure i dress proper proper then xin li zun bei


Wah... F.I.R really quite nice ah i listening now lol
The Guitar also quite style. I wish the F.I.R the pianist ( lao shi ) will teach me
then i can make cool cool F.I.R style musics

I,m in quite a good mood now i think and i think that my mood is quite stable. Not gonna mood swing any moment. YING WEI NI SHI JIE BU ZAI TAN DIAO. WO DE WEI XIAO lalalala

Blehh. Some person wrong number..

Ok so today i will dedicate this post to the only 2 people who even know about my blog..
Happy Dedicate post day Hweepeng and Matthew

Actually. ah i,m quite bad = (
I PURPOSELY let you all read my blog one. cos reading posts like this one is a waste of your time.
= /


Forget it. I,m not in a stable state of mind>!~~~~

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:57 PM

Dunno sudden urge to do one of these

Who did you last get angry with?
-- I dont get angry

What is your weapon of choice?
-- Guitar

Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
-- Never

How about the same sex?
-- Yes. lol

Who was the last person who got reallyangry at you?
-- Its been a while... i dunno ms aida?

What is your pet peeve?
-- Squatting in public

Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
-- Depends

What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't?
-- Practice Guitar T_T

What is the latest you've ever woken up?
-- Think its 5pm

Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?
-- Junjie

What is the last lame excuse that you made?
-- I got lost on the road of life...

Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?
-- Dunno. think so some of them are quite interesting

How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning?
-- 3 times

Are you a meat eater?
-- yes

What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?
-- 1/4 bottle of absolut vodka (mixed with sprite)

Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits?
-- Drink more water , Eat more food

Do you enjoy candy and sweets?
-- They are essential

Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods?
-- Depends on my mood

Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?
-- prata house

How many credit cards do you own?
-- None. you give me one

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
-- lots of things.

Would you rather be rich or famous?
-- Rich

Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks?
-- Yes. $$$$ =D

What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of?
-- I dunno. I,m not too proud of myself

What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of?
-- I wish i knew

What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life?
-- Raise a good kid

Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?
-- Very

Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?
-- Yes

Have you ever cheated to get a better score?
-- Yes

What did you do today that you're proud of?
-- Nothing

How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family,strippers, locker rooms)?
-- I wonder...none.

Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation?
-- Its unintentional. I am after all a guy

What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice?
-- I dont do favourites. Its impossible to like a person just because of 1 body part..

Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) withmultiple persons?
-- No

Are you a social person?
-- Generally No. But in certain situations Yes.

Your current To-do list?
-- I dont have a To-do list.

When do you take pictures?
-- I dont know how to answer this. but its somewhere in between "when i feel like" and "when i have to"

Are you health-conscious?
-- Yes thanks to Yirun

What are you looking forward to?
-- Friday

When was the last time you made a new friend?
-- Sunday

Do you love cooking?
-- Yes. but i hate cleaning up

Are you going out later?
-- No.

Are you any good at math?
-- Depends on your definition of good

Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine?
-- My moms

Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
-- No. But i will do that the next time i go.

Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas?
-- Eh no.

Describe your love life?
-- Bad?

When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
-- Er. I forgot but i was speaking to the class.

Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
-- Closed

Have a nice day = )

Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:15 PM

Ok today was an eventful day.

I helped Vic's band session as vocalist cum bassist. Hmm quite ok my singing but i couldnt hit the high notes for Rustynail and Anarchy in the UK
His band has potential but they,re still mada mada dane (long way to go)

That was from 12.30 to 2pm

Then from 2 - 3 i waited at LCube (vic went away with his friends for a while)

When Xinyi walked into Lcube at 2.51 i was SOO HAPPY. Boredom is a horrible thing.
She remembered to BRING THE CHOCOLATES !!! Hohoho. In the end cannot finish so i ended up bringing them home = x

Yirun had jamming from 1.30-3 so he had 2 sessions in a row.
Todays jamming. hmm ok = ) was fun.
We did the whole band put leg on the Bass Drum thing ^^
My sweet child solo still not there but its ALMOST THERE = )
got improvement.

So at 5 (for once everybody had stuffs to do so NO BAND DINNER T_T)

Yirun had to go to ark cafe
Xinyi had to go meet Peiwen and some other friends i think for dinner and movie
Vic and I had Bunka Dinner at Rivervale Hotel
So....Jarvis and Andrew went for dinner together I bet Andrew bombarded him with all that "Andrew alone talk"

We were at Clarke Quay and vic and i were lost... SO ended up taking cab to Rivervale Hotel

Once we stepped into the 4th floor. We were greeted by ANDO-SENSEI !!! (my previous teacher)

Happy to see the other sensei's i know

Nakamura sensei
Takatsuka sensei
Oya sensei
Maeda Sensei
And the sensei whom i dunno her name.. But super friendly one

Dinner was huge. It was a japanese Buffet
Vic and I had like... 7 rounds

We had Tempura , Sashimi , Sushi , Oden , Teppanyaki , Yakisoba , Oden , Oden , Tempura , Oden , Tempura , *break* , fruits , Oden

= / Guess my favourites

Oh ya we were given a goodie band its like a Tote bag but not as cool. but cooler in some ways ^^ i like it a lot!!

Then our table was champion for JANKEN CONTEST! (Sciccors , Paper , Stone)
HOHO so we GOT PRIZE = )

The Ballroom

Buffet Dinner


LOL. Nothing better to do in the toilet

1st prize for JANKEN !!!
the lady next to me is Nakamura Sensei

OK so. GoodNight , SleepTight and SweetDreams

Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:40 PM

Disclaimer : This post contains vulgarities. I generally dont use vulgarities a lot but sometimes one needs to = D

Yup ITS definitely Tokyo Jihen.

sorry i needed to be like yoshiki once in a while...
its pretty darn cool too = )



zzz amazing how i can get zi-high on my own in a small room while drinking apple tea.

I need to spasm or something. commit suicide . whatever. too much energy. i could probably jump down from the 11th story and live. Or maybe its cos of chocolates. Testerones and hormones and stuff.

Welcome to my life. = )

3:10 AM

hoho i,m watching claymore now DAMN Nice

ok so.. thursday zzz i slept the WHOLE DAY
Zero productivity.
Well its ok i wasnt feeling well.
But i did manage to gather bout 15mins worth of energy for oral though = )

Today is saturday. ( well i sleep late so technically i,m still in mr friday state of mind )

I learnt more of friends ^^
Why? I,m a lazy person and i despise studying (i despise it but i still do it cos i have to and its important)

I get to see the guys on sunday (even if its only 2 hours T_T)
I realized the reason why i,ve been so called "depressed" the last few days.
I,m glad that i found the reason too.
I,m not telling you what the reason is = p

But be happy for me. I understand my feelings a little better now.
Must wake up early. Jamming at 11.30 T_T and its 4 now = (((
O well. i enjoy playing the guitar and stuff so ^^

Today you guys get to learn a new japanese word.
Oyasumi (goodnight)

If i had one wish. I dunno what i,d wish for
But now lets see... if i desired something it would be for all my friends and family to have a good weekend (what a pathetic wish...wish for something cooler MONEY $$$ FAME,SKILLS)

I wonder.. whats my significance. How important am i to others?
If i died now , would people grief for me? attend my funeral? and after that carry on with their lives? that would be ideal but i long to be accepted by people. Well not accepted but i want to mean something important to people. I mean well sure.. i am important but you know what i mean. ( or maybe you dont ) I mean as in like REAL important. Not important , important. e.g LeekuanYew is important to me. But hes not REALLY important to me.

Well whatever. that has to be a record for the amount of times i used important in 3 sentences.

ok. i,m gonna sleep
Goodnight and sweet dreams

12:17 AM

Weekends here!


I,m a happy man (or maybe young adult. i dont consider myself a teen ) hohoho. shall elaborate further

Thursday, August 23, 2007 1:45 AM

I could be studying. sleeping.
Practicing guitar

But here i am reading unknown people's blogs and playing naruto-arena....

= (

i,m a fool at times. <----note the "at times" But the WORST THING about it is that i,m an Ignorant fool

zzz triple english tomorrow. are you serious?
I need my band BADLY

i would like a nice glass of cranberry juice. thats cool too

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:26 PM

Dear Blog

I am sad again.

Why? cos i cant have dinner with the band on sunday T_T
WALOU i ONLY get to see them once a week now... and 2 hours nia = (

What happened is that i FORGOT that i had bunka dinner party to go to. I mean i DID pay 30bucks so that i can attend

Bunka dinner is super awesome
However Band dinner is the absolute BEST
Walou i hope we can watch rush hour on Tuesday.
I pray that everyone can make it and everyone has money.

I get depressed when i,m away from my band = (
Aiya everyone so busy = ((((
Once Yirun finishes exam and xinyi settles down in uni things will be ok
But now zzz i hate waiting and its not like schools exciting either.

I learnt 1 min of "friends" today.

Wish the oct gig would be pushed to mid sept then we can meet up thrice / twice a week like we used to = (((((((

Tomorrows English oral. i,ll get distinction ( <--- hao lian ) But i need to find smth to do in school anyway... Hm. i got no money. i need to save. i owe kevin $9 for scores and Andrew $12 for book T_T When am i ever gonna get my wah pedal or chorus pedal =((( Maybe i should get this pedal too. seems like i need it

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 11:19 PM

i,m sad now = (
I have lousy control over my emotions.
Surprisingly enough. i realize that i,m usually sad when someone close to me is sad. Inversely , I,m glad when someone close to me is glad.

Hmm. thats was reflected when christine was still with us. i could remember my mood rapidly changing everytime something negative happened and she became emo.
( luckily even though i do go through a number of mood swings i still manage to keep my sanity and do whats needed to be done )

Sometimes at night, when i,m alone at home , and its night yes one of those real silent nights. One would start thinking about stuffs.
What kind of stuffs you may ask?
Life , ones morals , decisions , love , goals , purpose?
( Damn i think too much sometimes )
It seems to have a negative impact on me. Cos i end up feeling like some emo shit after i give these matters much thought.
Sadly , i,m not too successful in any of these areas.

Life : i am ok at this.Not too good, not too bad. There are the good days *amen* but there are times where you just feel too shitty to care ( thank god these dont happen too often to me )

Morals : i am a fairly moral person. Dont get me wrong. I,m a lazy person , untidy , irresponsible and in some cases an introvert. However , these arent morals their erm bad habits? I believe in being nice. honest , polite , humble ( thanks gang rui ). Those are good morals ya?

Decisions : i,m pretty bad at these. UNLESS you,re talking about gaming...seriously. ok maybe i make better decisions now. but i,m no where near an A grade when it comes to decisions = (

Love : are you kidding me? my previous (and only) girlfriend hurled vulgarities at me after breaking up with her. The 3 other dates that i,ve been on bored each of those girls to death. I fail horribly at this

Goals : well i have some decent goals. Best guitarist in the world... A1s for everything except Chinese which i,m expecting a B4. Building up my body so i can be cool like Yirun... yep i mean theyre ok goals i guess ( i am NOT being sarcastic well except for maybe the best guitarist in the world part )

Purpose : Well i have a decent purpose in life. i wanna make my friends happy. i wanna make my parents / godparents / stepparents proud. I want to play guitar.

Tadah.. Tomorrow , i shall start blogging about people whom are important to me how they,ve affected my life and stuff.

today was filled with ups and downs. i managed to pull through unscaffed = )

1:11 AM

Hello. I,m gonna sleep soon

But i gotta blog =)

OK so. on saturday, i went to vics and lol finished all the seaweed. i swear i can really be a pig at times. we went to play basketball and T_T i,ve deproved A LOT. At night we watched music and lyrics ( thanks kevin ) and hmm maybe one day my other band can cover the song = ) Its simple enough and catchy. well after watching that , i watched COOKING MASTER BOY. i swear i never thought an anime could be interesting in cantonese! its like a japanese anime except the chars speak in canton ( not a dub ) and its about food. =D

Lets see. on sunday when i woke up. Vic and I cooked er spaghetti. ya we used cheese and cheese. = ) and tomato sauce and cheese and sausages and beef patties ( mashed up cos we couldnt afford real beef ). It was decent. Headed home and had to leave for jamming with the other band. Was NOT up to standard... we have to do smth about teresa or SHE has to do smth bout her singing. i mean shes got the heart and stuff but she has to work on pitching.
well. my guitar wasnt awesome either. But i,m glad toumei ningen sounded better. Yup and so i was shagged. when i reached home. Earlier on sat morning. Xinyi thought up of a cool cool name Monochrome for the band ( it has chinese and jp versions too )! But andrew had to go and suggest Mono smth. and my brain couldnt control itself from thinking. Monopoly = ) hoho nice band name.
Well, it still isnt decided.

Today, i studied History chapter 4 while playing naruto-arena at the same time. Its amazing how i can multitask that well. But dang chapter 4 is prolly one of the most screwed up chapters for me. i dont know much about it. i do know better now but still... zzz well i,ll be fine. OK then wow i finished tabbing both guitars for friends. i never thought i would be able to do it by today. BUT HOHOHO. i did it. i,m reading this particular naruto fanfic called making the band. i like it. its hilarious ( but never cut twice is still the best ). Practiced sweet child AGAIN ( its been like 1 mnth ) i,m getting better at it but mada mada dane ( jp for not there yet ). So then Xinyi told me she'd tab out life! (drums) she suprised me by finishing it by today ( i thought she would take a while ) so happily i went to complete the full life tab with all the instruments when T_T STUPID GUITAR PRO CRASHED ON ME
45mins of hard work went down the drain = (
walou theres school tml. and band practice is only on SUNDAY ....
hai... its ok things are really picking up.

Goodnight. i have a feeling i forgot about smth.
the guitar for friends is Wooo. especially the cool cool part which I get to play.

As for goodbye days. its a medium for me to express myself. yes
I heard a boa song. its kinda good. will research into boa more.

Monday, August 20, 2007 12:40 AM

well ya. i know i said earlier on that i,d blog when i get back from jamming. well i AM back from jamming but i have to break my little promise. = (

Sorry and have a good night
Yea i,ll update tomorrow. about sat , today AND tomorrow

Hohoho you guys get a 3 in 1 post!

kk i,m tired = (

Sunday, August 19, 2007 3:58 PM

I,ve got stuffs to blog about. but i,m lazy. = (
Will blog after tonights jamming.
That way i can practice my SUMMARY =D
but i think its mostly because i,m just lazy now.

Saturday, August 18, 2007 1:30 PM

Things seem to be picking up. Last night, ( after my post ). we had a little chat on msn and loads of funny stuff came out. Too bad we wont be able to perform for the DXO gig. = (

But hehe we were thinking of band names heres a list of all i can remember.

Flying Duck
Abused D'RebirthX
Love eraser
Pika gang!
speedy gonzalez
jangan berdiri dekat pintu aka J.B.D.P aka jarvis bird drop pee / Jarvis Bought Dinosaur Poop
Warning: Explicit Lyrics!

Yup thats it. Now.. hmm going over to vic's soon. Long time ( 3weeks =x ) never visit.
But grrr i seem to be dreading to tab out friends ( PLEASE LET IT BE EASY ).
Yes. Things are definitely progressing for us. *insert band name* BANZAI!
hoho i,m hungry off to breakfast ~~~~

p.s i think i need a tagboard. although nobodies er. reading my blog at least for the moment...

12:08 AM

goodness me. i,m tired. yea just got back from jamming. and dinner. ( extended dinner due to it being with the band )

Dinner was enjoyable. Jarvis joined the band ! yes. finally after 1 month of searching our sessionist joined us !!!. congratulations to no name ( killfire sounds cool though ).

zzz but jamming was soso. we are deproving. my guitar sucks. i cant play the sweet child solo properly ( its the part where it switches from "slow" to shred to "fast" ) if i can get that part down, things will more or less be complete. but... its been 1 month and i still cant get it down.

Nvm. bah a ton of stuffs to do. ( Yes i really do have lotsa things to do. but im still rather relaxed ) i honestly love playing the guitar. but i HATE tabbing out hard stuff. especially crazy chords. nvm. its for the bands sake, Andrew's sake , Jarvis's sake , Xinyi's sake , Yirun's sake. MY sake. YES i wont let them down.

School is monotonous. i look forward to playing chess with jonathan during recess. Grrr i,m losing but its only temporary. my winrate is 25% .... pathetic. Nvm i,ll push my winrate up next week FOR SURE. I love my band. it seems like forever.. i only get to see them next sunday T_T i,m already slowly counting down. Time spent with them is quality time ( although sometimes we do waste a LOT of time crapping but its a stress reliever for sure ).

I love the weekend. i get to spend time with the people i love. YES!
zzz school starts on monday.. how troublesome. its the "long" week too. zzzz
I know its important and i,ll work hard. but still i,m a lazy guy.

Meh, i need to be with them seriously.
Andrew must be proud. My blog URL is named after him

Friday, August 17, 2007 12:18 AM

grr. damn these mood swings. one moment i,m happy the other moment i,m feeling this pull on my heart. No i,m not emo i swear i,m not. but still people do long for things. sometimes. i do regret my mistakes in the past. If not for them maybe i would be living a different life.
Hmm. but i love my current life. I really do. I,m blessed with awesome friends. But still i regret those mistakes. zzz.

Stupid mood swings. maybe i have too much free time on me. i still have things i need to get done. Is it bad? that i,m being lazy. Well i know X music helps when i,m in this kinda mood.

i shouldnt lie to myself. i,m gonna go listen to longing. by X

Thursday, August 16, 2007 10:04 PM

YAY, i decided to not go to blogskins and find a skin cos it was troublesome and blogskins seems to be giving me problems. NOW I CAN BLOG ABOUT MY LIFE = )

I wanted to blog about why i LOVE fridays. but thenn i,m lazy to. TADAHH new blog hohoho.