Monday, December 31, 2007 5:54 PM

bored to death.
Nothing to do.
Suddenly , theres no more rushing for me..
Well. I dont have money either.

I have no one to go out with.
Matthew is at a party.
Gang yi and Gang rui are busy helping their dad.
Skyler is doing their stuff too...

I am one bored person.
kk time to work...i,ve been slacking ever since yesterday..

Sunday, December 30, 2007 11:07 AM

" nuff said "

1:57 AM

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E !!!




kk tired as hell.
Right now the post gig syndrome is starting to wear off.

Day started with pre-gig syndrome.
Pre-gig syndrome means i cant even finish a bowl of rice.

Then sound check took super long... which kinda screwed up our plans.

Disclaimer : If you continue to read this , dont blame me for anything you find offensive.

I think the PBO staff have to get their act together.
I mean. Ok theyre not horrible. They are nice people.
But theres seriously a timing problem.
When you tell people to report for soundcheck at 1.00pm , dont drag and let us soundcheck at 3pm. Furthermore , because you guys were too slow in setting up , our soundcheck was basically just running thru 2 songs.

Well , of course while i may unhappy with the timing problem , i think the PBO staff did a decent job equipment wise. Also , i think they made a nice environment for performing ( curtains and such ) and also the lights were kinda cool. Although you dont want to play your guitar solo and suddenly the light shines into your eye.

Things were kinda rushy and despite my " preparation " i still had trouble deciding what to wear. Well. Everyone besides Jarvis had trouble...

I,d say that overall we did a good job. Not great but good.
After counting , i had 3 minor screwups ( those barely noticable ) and 2 major screwups. One during my sweetchild solo and another during the beggining of sounan.
I tried to be cool. Tried to show emotion ... move about. Tried...
But its still good.

It seems that Marunouchi was a real lifesaver.
I mean Andrew didnt screwup his solo so thats good and people were like all wow about Xinyi's flute.
I still remember after the gig. This girl came up to her and was something like. " Hey i liked your performance or smth "
I thought i was a little cool too. Because when i was ard the entrance. This girl came up to me and she was all like. " Hi you,re the guitarist for the 2nd band right? Are you interested in joining this talent competition or smth? "
Well. i figured she probably approached every guitarist seeing that i,m one of the lousier ones down there.
But hehe. I,m glad i didnt screwup my Glam Sky solo.

Razzle play
In my opinion , these guys were the best band in the whole gig.
They were rather poppish but i found their music really enjoyable.
The vocalist while sometimes a little soft was able to sing with emotion and style.
The lead guitarist and the bassist looked like they were having fun. Also , the lead guitarist played some cool stuff which shows a certain level of skill too.
The rythmn guitarist was a female whom did backup vocals too.
She was rather cool and while she may be female ( no sexism here ) her playing was good.
Lets just say that i enjoyed their performance very much , everything was good. Sound , volume control , stage craft etc.

After gig went to Mcdonalds with Skyler plus , Peiwen , Phoebe and Glen
We were talking nonsense at first but suddenly the topic went to NS.
You see. My table had 2 girls , me and Yirun whos a pre-enlistee. I mean it was still ok at the start because they were talking about funny NS stuff and the retarded things in NS.
But after a while i was a little stoned.
Nevertheless , it was quite enjoyable.
our gig money? GONE into macdonalds for 8 people. Since peiwen , phoebe and glen were cool people so we got them dinner too = )


Friday, December 28, 2007 6:04 AM




Episode 1 - 10 was ok. In fact , i,d say it was really enjoyable.
But episodes 11 and 12. ITS JUST WRONG.

I mean. episodes 1 to 10 were really awesome. The mangaka could have decided to end it in a pleasant way.
But NO. he had to go into that nonsense and this is friggin crazy.
I didnt expect such a reaction from watching anime... but this is friggin necrophilia.
what the hell. Its beyond that.

My god i thought that i had an obsession problem. But no... this is just different.
This is beyond obsession.

Urghh. i feel like puking.
Friggin disgusting

1:36 AM

i,m not gonna kid myself.

Jamming today sucked.
Everything was WRONG.

But hey. That just means i,ll have to work harder for these 2 days.
Perhaps i,ve changed a little.
I still remember way back then. Whenever jamming sucked , i would EMO.
As in like it was a horrible kinda emo.

This is the mood scale which i created
Suicidal - Depressed - Melancholic - Sad - Normal - Content - Happy - Great - Euphoric

Well , right now i,m feeling Normal.
But dang. I think my DS-2 is spoilt.
Super a lot of feedback GRRR.
Nevermind. I,ll borrow Matthew's DS-2

Xinyi gave me some candy from japan.
I generally like candy and because its from japan its extra cool.
( Anything from japan is generally cooler. YES ANYTHING i swear even if japan had roti prata , i,d be cooler )

Anyway. The gig is 2 days away.
This would be my 5th public performance.
This time round however , i,ll be playing tougher stuff.
Couple of difficult solos. Marunouchi which is the simplest song has a few tough chords too.
For the first time , glamorous sky would be different ... I,m a bit nervous about Sounan. The beggining. Yea. my success rate for that thingy is about 40%? ... yea that isnt too good.

So besides that. I guess i,m able to cope better with my insecurities.
I mean like i,ve been telling Anthony and Gang Yi to move on and stuff.
But man.. sometimes i think i,m the one who needs to move on. Or maybe i just dont want to...
Ok look i,m not gonna start all that nonsense now.
Gig is in 2 days. No time for this crap.

Saionji was a wreck. Itou had went to answer the doorbell , leaving her all alone.
She knew that she loved him. She knew that he loved her too.
Yet , she was unsure. He hadn't ended it officially with Kotonoha yet.
Yes. She couldnt stand this feeling of guilt.
For the past week , Itou and her had been seeing each other , having lunch together , making out after school , acting like a couple behind Kotonoha's back.
Yet , never once did she have the assurance that she and Itou were officially together.
Itou had never mentioned ending it with Kotonoha.
But..all this stuff they did together. Wasnt it enough to show his feelings towards her?
To make things worse. Itou had been avoiding Kotonoha.
He stopped eating with her during recess. He stopped replying her messages. Even to the extent of avoiding her when they passed each other along the corridor.
Yes. His actions made Saionji happy.
But what was happening now?
Kotonoha was at the door. She could hear his conversation with her.
Itou didnt know how to react.
He did not give Kotonoha his address.
Yet , here she was right in front of his doorstep.
Saionji was in the room waiting for him.
But right in front of him was the girl he loved. Loved?? He still loved her. But things were different now. He loved Saionji too.
He had vowed to end things with Kotonoha. But he just couldnt. Her angelic face , her sweet voice , her curvy figure and pleasant dispositure , he just couldnt bear to break the news to her.

Itou : Hhhi Kotonoha. how did you know where i lived?

Kotonoha : I asked Taisuke... Itou. I would like to talk to you. I havent been seeing you much in school and i think something is wrong with my phone because my messages cant seem to get to you.

Itou : Ahh..haha thats a pity. But you see. Actually , i,ve been a little busy with the class committee. You know ... preperations for Mid-Autumn festival and all..haha

Kotonoha : Oh! thats how it is. haha you,ve been working hard then. I was a little worried because Taisuke made a mistake and told me that you,ve broken up with me. He even said that you were together with Saionji. How absurd right? Hey Itou , during the mid autumn festival. Will you dance with me?

Itou : Err... haha. er i might be busy you know.. with class stuff. I cant confirm now. Really. Actually , its not too convienient to talk now. I,m actually not feeling too well you see. Yea. I mean its better if i,m alone. Not good if you catch my sickness.

Kotonoha : Oh is that so? oh. ok i guess i,ll see you around then. Bye , get well soon.
Kotonoha wasnt an idiot.
She felt horrible. She had noticed the other pair of shoes next to Itou's.
Those belonged to Saionji.
Saionji was with Itou right now and she wasnt...
Tears trickled down Saionji's face as she heard the conversation between Itou and Kotonoha.
Why couldnt he be straight with her?
Why couldnt he tell Kotonoha the truth.
It was killing her.
The fact that she might lose him to another woman.
She wanted to be the object of his love. She didnt want to share him.
She felt cheated.

Itou : Haha. sorry to keep you waiting. It was some salesman..persistant guy.

Saionji : I,m leaving. I,m going home.

Itou : Hey! wwait. You cant leave now. No.. wait please.

Saionji : Let go of me! I can leave whenever i want. Besides. You still have Kotonoha.

* door slam *
Saionji stormed out of the apartment.
Her mind was a whirlpool of emotions. Anger , Sadness , Jealousy .. those feelings clouded her.
She saw the lift door closing.
Dashing , she managed to hit the button right before the door snapped shut.
As the door opened , she saw Kotonoha staring at her with a look of confusion and hatred.

Kotonoha : Saionji... You are a despicable woman.
* SLAP *

To be continued...

Thursday, December 27, 2007 1:23 AM

went back to maris stella high school today.
I,ve grown very close to some of my teachers.
I am very grateful for them.
Today , i had an appointment ( i was like. 1 and a half hours late ) with mrs maria koh my favourite vice principal.

I was rather worried about my subject combination for JC.
My desired combination would be
H2 Econs , H2 Hist , H2 Chem/Physics , H1 Math.
But well , some complications arise because i dropped A math in sec 4...

Yea. Huge regret now. O well...
Anyways , because of the absence of Amath in my arsenal ,
I was only eligible for these 2 combinations in CJC
H2 Hist , Lit , Econs and H1 math
H2 Geog , Lit , Econs and H1 math
Anyways my favourite vice principal called up CJC's VP for me to ask if there was anyway that i could study my desired combination in CJC.
Answer was No... go figure.
However , SRJC was offering my desired combination.
But..mrs koh strongly recommended me not to go to SRJC , reason being the new principal is only 1 year old and they replaced about 20 of the more experienced teachers with new ones.

Well , she did make me feel a bit better about studying Lit and she also let me know what i could branch out into from studying Lit , Hist and Econs.
I also consulted my mentor , Mrs Tan Chin.
She told me that she herself took H2 Hist , Lit , Econs and H1 math in JC.
Well. Hey here she is HOD of humanities Maris stella high.
I figure its not as bad as i thought it would be.
Hmmm... perhaps after 2 years of studying lit, the standard of my english would really improve

+insert british accent+
Hey old chaps ~ Won any good wars lately?
52 rounds in a single Spitfire.. hohoho.
Good ol ' Winchester.
Tally Ho , lets celebrate with some tea and scones


ya.. vivid imagination....
So theres smth else i wanted to blog about.

My best friends since secondary school.
The twins. Gang yi and Gang Rui.

Gang yi was talking to me about what happened.
He broke up with his girlfriend about a year ago.
They were the sweetest couple. Seriously.
I could still remember. Every saturday night , after TKD.
Gang Yi , Gang Rui , Lyndy and I would get onto Uncle's (the twins' father) lorry and he would fetch me to a convienient bustop and Lyndy to the mrt station.
Anyway. Being on the back of a lorry is awesome.
Gang Rui and I would sit together and talk like best friends do while taking in the breeze.
The two lovebirds would be having their own conversation most of the time.
I mean.. it was romantic.

So.. they broke up about a year ago.
However , they still kept in touch through TKD.
Recently , Lyndy started dating a friend of ours.
Gang yi felt betrayed. I mean sure she has the right to choose whomever she wants to see.
BUT , Leonard was our friend. We trained together , sweated together , laughed together...
But boom. Suddenly , hes with Lyndy.

Gang yi took it like a man.
But today , he was out with the group and leonard and lyndy were doing some couple stuff.
Gang yi couldnt take it. He left halfway through the outing.

The point of emphasize of blogging this down.
I,m his best friend. I knew how much he loved Lyndy. Its like loving someone with all your heart and soul. Only to see her leave you for someone else.
Imagine the pain. The heartache.

Well , if you,re reading this. Really try and visualize this. Try and feel it yourself.
This is the kind of feeling that can ruin a person. These kind of thoughts will wear you down. They,ll make you tired so you cant function as well. They will constantly invade your mind so that you lose conciousness of your surroundings. It gets even worse when you,re all alone and you have no one to talk to.

Now heres the link.

My best friend is going through this shit.
I dont want this to happen to me. I,ll be wrecked.
Dealing in relationships is sometimes , like Gambling.
Like playing Black Jack.
You have a 19 in your hand. Yet you choose to draw another card in hope that you would get a 20 or 21.

Risky. But the rewards are really awesome.
I,m also a little unsure about myself.
Arghh, enough nonsense. My eyes are closing.
I pray for gang yi's well being

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 8:56 PM



1:19 AM

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Its time for me to tell you guys a story.
True story too.
Last year. On christmas , i wished for a band.
More specifically , I wished for a band with a female bassist.

Boy did my wish come true.
Well , Hey. It came true but not in a perfect sort of way.
Nevertheless, i cant deny that this has been a really really GOOD year for me.

Firstly , I joined 2 awesome bands , D'Rebirth X (Skyler) and TempX. ( whats with the Xs? )

Why i am grateful.
While Christine might not have been too awesome and i say bad stuff about her behind her back , Theres no denying the fact that she gave me the opportunity to play in a band and brought together 4/5 of Skyler. Therefore , i am thankful.

Theres Also , Skyler itself. These guys are the best. I swear. i feel so lucky to have such friends.
Yes. We help each other out and that matters so much to me.
Not only that , i might be what you call hao lian , but we play good music too!

Of course i wont forget TempX.
I learnt a hell lot from Jarvis. From things like playing in a band to leading a band , stuffs like that. Needless to say , without his leadership in TempX , i,d still be lacking a whole lot.
Of course , i,m also lucky to play with 2 very skilled musicians , Kevin and David.

This year , I also played in my first gig. It was an unforgettable experience.
I,ll be playing in more gigs to come too probably. Theres the one on 29th...

Things have also been going well for me in school.
Firstly , i,ve stopped failing and even rose to the top of the class.
I,ve gained some respect for myself and ( this applies for school life only ) people look up to me so , thats a plus.
My teachers have restored their faith in me and i,ve changed from the fail guy to the score guy. So...thats cool ( no my chinese is still C6 standard. Thats probably never gonna change )
Lets just say that i can finally raise my head a little.
Back then , my parents and godparents were always nagging me to work hard so that i could get into poly.
This year , its different. I gotta admit , my chest swells whenever i hear my godma tell another relative that i topped the class or smth.
Also , i,ve gotten into the JC of my choice. CJC = )

Relationship wise , besides Skyler and TempX , i,ve made a number of close friends.
Matthew , hes a helluva good friend.
I still keep in touch with Gang Yi and Gang Rui and we look forward to watching I am Legend together.
Of course , the event of the year would be restoring my long lost relationship with my cousin HweePeng.
Yes . I dunno how it happened but by some twist of fate , we,re close again.

But seriously , the reason why i say that this year is a good year.
Its because of acceptance. Compared to my previous years , where i was constantly looked upon as a failure . I mean i couldnt do shit.
Seriously , i couldnt pass of as some pro gangster guy. Not a guy of my size.. I couldnt pass of as some pro sportsperson ( Sure i played basketball and Badminton but i was far from good )
I was a failure when it came to females and Studies ( still pretty much a failure when it comes to females ) Oh.. I know what i was pro at back then... I was pro at Warcraft. Yep.. thats about it.

But now , i mean i,m accepted by people and thats just swell.
So , i had a good year.
I wish for a good year 2008 too.

2007 was great but its time to move on.
Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:49 AM

29th dec is approaching. I,m getting riled up.
Competition keeps me going.
I,m having an adrenaline boost just thinking about it.

1:12 AM

Have i mentioned how much i despise Screamo and all that crap?
I also happen to hate the newer Jrock bands like Unsraw , Alice9 and all that nonsense.
I seriously feel ashamed when i tell people. " I listen / play Jrock "
Why? Cos Jrock is associated to those bands.
Totally ruining the image of other Jrock bands like Xjapan , SiamShade , L~arc , Luna Sea.
Friggin ruining the image of the good Jrock bands which i love so much.
I know i,m not a good guitarist but hey. I still am liable to asset my own opinions.
Those crap musics should be renamed smth like Jcrap or Jemo.
Forget the J. Japanese are supposed to be cool.

When i was in Tokyo , Majority of the people there listened to the cool stuff like Yui and all that.
Even in Ocha no mizu , guitar street.
I visited about 12 guitar stores
Yet , none of them had this nonsense playing.
It was mostly , Dream Theater , Shredding stuffs , Guns and Roses kind of music.
Not this bullshit.

Those Singaporeans who like to dress " Japanese " Well F.Y.I
You guys FAIL.
In japan , the people let alone musicians dont wear the kinda crap
During my whole trip. I only saw 1. 1 measly store selling the kind of clothes you stupid Singaporean dress up as japanese wear.

( Forgive my grammar and spelling , I,m on a rant. People dont care about grammar and spelling when they rant )

Seriously. Hate it. I dont know. I,m not them. Either they,re on a totally different level as compared to me , or their sense of hearing is seriously F-ed up
How can you actually enjoy that crap.
u like being emo like Alice 9?
Let me help you.
You,ll be fulfilling you,re pact as a true blue J-shit fan and doing the world a favor too.

I dont get it.
How the hell can bands like these get famous.
Yet , Bands like L.O.S (god bless their awesome music)
are stuck trying to get pro and playing street lives in ikebukuro every tuesday.
I mean L.O.S is on a whole new level when compared to that crap.

Love One Straw ( yea dumb name ) is a band vic and I saw playing on the streets near our hotel.
They rocked so hard and were better than ALL the bands i,ve seen play in Singapore.
I loved them so much that i bought their CD.

Heres their site.

KK , enough ranting about useless music which should be banished from the face of the earth.
Good day , Bye.

( P.S : If you happen to be one of those people who dresses like a japanese and acts cute and speaks like this " Ohayoo , XXX chan. Neh , where did you buy that skirt , kawaii " , i strongly suggest you stop deluding yourself. Your japanese is freakin horrible. Stop making yourself look worse. Also , If you're a musician who plays stuff like Alice9 and all that crap , I appeal to you. Please dont be offended by my post. You have all the right in the world to listen to whatever music you enjoy. However , while i cant do anything about your preferences , i strongly suggest that you go visit a therapist to have your brain checked. )

Friday, December 21, 2007 11:50 PM

Christmas is coming.
So I added a Christmas song to my blog = )

10:10 PM

Hello Everyone. Your friendly neighbourhood Tim here.
I have to thank warcraft for this. My PCs monitor got screwed up so i cant play warcraft.
Therefore , i am able to BLOG =D

Tims Rating : 9/10
Why? 9/10
Cuz While everything is awesome in japan , some of the older generation japanese ( 40+ )
Are EXTREMELY rude.. so ya.. turnoff

There are like bout 100 more pictures but this is from my camera.
I cant seem to upload the pics from my Godmothers Camera.
So anyway. This is my japan experience with Godma , Nic and Vic

Thats our plane

I,m on the plane = )

Ikebukuro , Sunshine City , PRINCE hotel
XD . Vic and i shared a room. Godma and Nic in the adjoining room

Our room. This is my side. THe window and TV side. Note my messiness.

This is vic's side. The Cupboard side. Note the tidyness
Well is vic more tidy then me?
Answer , NO. At least most of the time hes not. This is one of those rare occasions.

I wanted to take a photo of the view from our room.
Instead i got this cool reflection thingy.

I,m all style in Delifrances Toilet which btw is better than any toilet i,ve been to.

Seigaku Gakuen Tennis Team NEWEST RECRUIT . Vic = )

A Bread shop near our hotel. ITs hella pretty.

Tim in Ginza. The place where everything is branded and a cup of coffee costs $20 sgd

Ochanomizu aka Guitar Street = )

Every Guitarist would wanna be here at least once.
Those things all around us. Are guitar effects. I bought my Chorus pedal from this shop.
Staff are super nice too.
Not like them Singapore guitar store staff...
KK i better shut up before someone from Swee Lee or G77 or whatever reads this and flames me.

This is made of god material.
SGD $300

Here we ARE. At Tokyo dome city = )
That thing behind us? TOKYO DOME.

Tokyo Dome City has this crazy roller coaster.
It is SICK. Vic and I sat it TWICE.
Notice the beautiful color of the tree leaves?

Another Picture at Ikebukuro where our hotel is located

Shinjuku ~~ Another Area bustling with activity and shopping
Guess the Time. 6.30pm ?
WRONG its only 4 o clock but the sky is this dark

Akihabara The Electric / Anime Town.
If you look closely , theres a Shakugan No shana Billboard

Vic and I went down one night at about 11pm
We met Ramen Ojisan.
With his Skill Ramen.
Why i call it Skill Ramen?
Its delicious. This is a roadside , pushcart stall btw.
Oh and it isnt dirty Too! The ojisan actually washed our bowls in boiling water which kills all the germs = )

Roppongi , the nightclub , gangster , prostitute area of Tokyo.
Vic and i were here because we wanted to find livehouses in japan and see some
bands perform.Well , we didnt catch any but there was this pwnsome fish.
Its huge btw. ( yes i know i look gay in this picture )

Shibuya! Godma and i are taking a photo with a statue of Hachiko.
The legendary Dog. Its story is similar to that of the westerners , Lassie

Nic and Vic. We,re At Asakusa! The place with all the cool japanese Shrines.

Vic is cool with a wooden sword

I,m cool too

Shopping Street! With all the traditional japanese stuff

Asakusa Temple entrance. I know it looks small But its only the entrance. You have to walk about 2km to reach the Actual Shrine

A pagoda. I just thought it looked cool

LoL this is actually a Taiyaki shop ( pastry ) But vic and I are taking a picture with the Sharingan = )

Me and thats the cool temple entrance

I love it in japan. Everything is beautiful.
The girls , The guys , The animals , The vegetation , The buildings , The girls ...
Yes Those ARE SAKURA flowers
Sakura = Cherry Blossom.
They are Beautiful

Grrr I,ll try and get the photos taken from Godma's camera to work.
She took like 100 over photos.
Theres still so much more.
Anyways = ) Japan is cool.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:02 AM

as lazy as a tim.


ok whatever.
Gimme some time to settle down.
Gotta get used to the fact that i,m in Singapore T_T

After that , you,ll get a delicious nice long post

Thursday, December 6, 2007 6:54 PM

i think its time to upgrade myself

After reading some Brochures , i came up with a list.

Bullshit filter
1metre radius anti salesperson shield
Ah Beng repellent
A new set of skills
8Gb RAM for my brain
10000cc horsepower for my legs
Idiot detector
Inbuilt photographic memory
Vocal range of 20Hz to 20000Hz
Mind reader ver2.4
Muscle upgrades

Well. thats just naming a few
Have a nice day = )

12:23 AM

never thought i,d like mando-pop.
First chinese group/artist that i liked was F.I.R
but i guess Mayday is cool too.

So i was thinking.
Do i blog to complain?

Notice that my posts are really short when i,m not complaining about something.
Of course i might blog about events such as outings or whatever. But majority of my longer posts are about complaints..

Perhaps i,m using my blog as an avenue to complain. let out some bad air.

i,m gonna go listen to summore chinese songs.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 1:17 AM

Another one of my flaws.
I get jealous easily = /
zzz its a hindrance to my development.
But arggh.

well. the only good thing about jealousy is probably

X JAPAN - Silent Jealousy

12:31 AM

At every workplace..
There,ll always be that person who just doesnt click with you.
There,ll always be that particular person who causes you trouble.

For my case , its not my boss but my boss's wife.
My boss is the presiding examiner.
Apparently , his wife is the supervisor.

Well. i shant go into detail.

Anyway. Today i got row duty ^^
Quite cool.
At least theres something to do...

Yesterday i got toilet duty.. Horrible.
I get to stand there and watch ppl pee.

" Excuse me , no talking in the toilet. "
Do you NOT understand.
HELLO.. you,re OLDER THAN ME. you,re probably like 27 years old..
Yet you go to the toilet , when the exam is still in session , see a friend and strike a conversation , RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN INVIGILATOR.
Have you not taken exams before ???

And then , he tells me. " huh?? say hello only what. "
Dude. I dunno how much money you spent on this paper but if i were a bastard , saying hello meant communication between candidates which means i can take down your register number , give it to the presiding examiner , report you for cheating and screw up your future.

Cmon.. my partner was waiting outside the toilet. When i came out , she asked me.
" got people talking ??? "
I just brushed her off with some lame excuse.

But thank god i had a decent partner yesterday. It helped that she was pretty too ^^
I was too embarassed to talk about my qualifications.
Shes studying accountancy 2nd year in NTU.
So she was like " where are you schooling?? "
my answer. " Oh , i,m 18. I just completed my exams.. eh?? how long has that girl been in the toilet? "

Anyway. Row duty is much funner , yea more tiring but its not as boring as toilet duty.
My partner was helpful too. He guided me along the way. Hes in 3rd year Business from SMU.
So i,m thinking... goodness. i,m like lol just completed O levels???
Paiseh you know.
Imagine if those taking the papers knew that someone who had JUST completed O levels was invigilating them. It would be like... " i,m way smarter and much more qualified than this guy... "

Anyway , i hope i get row duty again tomorrow.

After , work , i went to meet The guys for music theory , lol...
Did i just say that??
" I went to meet the guys "
" I went to meet Andrew , Xinyi and Yirun. "
Anyway you get my drift.
I think i wanna watch the golden compass. It looks pretty cool.
They got BATTLE POLAR BEARS which is totally appealing to the teenage boy side of myself.

Had Taco Bell. I swear , its either the outlet at Lido sucks or the standard of food is dropping.. The cheese was like weird and the Beef in fries supreme wasnt too cool either. Ended up wasting my money...

So all that chitchat and then Andrew had to say those words.

" do you believe in ghosts? "

Then it all started. The Ghost stories came out and the last one was super freaky. I swear if you wanna know just ask me. Its helluva freaky.

So like. On saturday i was at Lcube. I met Jane.
We chatted about Japan.
I feel like a dumb piece of shit talking to her.
She makes me look like one of those retarded guys who try to play the guitar and has zero brain cells.
But hey. She might not know it but she taught me a valuable lesson. Or more like reinforced a value that i should bear in mind.
NEVER take the good things for granted.
Appreciate the fact that you even have such luxury and be grateful to the person/persons that provide you with such luxury.

kk. Thats about it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 12:59 AM

Theres a problem for everyone.

Some people have anger problems
Some people have problems with members of the opposite sex
Some people have workload problems
Others might be physically or mentally impaired thus causing them problems.

There might be people who cant live w/o girls.
There might be people who cant stand being boring
There might be people who cant stand being ugly.

But i swear i,ve got a disease.
I,m not the only one with the disease.
In fact there are others in the world with this disease too.

My problem..
I,m allergic to myself.

Yes. I,m my problem.
Its not funny.
Its so true that its scary.

what am i ever gonna do...
Listen to YUI.
Shes all like I can change my life.
Yup. Hey at least shes expressing her feelings.
kk no connection. I have nothing to do with Yui except the fact that i enjoy her songs.

Well. Let me teach you how to recognize people with the same problem as me.
Firstly , think back to your secondary school days.
You remember that kid who always got into trouble? the one ALWAYS standing outside the discplinary master's office? Ya thats someone with my problem.

Let me name some people who share the same problem as me.
You remember that guy? Adolf Hitler?
ya he has my problem. Thing is that he got lucky and had enough ability to lead Germany for a while.
You know the previous drummer from Larc'en'ciel? Sakurasomething? The one who went to jail for drugs? Ya thats me too.
You know Yoshiki? and hide? Ya. me again. Well, yoshiki has changed a little from back then.
Did you know that when they started out , X was a notorious band? No livehouse or club wanted them to play. They would always thrash the venue. Get into fights all that.

But the difference between me and yoshiki or hide? I dont have skills.

Having a problem with yourself.
Its a very subtle problem.

You might first think. NO. i,m not the problem. Its that guy. not me.
You might first think. Nah.. its just like that one.
Or you might even be thinking. HEY! i,m doing the right thing k?
Look and so and so. He/she cant do better.

As to how to cure , this disease, theres no 100% proven cure.
Some people grow outta it.
Well , some people nib the problem in the bud by committing suicide.
But i guess , the most effective way would be to seek help.

Someone. Anyone.
If you have time, gimme a call.
We could talk about stuff.
You could call me to listen to my problems , you could call me to complain about your problems. I,d be glad to listen irregardless of how retarded or severe it might be. You could call to talk about Anything. Guitar , food , your relationship problem , clothing , games , animals , you could even talk to me about computers and all that technical stuff. I,ll try to listen.

If you feel shy about calling we could talk on msn too. If you,re a total stranger who isnt planning on kidnapping me , we could talk. Although i dont think you,ll have my number or msn.

I mean. NO ones gonna leave their phone number on their blog.
If you have rememdies to my problem , please , please , PLEASE let me know of them. Of course i,m not expecting some kinda instant remedy but hey , advice is welcomed with open arms.

Its retarded. i swear. people with my kinda problem.
Who and what i,m becoming poses a problem to myself.
Its either you change what u become or you change yourself.

Enough gibberish.

You know the song by the Beegees? It goes like this.

I started a joke. Which got the whole world laughing.
Only i didnt see...
That the joke was on me