Friday, November 30, 2007 12:23 AM

i,m too tired to blog.

Usually when i,m too tired to blog , i dont blog.

I,ll make today an exception.

So the day started with my wonderful dream.
Yes.. its not real T_T
I wish it was real.

Then diahorrea till like 5pm...
Yea. Gotta watch what i eat.

Went to meet Xinyi and Jarvis for KBOX but Jarvis had work so he came a little later.
I couldnt finish my food today.
Ya. Thats amazing.
Usually i belt down like Beef Bolognaise upsize while stealing some garlic bread and if i,m with the band , i still get a little extra from Xy.
When i go to buffets , i like spend forever there.
My stomach which is usually a bottomless pit , had a bottom today.

zzz i couldnt finish my Gyuudon today. Well , the maybe i had no appetite or perhaps the gyuudon was kinda sucky.

Anyway , KBOX is like wow.
I,ve totally changed my thought pattern regarding KTVs.
I swear. KBOX is like the modern day KTV. Its like style and all.
Went to Cine's one and goodness the place is like a friggin labyrinth.

lol labyrinth.
but hey.. thats the correct word to describe it.

Anyway , i learnt to appreciate more chinese songs today.
They are cool.
I wished we could spend a little more time.
Yea.. 3 hours seems like very little during that period.
Anyway i decided that i liked Wu Yue Tian (mayday)
Those guys are like style and the guitarist is cool.

I enjoyed my first KBOX experience.
It was cool singing alone and with xinyi and jarvis.
LoL Jarvis was like singing some Hokkien song which was like. Nice.
I mean. Generally people would view hokkien songs as lao tu? ( old fashion )
But no man. NO. you got it all wrong. Hokkien songs are the IN thing.

I am gonna learn. Be prepared.

There was one particular duet Jarvis sang with Xinyi. I dunno the name of the song but when i hear , sure can recognize one.
I wish i could have sang that. But i dont know the lyrics and most parts of the song.
When it comes to chinese songs i like probably only recognize the chorus or verse.
Anyway , that particular duet was like touching.

Duets are like probably one of the coolest things to sing.
I discovered that those 2 bandmates of mine had *talents*
I swear. Jarvis can make it big if he goes Getai and Xinyi can rap!

But today. i sang Endless Rain. AT KBOX

Wanna know who Yoshiki is? Click his name under my Links.

I also remember one cool song they sang.
It was like BAD BOY BAD BOY smth smth smth.
It was fun.

Towards the end of the session , i sang Tong hua with Jarvis.
Yea. Tong hua is like my. BUDDY SONG OK. 3 years ago Kelvin Cheng and I would sing it like everyday. I,m an expert at that song.

Xinyi's singing is still awesome. For those songs that i dont know , she still sang them well. There was this particular song which was. Yes, heart wrenching.
But hey... what do you expect.
She IS Skyler's vocalist after all.

lol..i play the guitar for Skyler but i,m all like...suck.

Anyway , many cool songs today.

Di Yi Tian by sun yan zi
Wu Yue Tian
Apparently a lot of JJ lin

Ooh there was this like. Lol??? song.
Some weird guy
who sang in one of those Latin tango tones and the song title was My Anata.
Its like lolllolollololol/.

Last song was I O I O by S.H.E
Another cute song.

Today was fun.
I,ll come back to KBOX again. With a better Arsenal next time.
Goodness. For all you know , after tonight , i might be playing more chinese songs on my guitar.

Ok. Signing of with
Da da da da da lalalala
Da da da da da lalalala da da da da da

No prizes for guessing the song correctly

Thursday, November 29, 2007 12:45 PM


Last night , i had a wonderful dream.
Problem is that.

It was a DREAM!!!!

whyyy couldnt it be real??
if it was real , i,d be so darn happy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 7:43 PM

Tim's online guide to putting across emotions through typing.

" Hi ^^ "

" hihixx "

" Hey "

" Yo "

" ... "

" ='( "

" slash my wrist & hope to die "

" What?! "

" yo.. "

Now. we move on to more subtle signs

" Hey ;) "

Slight tinge of joy
" Hi ~ "

" *hi* "

Cant really be bothered but just replying for the sake of it
" ? "

I hope this guide has been of use to you.
= )

11:34 AM

ok. so now i feel a little safer.
After about 3 weeks , i,m finally able to login to my facebook acc.
That means , i,m FINALLY able to read my horoscopes


I think not.

2:32 AM

WOW. ok now this shit is getting personal

Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9:08 PM

Green is the color of nature.
Green is also the color of jealousy.

Today, i,m green with envy.
Its really none of business.

I,m one insecure bastard

Monday, November 26, 2007 2:34 AM

what do people do when theyre bored , not practicing guitar , chatting , watching anime or playing warcraft?

They spam blog posts.
Ok.. so thats just me.

Alright. So i,m listening to our recordings and i,m thinking.
Dang. We need to do better.
Like darn. Whats happening.
Well , theres still hope. Exams are over for everyone except Xinyi and Andrew.
And Xy's ends on like Tuesday?

So we get more time to practice.
Ok. So i wanted to blog about interesting stuffs. ( what i percieve as interesting may be different from what you percieve as interesting )
So we have the government promoting service with a smile. =D
Well. I totally agree.
Of course , as a customer , it would be good to smile back.
Here are examples. 1 of good service and the other of bad service.

So. I was getting shirts at giordano and there was this nice salesgirl.
I mean she was cool with me trying many shirts out. Helpful too in the sense that she was patient and answered my questions and stuff.
She even told me like not to do this and that in the washing machine.
I mean. It was pleasant shopping at Giordano thanks to that friendly salesgirl.

An example of BAD service would be. When i was buying bread at a breadstore. Think it was fourleaves or smth.
Anyways the salesgirl at the counter was all like snappy. She probably had a bad day. She was like washing trays or something and then her boss or superior shouted at her to attend to me. So she was all like mean and stuff.
Then i asked her for a bag to carry the bread in and like she gave me one of those looks.
Well. I dont like that. Its a turnoff. I mean ya, she could have been having a bad day. Maybe broke up with her boyfriend or getting nagged at by her superior. Shes human too. Its ok to be sulky and such. But not to the point where you become mean and nasty to the customer.

Good service , Bad service. We need much more good service.
Sure , my experience with bad service will probably be a minority.
But i would appreciate if the salesperson or employee would go that little extra mile by smiling or a thank you or smth.
I mean. I would be obliged to smile back.
It would make both our days a little more pleasant.

So thats about service in singapore.
Be nice to who you serve and be nice when being served.
( notice it just revolves around being nice )

I,m still being my clumsy self.
Man. i totally wish this wasnt true.
Quote from Yirun. " Its innate "
Geez. Really.
So. yesterday i spilt soup.
Today i was pretty cool. But i left my ribena at NTUC and the salesgirl came running after me telling me that i had left it behind.
Thank you. She could have just left it there. I mean there was a queue and everything. But she chose to come after me.
I appreciate it.

Hmm.. ok i,ll blog about another interesting thing tomorrow.
I mean i dunno if other people who blog think this way.
But i,m like walking on the street and i see some guy litter and i,m thinking to myself.
" I should blog about littering later on "
Or i see a teenage girl on the mrt give her seat to an elderly person
" I should blog about how theres still hope left in society "

Of course its also a good place to let out ones feelings.
Sure. I dont go into detail about some things. Its the internet...its not too safe seeing that almost anyone can just click a link and read about your personal life.
Well , but nonetheless my blog is still a nice place where i can reflect about what i,ve done , stuff like that.

Of course there are a couple of retarded posts but its all in the package = )

Sunday, November 25, 2007 9:06 PM this post. Tim attempts to assess music.
The piece i,ll be attempting to assess is persis overture by James L. Hosay.
Dont ask why.
When Xinyi first sent me that piece i thought it was ok.
But 30mins ago when i woke up , i listenend to it again and something was different this time round.

I only wish i knew a little more about ochestral instruments so that i dont sound like a fool

The song begins with a strike on the timpany.
Then , the instruments come in , playing a descending scale.
The first thing that flashes through my mind is large scale of the music.
Its the kind that fills every corner of a room , every corner of a large hall
The music then proceeds to what i think is the trumpet playing a sort of Medieval kind of sound with flute and clarinet ( i think ) accompaniments.
The trumpets and french horns play in fortissimo ( pathetic attempt to apply music theory ) while the oboe , flutes and clarinet sort of play the softer running notes.
Theres this part where the percussionist goes all like snare snare snare. which i like.

After that i hear something which i think is the Xylophone. as the music enters a softer more relaxed phase. A particular low sounding instrument resonates in the background i cant seem to identify what it is though. A little bit of chimes here and there.

The sound of what i think is an Oboe or Clarinet pierces the silence.
Hearing the sweet sound which brings tears to my eyes. The solo brings across a sad story soon the oboe or clarinet stops playing and the flute takes over , giving the same sad feeling but on a more subtle less outstanding way.

Next , geez. i would really like to know what that background instrument is. It sounds kinda like a horn or smth. zzz lack of knowledge. I swear if i knew a little more i could put across my feelings towards this piece.
But after that little solo , i get this sort of chamber music kinda feel. Something like what you,d get from Lord of the Rings.

Soon , the music progresses to sort of like a different tone.
How do i explain. The "rythmn instruments" sort of blend into each other and the lead instrument portrays this kinda hopeful picture. Its not a happy picture but it sort of gives hope to the listener.

Then theres this cool cool percussion section.
The snare again is all like tatatat tata tat and its accompanied by some timpany too.
Then it goes into this sort of Baroque style which is sort of thrilling. That same instrument that did the background for the oboe / clarinet solo is playing again. It sounds cool that instrument.

Then there comes to this Section where the Ochestra goes like BANG then the Xylophone and this instrument which sounds like a ???? but there are plenty of running notes which is like sexy.

Towards the end of song , theyre playing this similar tune that sounds kinda hopeful with some like fast fast thing which is soft being played in the background.
After that , a grand finish with the percussion build up.

Ok. So there you go.
Tims erm not so accurate attempt at assessing a piece of music.
Man.. i could probably do better if it was like a five piece band.. but this is cooler i guess.

3:09 AM

Before i begin with the actual content. I would like to say that i,m very pleased this year. Yesterdays ok well. The day before. But i was glad that there were people who smiled and laughed with me while celebrating my birthday... which isnt here yet.


I,m motivated.
I,m serious.
I want to do well for the gig.
I want to play well.
I want to sound great.
Was chatting on msn with Xinyi and Yirun just now.
I decided.

Ok. so its gonna come across to some people as seeking attention but.
Thats what i am.
I,m competitive.
Xinyi. You,re gonna be in the limelight. With your flute and vocals. You,re gonna be awesome.
Jarvis is gonna get some too with his bass solo on marunouchi.
But. Dang. I,m not gonna sit there and let you soak up all the limelight.
I,m gonna play so good for Sweet Child and Sounan. ( well i mean i,ll play good for everything )
But i wanna leave an impression too.
My playing is poor and i,m noob.
But i,m gonna practice hard.
You,re our pillar. But i wanna show that i,ve got ability too.
I wanna be more than just a filler guitar.

dakara. Mina-san. Mite kudasai. Boku wa mo guitar suru.
This time round , i,ll show you guys what i can do.

Thursday, November 22, 2007 12:02 AM


I didnt expect it to be lurking there , cleverly disguised under the pretence of a boring day.
When it hit me , i couldnt help but smile.

The feeling is bittersweet.
It feels good to be able to relive that feeling again.
But part of me is disappointed that i,m not able to rid my mind of those thoughts.

I,m a little displeased though. Well actually very displeased.
Perhaps i,m asking for too much. But i was hoping for something better.
Ah well, beggars cant be choosers.

Does it pay off to be nice?
I could save myself lotsa trouble by saying a simple " No "
I could refuse and by doing that , i wouldnt have to take all the bullshit
I could save myself from having to pickup that piece of paper.
I could let the others do all the work while i care for my needs.
I could... but i probably wont be as happy.
I could but i probably wouldnt be myself.

You dont get an award or a medal for being nice.
You dont get money either.
However , by being nice , you do get that good feeling in your heart.
There will be people who take advantage of your kindness.
There will be people who use you just because you dont bite back
But there will also be people who will recognize you for who you are.
Besides. I cant really imagine myself being badass.
I mean according to mrs tan , i,m rather pragmagtic and i tend to use my head over heart.
I dont agree with her. While being pragmagtic allows me to achieve desirable results, using my heart just makes me happier.

I,m a confused person.
Confused in the sense that i dunno my personality well.
Am i a cheerful , outgoing , friendly person? Or am i some emoshit.
Do i bring joy to the people around me? Or am i a burden.
Would i condemn a criminal who steals to feed his hungry family?
I probably would , i,m not sure.
Goodness , i,m messed up.
Seriously , I cant even decide on a specific genre of music to listen to.

I like Japanese Rock like X japan and LunaSea
I like Japanese pop like Yui and Boa
I like Korean pop like Younha
I like Chinese songs like F.I.R ( well F.I.R is probably the only chinese music that i listen to extensively )
I like Them sexy/funky/bouncy T.J music
I like Shred guitar like Paul Gilbert
I like Technical stuff like Dream Theater
I like pop like Sclub7 and Avril
I like Blues like B.B King and Eric Clapton
I like anyhow songs like " Whats up people "
I like them oldschool Rock like Ac/Dc and GnR ( i hate punks who act all GnR )
I like oldschool punkrock like The Ramones
I like Rap like Chiba rap from Beck
Well , so far i havent mentioned techno and emo music.
I havent mentioned metal either.

But most recently , you,ll never guess what i,ve been listening to.
Its really sweet too!
But classical music is a killer.
Beethoven's Winter Sonata and FurElise , Mozarts i forgot the number but ochestra number 400 and something the really famous tune. Chopin's Rhondo.

I wonder what will happen, now that those emotions have resurfaced again tonight.
Dont blame me. Its not my fault.

Only time will tell.
Its not exactly a bad thing you know?

On another note ,
I bet you guys didn't know
I brew a mean cup of coffee or tea.
Its a hobby. Whenever i have the money and if i,m around town , i would drop by the teashop and get myself a bag of coffee or tea leaves.
By far , my favourite is Vanilla flavoured Tea leaves.
If the right proportion of sweetened creamer is added , you get this really creamy drink that would satisfy a sweet tooth.
Theres also peppermint as well. Peppermint tea is good for people who are feeling shitty.
But more importantly , its good for accompanying me through the night when i,m reading a good book , fanfiction online or Studying.
When i,m playing music or warcraft or watching anime though , I would usually have lipton tea. Reason is that i,m someone who gets hungry easily. Therefore i tend to eat a lot at night. Especially after 11. Dinner just doesnt cut it. Well , i,m a growing young man with insanely high metabolism.

I swear not to make anyone jealous but if you took your average female and feed her the amount of food i consume daily, she would be like fat.
Like real fat.
I think Yirun eats more than me though... well its to be expected.
Lotsa energy needed to maintain a body like his.

Generally , i guess i,m a rather eccentric person.
I enjoy reading horoscopes , i like taking personality tests and basically all those personality surveys. Well , none of them are completely accurate but there are some which come close.
I guess i must be obsessed with myself. I mean the purpose of taking those tests are to find out more about myself right?
I guess thats why i,m interested in psychology and sociology too.
I think theyre cooler than History...
History is probably one of my most hated subjects. While i generally score when it comes to hist and SS , i dont find them interesting.
I mean I,m not interested in the Bloshevik 1911 Revolution against the Tsarist Government.
Neither am i interested in the policies implemented by Mao Ze Dong during his rule.
Its irritating too. You have to memorize so much. Furthermore i have to write so much during the exams.
While i may be weaker at math and science. All you have to do is learn the concept , the formula and practice. Thats enough.
I mean i,m not interested in knowing how convection currents are formed. Neither am i interested in knowing the process in which an alchohol oxidizes into an acid but generally , math and science require less effort.
( i dont think i,ll ever apply Asquare + Bsquare = Csquare )
in my future life...

I still remember my ugly past.
In primary school , my mom put in a lot of effort into me.
She practically sacrificed her whole social life.
She gave birth to me at a young age.
She was divorced. Instead of going out and doing what a woman of her age should be doing , she stayed home and made me study everynight.
Honestly speaking , i,m grateful for it.
But no i didnt enjoy it.

She would reach home at 7 and sit with me to do work all the way till 10
She would give me work to do in the day while she was at work.
All i needed was to get 1 mistake for my "Ting Xie"
She would hit me.
She hit me with a wire. Not a cane.
Do any of you own electric kettles? She used that wire to hit me.
It hurt like hell.
I still remember. There was once where i scored 84 ( band 2 ) for one of my tests.
I cried in school that day. I knew that i was gonna get it once i reached home.

Regardless , my mom still treated my well. After the beatings , she would apply ointment on the bruises for me.
I had a maid back then , My mom bought salmon for me to eat.
Yes , i had salmon or cod almost everyday back then in primary school.
I remember how much i hated salmon back then.
During lunch , when my mom wasnt home , i would wait for the maid to go clean my moms room or iron clothes.
Then , i would dump the food into a plastic bag and throw it down the rubbish chute.

I was a fool.
Back then , i,d give anything for chicken.
What an irony. Now i wish i had salmon to eat. Chicken just doesnt cut it anymore.

Anyway , a major change in my life occured when i was sec2.
I moved out from my moms due to a quarrel.
Living with my dad brought about a whole new change in lifestyle.
I was no longer bounded by curfews and all that.

My dad gave me the freedom that i wanted.
I guess it was like the total opposite of being with my mom.
I went out to Lan Shops late at night , came home at 2 in the morning when i had school the next day.
Basically , i was happy.
I felt like a bird who had flew out of a cage.

Well , things didnt turn out too well.
I mixed with the wrong company and in sec 2 , my friends and i vandalised school property. All in all , we broke 8 firealarms and set fire to the library door.
Of course i need not mention things like stealing and truancy.
Dumb thing was that i got caught for most of the offences.
It was a common sight for me to be seen standing outside the Discipline Master's office.

( sorry i have no idea why i,m blogging about my past )

My grades plummeted.
In secondary 1 , i was in the 2nd best class.
By sec 3 , i was in the worse class.
I did well in primary school and secondary one.
I guess that was the main reason for my laziness.
I kept telling myself. " Dont worry , i,m smart. I just need to study a bit and i,ll get it right "
Of course , things didnt go according to plan.
I got held back.
My mentality remained the same though.
I got held back again.

I guess it was because my dad gave me too much freedom.
Of course , the main fault still lies in myself.

I,m not trying to show off or anything but
right after my first O level paper this year , My mentor ( in maris stella high school , retainees are given a teacher menton )
who was also my Social Studies teacher and the HOD of humanities told me
" Tim , 2 years back i would have thought that it was impossible for you. However , now i can easily see you getting into university and studying the course of your choice ".
That was a huge ego boost.
No kidding.
I felt good. I felt real good.
Especially since it came from the mouth of Mrs Tan.
One thing about her. She commands a lot of my respect. Shes a helluva woman.
She sees right through you. She knows how to handle all sorts of situations. Shes obviously intelligent. Yet, shes a fun person that manages to joke around , yet be serious at the same time.
She plays the guitar too! Her theory is there and while i may be the better guitarist , its unnerving to see her progress so quickly.
Lastly , shes over 40. However she looks 25.
I am NOT exaggerating. I,ve known her for 4 years.
Every new class that she takes doesn't believe her when she tells them that shes nearing 50.

Her secret? Botox. Hmm... hey she can afford it so why not?
Anyway , In those 4 years , she screwed me over many many times.
I've been the kind of person who can usually get away with trouble.
But she sees right through me lies.
I pride myself in lying. I can lie pretty well = /
I hated that woman.
When other teachers scolded me, or punished me, i could brush it off. I could just switch off the volume and take all that nagging.
But her. She would get at me. Her words would make tears fall down.
She would make me feel bad the whole day.

I guess, that made her earn my respect.
What a teacher , mentor and friend mrs tan.
Hm.. she still owes me lunch.

I wonder how i blogged up to this topic.
I AM a very luo shuo person.
I HAVE been told countless times not to side track.
People have been saying. " TIM. Get straight to the point "
Well , ok i will try.
But appreciate me a little. At least i dont skip out on details.
aiya. I guess i,ll end my post here.
I,ve let my mind wander for long enough.
I,m NOT gonna go through this post to look for grammatical or spelling errors.
So , if you,ve spotted many of them while reading this post , I apologize.

Sunday, November 18, 2007 7:48 PM

Dear Ms F

Why are you like that?
Havent you learnt from your previous experiences?
Please stop deluding yourself with your pathetic attempt of what you call , "improving yourself."
The lies you tell reflect your insecurity towards your person.
You claim to be proud of who you are.

Then why are you running away from reality?

Things like these have happened before.
Sure , i,ve learnt a couple of things from you.
But one thing i learnt was not to make the same mistakes that you did.
Well ... not like anybody would make such dumb choices.
Its time you realized that the problem lies with your mentality.
You,re born into a family who cares for you , your parents dote on you too!
I guess you,ve been given what you wanted ever since young.
Stop taking things for granted and acting like you,re mature.
You are NOT. Mature

My 15 year old cousin probably wouldnt make the same mistakes that you did.

I wonder why i still call you my friend.
I disapprove of almost everything you do.
Please change for the better.
I,ve lost all hope in you.
But hey , there are probably still other people who have trust in you.
Be sure not to lose them too.

Yours Sincerely

Today , i made a hugee mistake. Blame it on my poor communication and organization skills. I was supposed to have an appointment with Cheng next sunday.
Well , i was lying on my cousin's bed watching anime when i recieved a message from her saying that she was there already...
So... i cabbed down and we went to plaza sing.
I enjoy her company. Its cool that we dont have problems talking to each other even with the 5 year age gap. ( must be jarvis and andrew )
Had pastamania and talked about lotsa things.
I,m glad that we,ll be working together in the future.
Cheng was meeting her friend at 5.
Due to my mistake , we were done talking at 3.
So luckily , i had something to do.
Cheng helped me find a suitable present for Andrew.
There was this cool cool neck massager which andrew so needs cos hes like always stressed and strict and stuff.
There was also this Eric Clapton CD which i think he might like.
Eric Clapton is cool and seeing that Andrew's favourite guitar scale is the minor pentatonic and clapton uses lotsa that..

Well anyway , said goodbye at about 4 and headed back to a few gazillion pages of music theory workbook.
Currently staying at my cousin's place. My godma bought us some books which we chose at kinokuniya.
I got my cool cool Nicholas Sparks Love stories = )))))))))

Have a nice day.
My horoscope says that i have to be courteous.
Well , horoscopes arent really accurate but still , they give decent advise and unless its an absurd kinda horoscope like.

" Invest your money "

They are generally harmless so its cool to follow them

Friday, November 16, 2007 12:47 PM

was reading my previous post ( not counting that 1sentence post ) and i realized how emo i sounded.

Tim is staunchly anti - emo.
I attempted to do a recording of moon on the water.
Failed miserably.

Seems that my editing sucks too.
At least i applied what i learnt during that 3 hour course 2 years back..

Skills. Do you have them?

1:08 AM

correction. it seems like that my hair is in a mess too

12:44 AM

I took a good look at myself in the mirror today.
I,m a mess.

My hair is alright.
But the hint of pimples, the extremely dark eye rings that i have
the dull look of my pupils.

I,ve not been taking care of myself.

i caught myself thinking again.
I cant run away from this.

Its like Ussop's example.
In the end , he couldnt do it.
At least i have a slight reward.
Perhaps i,m on the road to becoming a gentlemen.

decisions , decisions ...
and with those decisions i make , my future changes.

Time , money , love , friends , family , self.

Somewhere in the distant , dark clouds are gathering.
Its the calm before the storm.

Either that , or i,m thinking too much.
Sheesh. The exams are over. Now , the abundance of time has got me thinking about too many things. Its not healthy either.
But theres a naggy feeling that its time i face reality.

P.s I,m quite surprised at how much Yirun is earning.
My goodness.

Thursday, November 15, 2007 10:27 AM

Everyone loves a bit of politics

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 1:45 AM

I,ve got lots to blog about.

Firstly , i would like to blog about The movie Anna & Anna
Matthew claims it was a waste of his $9.50
Well ya the show was a little boring.
But it instilled ideas into my mind. The fact that the same person can live 2 lives. The different possiblities.
It also delved into Doppelgangers which are cases where you see yourself.
The movie is NOT a horror show. Some parts did freak me out a little though
That show is intriuging.

Next thing to blog about would be that i,m gonna be an elder brother soon.
After close to 18 years of being alone.
My stepmom announced that she was pregnant.
My initial reaction was something close to " wtf " ????
Now that things have sunk in , i,ve become more or less ok again.
But wow. I mean a younger sibling. I,ll be like 36 when he/she is 18!!

Talking about age.
I,m a loser at love.
Heres basically the breakdown of things.

I am 18 and i am a secondary 4 student.
Girls who are 18 are either JC yr2 / poly yr2 (not counting retainees)
I will graduate from university at about 27 years old.
This means that all hope is gone. I shouldn't even think about dating girls my age.
How embarrasing.
Heres how its like.
You,re a JC 2 girl. Imagine telling your friends " My boyfriend is in secondary school "
Or you,re a University student " My boyfriend is in JC "

How pathetic can i get.

Thursday, November 8, 2007 8:49 PM




WALOU. sucks.
It doesnt help that i,m not too close to my school friends.

WAIIIII WAIIIIIII WAIIIIiiisadjasjdk;amc.m;2419jk-956m16N@#

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 5:57 PM

Exams are over.
Boredom sets in.

I,ve noticed that i,m on of those kinda people. who read blogs to pass time.
Even if i,m busy , reading someone elses blog helps me destress a little.
If im lucky , i get awarded with an intellectually stimulating post which stretches over a page or two.

If i,m unlucky , i get a few strung together words about how shitty one is feeling.
Its horrible. Well yes , its your blog and you can post whatever you want.
But imagine.

Poor Tim goes to read a blog.
And all he gets are. Posts containing stuff like

" Today is a horrible day , life sucks for me "

I mean. The reader would feel sad too.
My emotions are affected by those of others. To a certain extent.
I mean , if everyone around you is sad , you,ll get affected too.

Anyways. Enough of my nonsense.
Today , i shall blog about something for anyone whos bored.
I dont think my blog is too popular , i mean i do have a few people reading i,m sure.
But thats about it.


I,ve decided to blog about a few assessments that i,ve made.

First one would be my family.
Contrary to what you may be believing , the truth is that i,ve got an awesome family.
Despite the fact that my parents broke up when i was 3 , i think i,m still rather fortunate.

Firstly , i have a father whos caring , understanding and most importantly , trusting.
I cant stress how much i appreciate it whenever someone puts their trust in me.

I have a mother whom i do not live with. However , i meet up with her usually once or twice a month. While she may disapprove of all my guitar stuffs , she still wants to see the best for her son.

I have a godma whom i love so much. Shes REALLY really caring.
Its up to the extent where she has become my Mother and her house has become my second home. Theres a place for me to sleep there , i have my personal area in her house for my clothing and my own cup.. its nice to know that i can live there.

I have a stepmom. Whos rather cool. Well some people discriminate when i tell them that shes from vietnam. But hey i,m not her son. Shes not obligated to do those shit for me like putting up with my sucky attitude at home and cleaning my room.

Hmm. The one whom i,m not too sure of is my stepfather.
Hes some rich man. I dont talk to him much either. But hey, as long as he takes care of my mom , its cool.

Lastly would be my cousins.
Vic and I. We,re the closest. Help each other out. Share guitar tips. Etc.
Then theres Nic and I. We used to be the closest pair. But now hes all like J2 and A levels.
While we dont talk as much , the closeness is still there i guess. Its seen in the form of us always hanging in his room for movies.
Theres the newly found cousin. Not justified to say newly found, but seeing that if i were to make a relationship graph , there would be a gap stretching to around 5-6 years.
Of course i wont forget Darren.hes cool.

However , theres this one person whos also become part of the "family"
His name is chen. hes my cousin's neighbour. But i,ve known him for more than 8 years!
We hang out alot.

So there you have it. My family. Those of you out there especially the more fortunate , Cherish your family. You cant make do w/o them.

and for those who feel that theyre less fortunate , take some time to reflect , think about the things that have so called become " trivial " e.g your parents buying dinner for you almost everyday. It would suck if they didnt do that ya?

All i can say is , Every cloud has a silver lining. Sometimes , things aren't as bad as they may seem.

OK. so thats the family section.
I,ve been wanting to do this for a long time now.
When it comes to Skyler / ex-D'RebirthX
What makes us different from other bands out there.
I,m pretty sure this question could be answered by anyone of the members but i,ll take the liberty to do it since i have time. ( I,m actually procrastinating on certain things. E.g finding a job and music theory )

Ok. So firstly.
Skyler has a mixture of people from different backgrounds.

We have an uncle,
We have a stressed/perverted she-man whos trying to grow fat,
We have a NTU student who speaks animal
We have a guai lan health concious soon to be 20 drummer,
and lastly,
We have an 18year old who acts like a high school kid.

( note if anyone of you is offended by that i,ll remove it )

Thats our lineup.
Apart from that,

We have an understanding for each other.
Yea. Dont see that in a lot of other bands. Just happened that music brought us together , but we,ve discovered so much more that we have in common.
The thing is that. This band supports one another. When one of us is down , the rest will help out. I,m thankful for that. This is not the first time i,m saying this.
Neither will it be the last.

Perhaps i should go through my post before posting.
I realized that there are plently of grammatical errors.

My throat feels horrible. Been eating too many heaty foods. No good.
I wonder what lies ahead for me.
I was thinking that i would probably attain 16 points for O levels..

Heres the breakdown

English , B4
Chinese , C6
Emath , A2
Combi-Sci , A1
Combi-Humans , A2
History , A1

Hoping that i,ll able to score better for my english. But zzzz i fell asleep during my paper 1...
I dont know what i was thinking. I didnt bother checking my composition or letter writing. I just rushed through everything..

Thats such a liability.
But still think about the future.
What lies in store.

Well ok. Thats about all i have to say.
I hope my blog was a good read.

Friday, November 2, 2007 11:23 PM


So this post will the post that silences a crying baby.
The post which lions run away from.
The post which brings a turtle out of its shell.
The post which makes the devil wish he was in heaven.

Woah. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Yea. This week signals the end of the History , Math , English , Chinese papers.
All thats left is social studies and MCQ!!!

Its been a very long time since i,ve got to play robin this way and the feeling is great ~~
Yea.. i,m ready to attempt Marunouchi - Shina Ringo Version - Sadistic ~~
not too mention after about 3 months! yes 3 months! of playing sounan , i still feel great doing that sexy guitar solo.
Time to learn digimon....; )

ok so i,ll be blogging about my "adventure" on the 30th and 31st of October.
But first Pictures ~

The UCC! Its grand!

Day 1. the rehearsal

So ok blogger wont let me upload the rest of the pics i dunno why.
But first things first.
I met up with david on day one , the rehearsal day and we reached kent ridge terminal.
Walked up and saw a map.
You are Here was at the south west of the map
UCC was at the North-west of the map.
So we walked.
Pass the Arts and Social Science block , pass lecture theatre 11 ,
10mins later.
We saw a bustop and took a look at the map.
You are Here. We were OFF COURSE !!!@!#$%
The journey was like lol we were somewhere near the middle on NUS.
It took us a while to reach UCC.
SO. we finally reached UCC. David was telling me. " This place is quite prestigous , Theres this famous japanese ochestra. One of the best. They played here before. My school band went to watch. The president was the guest of honor ".
I was like. " Well yea. This place looks sweet but i doubt we,ll be playing inside. Probably performing in the garden...or smth."

But we couldnt find anyone in the garden.
We searched here and there and there was no one. Until we went to the back of the UCC.
We saw a security guard there and he had a desk. So we went to ask him. Wheres the genie's wishes come true concert?
He asked if we were performers. So we said ya. He asked for our IC numbers and Name. Then he took out this cool sheet of paper and our names were on IT!.

So.. we signed our entry and he gave us this cool lanyard.
It had the word Artiste on it.
While i may be sucky at guitar and all , it still felt great to wear that lanyard.
So we entered the backstage and wow.
We were greeted by many doors.

There were labels on the door.
Genie , Band , Singers , Peformers ,
I was like.. wow we have our own room. Thats sick. Turns out we had to share it with some others. But hey its still cool.
After putting away our stuff in the room , we went to take a look at the stage.
I was stunned when i saw the stage.
I was thinking. Wow this shit is class alright. They had real like REAL lights and smoke machines , there was a cool acoustic guitar there for me , a drumset , grandpiano , bass and guitar amps all that. The feedback monitors were awesome and i was simply stunned by the venue.

I admit , i HAVE to eat my words. I was blogging about how i dreaded this performance and it was a waste of my time and all but. Man, after seeing the venue , i took a 180 degree turn.
Sadly , we didnt get to use the largest hall but this was big enough for me.

So our rehearsal slot came and everything went smoothly.
After rehearsal went home but before that , david and i had dinner in clementi.
Wow clementi is so awesome. I feel deprived.
Clementi has like a dozen bakeries and lots of hawker centres , it has all your needs and a bank too!
At Eunos , all i have are people selling malay foods. While malay food is nice , i cant possibly eat Roti Prata , Murtabak and Nasi Briyani everyday.

So day Two. The actual performance. I met up with matthew and david at Eunos before heading to NUS. This time.. we were smart enough to take shuttle bus B.
Went through the same procedure and soon , it was time for performance.
Matthew met up with Jarvis and they took their seats.
I was waiting backstage.
The stageband was pretty awesome. Especially their lead guitarist. An old Malay uncle with Long hair and his guitar tone especially the bluesier ones were wow. Whats the word... Every note tugged at my heart.

Then , it was our turn. I grabbed the acoustic guitar , slung it round my neck and sat down.
Except.. BUMP! i nearly missed the chair and almost fell.. My butt hurt..
I was thinking. " Oh god Tim.. Not now... "
Anyways i was greatly motivated.
Daniel was like. On the piano , David *applause* and i mean the whole place was applauding. Then , on the guitar , Tim * applause *

So. when the applause died down. I counted.
while hitting my pick on the wooden surface of the guitar.

1 , 2, 3, 4
Strum. * No sound * ...... speechless.
Continue strumming * no sound *

But david already took my cue and started playing....
I was thinking. " Shet!!! the sound guy said that he,d handle everything for me. WHATS HE DOING!!! "

So at the corner of my eye , i saw the sound guy motioning me to increase my volume.
I managed to reach and turn on the volume just before the chorus.

From then on , things went smoothly.

Till Daniel forgot his lyrics.
So he was like..
Wont you tell her shes specialty...specialty....ohhh yeaaa.
Wont you tell her shes specialty.....
Wont you tell her shes beautifull....ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh .

From my point of view , it was hilarious. But i dont know what the audience was thinking.
anyways. i guess it was a success.

Jarvis , Matthew , Daniel , David and I went to clementi for dinner.
I had Lamb chop. It cost me 6 bucks. BUT DANG it was delicious.Yum yum yum.
Servings were kinda small though = /

So... thats the great NUS adventure.

Now.. about personal stuff.
I,m starting to realize that if i just stop thinking about that particular matter. I would feel better.
I,m trying to detach myself from it.
I,m trying not to rely on the support of M.
If i could do that. Would i be sad? On the other hand , if i could do that. I,d definitely be stronger.

Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:37 AM

To blog or not to blog.
That is the question. Probably not. i,m tired = /
But theres quite a lot of stuff to talk about

The happy stuff ,
The cool stuff ,
The sad stuff
The worrying stuffs ,
The funny stuff ,
The stupid stuff ,
The serious stuff ,
The personal stuff ?

I need to improve my vocabulary.