Monday, January 28, 2008 12:34 AM

started yesterday off with band.
My playing is coming along well but my tonguing is still pretty bad i feel.

Went home and slept before meeting Andrew , Xinyi and Phoebe at City hall ; sorry for being late.

Goodness. Things are gonna start to heat up soon.
Grade 5 is coming.

Speaking of heating up , Had thai express.
I was the only one whom had the green chicken curry which was delicious but oh so spicy.
The rest had soft shell crab curry which i guess was cool too.
Talked about stuff and shet.
Xinyi's new phone is cool.
Everyone is seriously changing to sony ericsson.
Makes me wanna join in the crowd too. Poor nokia = (

Went to MPH after and took a look at books.
I wanted to by the book titled " Painting mona lisa " which was full of ACTION , BETRAYAL , ROMANCE , A HAIR RAISING EXPERIENCE , EXCITMENT ON EVERY PAGE.
yea. its cool.

But im still reading " a hopeless romantic "
So = ( i didnt buy it.
Saw some cool books though.
The Mystery Method - Neil Strauss
Think Big and Kick Ass - Donald Trump
I AM RIGHT , YOU ARE WRONG - edward de bono
yea and some pretty interesting others.

So After we seperated , i went back down to get my appletini.
David , Kevin and Matthew were supposed to come over but they didnt so...
Well , the appletini is awesome though. Crazy expensive too.

Had and enjoyable time last night.
Better than rotting at home any day.
Yea but it kinda burns a hole in my wallet too.

So i went over to Matthews today.
we chilled. played guitar and warcraft

But i was feeling insecure again.
Generally , i dont like people from Maris Stella , save a few.
Maybe its just me , but i feel that they are insensitive bastards , well , if i were to generalize.
Quite a number of Marists gonna end up in CJC. Urghh. Hate Marists but Love the school and teachers.

I,m worried about the future.
I,m having a great time in CJC now. My class is awesome and things are good.
I,m afraid that , after reshuffling and all that , i,ll end up in a shitty class , shit happens.
I,m afraid that bad things will occur and my JC life gets ruined.
I guess you can say that i,m afraid of change.

Its also like how i dont feel too good about getting new band members. I do realize that my band members are reading this. But i,m not implying anything.
Its because of the fear that , whats good will get taken away.
I love my class the way it is , I love my band the way it is.
I guess thats why i,m against change.

Yet , its a saying that to be perfect is to change constantly and for the better.
Insecure , insecure , insecure.
Most people have problems fitting into a new environment initially , after time , a huge majority of the above portion start to fit in and become part of the group.
I probably fall into that category.
But its like how everyone is afraid of being alone.

I remember in july.
Xinyi was saying how she feared that she would be all alone in university.
I shan't elaborate.
But i guess its similar to how i,m feeling now.

Putting that aside.
I think its time for me to assume some responsibilty.
Last week , I had the excuse that i couldnt concentrate on anything cos of O level results.
Now i,ve gotten good results and theres no reason for worry.
Its time to start organizing myself again.

I,ve got to find math tuition tomorrow.
I have to organize my school materials tomorrow.
I have to get started on Grade 4 or else i,ll have insufficient time.
I have to get the readings on International History

These 4 tasks would suffice for starters.
I,ve slacked enough

Thursday, January 24, 2008 5:26 PM

I want to scream.
I am genuinely happy with my results.
Sure i realize that i could have done better , grr but it is sufficient to make me a happy man.

I want to show you a measure of growth.
Ya. Its possible to go from a failure to a good student.
This was 2 years back

If you cant read , its
English C6
Chinese F9
AMath F9
EMath F9
Science F9
Combi Humans E8
History D7

= (
But in comparison , take a good look at this.

Admittedly , i coulda done better for chinese...
And Damn , i shoulda scored an A1 for English.
But this is prove that hardwork pays off.

I guess , i can safely say.

Of course , this would not have been possible if not for the support from a few very important people.

My Teachers ( Ms V.Tan , Mrs Tanchin , Mr Dennis Koh , Mrs Maria Koh , Ms Lee , Ms Aida , Ms Foo , Mr Goy , Mr LimBengHuat , Mr K.y.k and Ms Latha , my ex math teacher who was previously a punk/metal rocker gal )

My Godmother

Skyler , ( Andrew,Jarvis,Xinyi,Yirun )

Gang yi , Gang rui , Matthew , Hwee Peng , Chen ,

My family

My friends whom i wont mention because i,d end up typing a lot of names.

and last but not least
Myself & Leena and Robin.

I swear. Ever since i started playing guitar , my grades have been improving.

ok enough of that.

With this , A chapter of my life has ended and a new chapter begins = )

Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:37 PM

you know. i need relief.
Today , there has been this nagging voice in my head telling me that i,m not doing enough.

I woke up in the morning...ok afternoon.
Did my GP research and assignment.
Read the latest chapter of naruto and browsed the forums.
Practiced my Saxaphone
Did my econs tutorial
Watched F.I.R dvd and after that Scrubs.

I could have been more productive.
But i didnt exactly waste the whole day either.
But the bugging feeling is there.

Ok. I,m gonna go a little off topic here.
I categorize people into 5 different categories in my msn account.
Today i,m gonna talk about the category named, best frenssss.
I have 11 names under that category.
Those are the people whom i feel i can be at ease with.
I can really talk about anything under the sun to them.
Basically i enjoy and i need their company.

Sure.. I,m making new friends everyday in school. But i cant open up completely to them. No way. I cant talk to them about whats really bugging me. Or stuff like that.
But i know for sure that i can confide in those 11 ppl.

I feel that i,m a person who needs to let out my emotions or frustrations or insecurities through talking.
Usually Matthew gets the special privilege of listening to my crap.
But generally , everyone of those 11 has taken time to listen to my problems and stuff. So i,m grateful.

Theres this quote. From Scrubs.
Its in the op. I would like to mention it here because i guess its true.

It goes like this.
" I cant do this all on my own. Cos i,m no superman "
I doubt any of us could do it all on our own.
Thats why we need each other.

Oh and about that F.I.R dvd.
I,m not trying to bash F.I.R or anything , in particular Fay , cos shes really awesome. Yea shes one of my favourites.
Perhaps she wasnt feeling well before the concert or maybe she had a sorethroat.
But whatever the reason , i think it was kinda embarrassing for her because there was this song which i really liked.

It's called "Get High" in Fight tribe album. But she kinda screwed up the beggining where she was trying to get the crowd riled up but kept on not being able to hit the note.

Looks like even pros have insecurities too.
But she really carried it well you know. She hung in there till the end.

Friday, January 18, 2008 1:22 AM

I wanted to blog about people.
People whom have made an impression on me.

But i,m gonna limit this group to people in my class.
First impressions. I am a person who believes in first impressions but , it seems that this time round , i was misleaded by them.

I would probably talk about 3 people today.

First person would be Ms.M
Ms.M is a girl in my class.
My first impression of her was that she was a flirty girl , rather loud one.
By fate , i happened to be seated next to Ms.M in class.
I started to realize that theres more than meets the eye.
I thought that Ms.M was someone who played a lot , made commotions , wanted attention. I didnt think she would be serious about anything but i was proven wrong.
I was walking to the bustop with Ms.M a few days ago and the talk started to lean towards our lessons. The thing is , if you actually stop and listen , i can really agree with her point of view.
Ms.M and i are similar in the issue that we both have the same academic goals and are serious about work in general.
However , what really made want to blog about Ms.M was her morals.
After about a week of having lessons and sitting next to her , i start to realize that Ms.M was actually a very very compassionate person.
Let me cite some examples.
She doesnt leave anyone behind. I mean she makes a concious effort to talk to people.
She is really nice.
Yesterday , i found out that she was a volunteer at a care centre which helped mentally disabled children.
Because of this particular point , i started being able to understand her actions better.
What she does is she talks to children , teenagers whom have been discharged from the institute of mental health. They are normal children but are very introverted.
They find it hard to make conversation and refuse to open up to people.
She talks to them , befriends them and gets them to open up.
I admire her devotion because while i may be a volunteer and a Racial Harmony Youth Ambassador , i,m a pretty horrible one and havent been active for the past year.
I think its because of what she does that contributes to her bubbly personality. Always laughing , smiling and generally lifting up the mood of the whole group.

There was also this particular excercise where we were split into groups.
I was in the same group as Ms.M
This was what we had to do.

There has been a nuclear war and there are only 11 people left on earth.
There is a shelter which can protect them from the harmful effects.
However , only 6 people can fit into the shelter.

These are the survivors
1. A pregnant teenage girl
2. A catholic priest
3. A doctor in his 40's that miraculously recovered from luekemia
4. A mother who has lost all 3 of her children in the war
5. Jamie Oliver , the naked chef
6. A fraud who was able to escape from jail because of the war
7. A homosexual
8. A 78 year old grandmother
9. A young politician who has had a good clean record
10. A mentally disabled person
11. er. i forgot. but its irrelavant.

We came to the conclusion that
we should save the

1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 9 and 10.

I took this question rather pragmatically.
The teenage girl for sure. Shes pregnant , she can help add to the population rate.
The doctor , he has medical skills which are essential.
Jamie oliver. everyone loves him = )

But Ms.M
Her first choice was actually the mentally disabled person.
Yes i realize that its not the smartest choice. But after listening to her explanation i started to think that she was a pretty thoughtful person.

" Society has to learn to care for the unfortunate. Right now , many youths have no compassion and are self centered. By saving a mentally disabled person , The forefathers of the future human race , these survivors will have to take care of the mentally disabled person. Thus , they will instill these positive values to the next generation and so on. This could lead to a more caring society. "

I felt my respect for her go up tremendously after hearing this much.
I mean , sure she might feel that way because she works with this sort of people but its something rare which you dont see in many youths nowadays.
I feel that i have lots more to learn from Ms.M

I am suffering from influenza and i have a sore throat.
This is common amongst 3 people in my class.
Today when i went to school , Ms.M asked me if i was feeling better.
I told her that i was better but my throat was still sore.
She reached into her bag and fished out a bottle of herbal medicine which was meant to soothe the throat. She gave the 3 of us a bottle of that herbal medicine each.
I was really touched by that action.

So yea. This is for Ms.M


Ok. i realized i took up too much time writing about Ms.M
Anyway , the next persons is Mr.L

My first impression of Mr.L was some jock who was full of himself and liked to step on people.

Yes... i sit next to Mr.L too.
Ms.M is on my left and Mr.L is on my right.

Mr.L was elected Home Tutorial Councillor.
But gradually , i came to see that while he may have a little bit of stuck up attitude , hes a reliable person.

Sure. He grumbled a lot when he was " SABO'd " into becoming the HTC.
But hes really resposible. He collects the lecture notes on time , he locks the door whenever we leave class , opens up the classroom in the morning , locks the classroom after school.

I know these might seem like menial tasks but it says a lot.
Imagine yourself in his shoes. It sucks to have to do all these.

I can also tell that hes pretty serious about his studies and he actually listens.
I am rather glad that hes my friend because yea ... i think hes someone you can count on.

Also , my first impression of him was that he was one of those guys who would wanna be cool , i thought that he would always wanna be part of the crowd.
But today , the crowd did something wrong.
I think , times like these really test what a person is made of. I mean he could have just followed them and have fun but i guess what they were doing went against his moral values and stuff. So , he decided not to follow the crowd and stick with me.

I,m not trying demean my classmates btw. Theyre pretty cool people. Its just that i feel they shouldnt have skipped the 2 hour chinese class. Its just not right.

So yup . I,m pretty impressed by Mr.L

Lastly , theres Ms.N
Ok. When it comes to Ms.N , its not really about first impressions.
Its more like , i think shes pretty cool.
I had a good first impression of her and its gotten better.
Ms.N is just an intelligent person.
She asks the right questions , her answers make sense and she is just pretty well informed about things.
Shes a little like your Ms-know-it-all except she doesnt know it all although she knows quite a bit.
Another thing is that shes rather humble about stuff.
Shes the kind of person whom i would wanna do groupwork with.
Yea. Shes cool.

and i,m tired.


Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:34 AM

Humans are amazing.
I,m just in awe at our development.

Imagine 5000 years back.
We would be eating raw meat , vegetables and living in caves.

But now in the 21st century.
Man has found ways to do seemingly impossible tasks

We can somehow change what we say into electronic waves , send it across the globe and allow someone to hear us.

We can actually capture a fleeting moment. Actually capturing everything within that particular instance on a camera.

We can Film what is going on at a certain place at a certain time and record it to be viewed later on.

We can travel around the earth in less than 24hours.
We can have so many different languages and yet , everybody is able to understand each other in a certain way even if its through a translator.

We are probably the only species to have ever left the earth.
I mean cmon its the FRIGGIN EARTH. Its a PLANET. Let it sink into your mind how great such a feat is.

Humans are crazy.
I wouldnt be surprised if we learnt the secret to eternal life and youth , or the ability to bend space. All in due time , be it a 1000 years or even longer.
We could achieve the impossible.
Well , thats if we dont kill ourselves first.
and the earth along with us.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 12:53 AM

yea speaking of which.. I,ve been blogging for about 5 months now.
Back then , reading Xinyi , Peiwen , Ricky and to a certain extent Izumiko's blog made me want to be able to put me memories , feelings , everyday life events into text.

Of course since we live in the 21st century, we post online instead of writing in a diary. I have blogged before , but those never lasted for more than a month.
Thus , i guess i can say that this blog is quite an accomplishment.

Its quite noglastic to turn back and read your previous posts. You understand yourself better. Realize your errs. understand your feelings at that particular time. Its kinda cool seriously.

You should try it. If you dont already have a blog

12:43 AM

Happy Birthday Matthew.
Today or rather Yesterday , was Matthew's Birthday.

Went out with him for Sakae Sushi.
I must say that he has changed a little over the past year.
But still , he is a good friend.

I am glad to have him as a friend because hes the one i tell my problems to, hes the one that listens to my bullshit and ever since gang yi and gang rui have gotten busy with A levels and now army , hes been the one where i can hang out with and just be myself.

Yea...we,re both full of shit.

Whatever. Happy Birthday Matthew.

P.S : I bought a cool book from Borders hehehe. Met chang there as well.
I was gonna blog about my unhappiness towards online bastards but i,ll leave that for another day.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:44 PM

zzz. i,m thinking about life again.

Or maybe my insecure side is surfacing again.
This time its about my mom.
Am i expected to live with her after my stepfather dies?
I mean i know i cant live with her.
I can get along with her but i just cant live with her.

Shes not the kind of person whom can tolerate my guitar playing , my saxaphone playing , my coming home late frequently , she,ll probably go crazy if she knew that i drink almost everynight. ( i have a bottle of vodka at home and its become a habit of mine to mix a cup of vodka with fruit juice or ribena and have a drink to end my day )

I cant live with someone who cant tolerate me playing my guitar.
My mom is the kind of person who sleeps at 10pm EVERYNIGHT ( save rare occasions )
She is a routine machine.
Everyday she wakes up at 7.00am makes a cup of coffee , takes a shower does her makeup and leaves the house at 8.00am
She reaches work at 8.30 , gets off at 6.00pm.
Reaches home t around 7.30-8.00pm
Showers and does her stuff till 9.00pm watch her show till 10pm and goes to sleep.
On saturdays she wakes up at 6.00am to go to the market. She comes home around 9.oo-10.00 and reads the paper or watches some TV.
Then , she makes lunch and cleans the house.
She takes a nap at around 3pm and wakes up at 5.30pm to make dinner.
She spends the night with my stepfather maybe watching TV or smth and sleeps at 10pm.

On sundays she wakes up at 7.00am and goes jogging with my stepfather.
They have breakfast and return home to shower and bathe. Then , they go out to wherever for lunch and some shopping.
They might have dinner outside and basically just a chill day for her.
Sleeps at 10pm , wakes up on monday , rinse and repeat.

My mom disapproves of me playing the guitar.
I mean whenever i ask her to come see me play or when i express my excitement about getting a new pedal or smth. She,ll tell me that she doesnt approve.
Thankfully , she also tells me that she realizes that she cant do anything about that so she just has to take it in her stride. Nevertheless , she doesnt approve.

Just imagine. I usually practice my guitar around 9pm and depending on the amount of free time and mood i have , it might stretch all the way till 2am.
Its noisy. She will freak.

But thats not the point.
My stepfather is old. Face it. He has AT LEAST a 10year age gap from my mom.
He is ( touchwood , and i,m not cursing him ) definitely gonna die first.
So then my mom will be all alone.

My Dad and stepmom are having a baby.
So does that mean i,m supposed to go back to her?
I got kicked out of the house in secondary 2. Thats why i went to stay with my dad.
Sure i was a bastard back then but still i dont want to go back there.
It doesnt feel like my home down there. Its like i,m entering someone elses house and i cant be at ease.

But then , its about whether i should Do what makes me happy or do what is right.
I would like to do what is right but what if doing whats right eats at the expense of my own happiness.

Back at home.
When the new baby comes out. Wheres he/she gonna live?
I need my personal space. I would be cool with helping to look after the kid but i wouldnt be too cool with sharing my room with him/her.
Things would make sense if we moved to a bigger house but i,m not sure if we can.
I think i should talk to my dad about this.

I,m still living in the past when it comes to the band.
I mean i still see andrew and jarvis but i gotta realize that i wont be playing music with them anymore.
I feel kinda sad.
I mean the initial reaction was. " Ok..yea i kinda expected that "
But now like things are sinking in and i,m regretting a lot of things now.
It kinda sucks ya. To have members going.
Yirun dude. You,re gonna go to army in june i think?
You,re not gonna leave us too?

I mean it sucks you know.
In school i bonded with my IG and then they broke us up into classes.
Now i,ve bonded with my class as well. BUT we,re probably gonna split again once the results are out...
Wthell. I,ve had enough of this parting ways kinda thing.
Or maybe i just need to grow up.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:57 PM

Yea. Its been a while.
Things are good. Theyre cool.

My class isnt as horrid as i made it out to be initially.
School is killer though.
I mean i fear H2 history.
I had Literature lecture today and my god.
The quality of writing there is HIGH.
I,m not sure if i can analyze text and present it in such an awesome manner.

I,m still having trouble deciding between guitar ensemble or band.
I do get to take my grade 5 guitar ABRSM in guitar ensemble. That means i,ll be pretty accomplished with both guitar theory AND music theory.
I also dont have to go through the trouble of learning a new instrument.

In band though , i DO get to learn a new instrument which is a joy in certain ways.
I wont be able to get a position as a Oboe player but chances are i,ll get posted to Saxaphone. My sight reading will improve for sure and i,ll STILL improve as a musician. Theres also the super cool performance in Europe which is sexy.

I was listening to L.O.S this morning.
Its like irritating. Musicians of their caliber cant get famous...
I mean their songs are well written. They have the image too!
But somehow the X factor isnt completely there.

Theres this jazz singer.
Olivia Ong.
Shes good. Her voice seduces you.

Ya. I figure that my life is revolving around Arts.
I mean , i take 3 H2 Arts subjects in School.
I play and study music which is a form of art.
I like reading which is also a form of art.
So today during math tutorial. I was like. " ..... "
But dang. Math is helluva boring.

kk enough talk.
I am watching Scrubs.
It is a really good form of de-stress.

Sunday, January 6, 2008 5:59 PM

urrgh. i have the rashes and they're SPREADING.

I took medication. I applied calamine lotion.
But its not HELPING.

Zzzzz. I,m gonna go back to school looking like a pin cushion.
Well , so is everyone else...
Its just the varying degrees of severity, thats all.

But so far , i know that i,m the worst.
I am pretty screwed.
I,m still a little in the holiday mood.

Speaking of which... I cant seem to find a CCA suitable for me.
I fear the long hours of band.
I mean look at Xinyi. Shes got band on like wed and saturday and sectionals on dunno what day?
Props to her for getting GPA of 4.1

I just dont have that kind of dedication to really pia everyday.
I mean i can study but i have to have that break time everyday where i can sit down , play the songs that i love on guitar, or watch maybe 2-3 episodes of anime or perhaps have a game or 2 of warcraft.

I figure that my schedule would probably be like this in the future.
7.30am - 5.00pm SCHOOL
5.00pm - 6.00pm Travel
6.00pm - 6.30pm Bath and settle down
6.30pm - 7.00pm Dinner
7.00pm - Maybe 12.00am?
During that timespan , i,ll have to
Complete my Tutorials ,
Practice my guitar ,
Practice my instrument ( provided i join band )
Learn new songs ( Skyler )
Watch anime / play warcraft / talk on msn ( yes it IS a neccesity. However i can skip this step on certain days e.g exam week or gig week )
Do my slowly piling up music theory grade 3/4/5

Stupid rashes. Not helping
I hope my new class tomorrow has fun people. like IG 33.
Not retarded posers and act cool people and pai kia's and bitches.
* cross fingers *

Friday, January 4, 2008 3:24 AM


Its friggin 3.30am....

I JUST woke up.
Got home from CJC day 2 orientation at 6.30

Showered and ate dinner.
Was gonna do music theory. But no...i had to take a 10min rest.

So here i am now.
Bah, i,m gonna go back to sleep.

Ps. My orientation grp is cool.
Ps. So are my OGleaders I played in the mud today and am STILL gonna play in the mud tmrw.
Last after note : The lameness level in JC is super high and i,m getting affected into spouting nonsense.

E.g What did Mozart do after he died?

Ans : De-compose

Thursday, January 3, 2008 1:27 AM

Face the facts.

I AM an insecure person.
Especially on nights like this.

I mean i dunno what it is.
Is it my imagination , or perhaps the way my brain works that amplifies this feeling of insecurity?

Every little thing. Even the smallest detail can get me worried.
I dont understand why i have to be SUPER particular when it comes to that matter.

I wonder if i,ll end up as one of those guys in IMH.
Its like slowly adding TNT and gunpowder into an oxygen abundant room.
Slowly adding and adding and adding.
Its harmless if nothing happens.
But once theres a spark , BOOM.
Big explosion.
Of course , theres also the possibility that a spark occurs but the gunpowder and TNT does not ignite.

kk. thats enough.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 11:23 PM

i went out with gang yi and gang rui today.

My goodness.
Only after the outing did i realize i missed them so much.

They sure have grown , physically and mentally. that i wont be seeing them for VERY LONG , i,m sad.

Anyway , we went to watch


which was pretty thriller , but sadly , kinda dumb towards the ending.
Boohoohoo . I miss them already.

Please understand. Gang rui was my friend ever since pri 6 !!!
Gang yi was my buddy ever since sec 2 !!

That means i,ve known those 2 for super long.
I,ve been an idiot but they,ve always been there for me , encouraging me to do the right stuff.

T_T i wanna cry.

Gy & Gr , i love you guys. ( And I,m Not GAY )

JC starts tomorrow. O well , i,m not really in the mood to think about JC now.
Especially cos my best friends will be going to army in 9 days time.

12:35 AM

Happy new year dudes.
Yes. I,m repeating this again.
2007 was a GREAT year for me. No shit. Its true

I think its time to make some new year resolutions.
I,ve never made new year resolutions before BECAUSE. I knew deep down inside that i,ll probably break them.

This time round , lets make some practical new year resolutions.

I want to be a better musician. Be it as a guitarist , Oboeist ( cross fingers ) , playing the keyboard or even music theory wise. Also , i want to be a better musician in attitude.
Be humble , be polite , be respectful.

I want to score straight As.
This is the first time i,ve REALLY thought about education.
Since i,ve chosen my subject combination , i want to score. ( does not apply for chinese )

I want to become physically stronger.
I do not want to be a pushover. Besides its good preperation for army.
I mean.. its also beneficial in the sense that i,ll have a nicer body , extra strength etc.

I want to become a man of my word.
I lie a lot and i still do. I need to get rid of that bad habit.

I want to develop a good character
I used to think that school mottos were retarded. Well , Marist Stella High School strives to shape their students to become a gentleman , a scholar and a sportsman.
I intend to be all 3. Well , not so much on sportsman but i would definitely like to keep fit.

OK. so thats that with new year resolutions.

I am rather happy.
I was expecting a boring new year eve. However , at about 9pm , gang rui asked me to chat with him on the phone.
So , i spent 3 hours catching up with my best friend.
Gang yi and Gang rui are twins. Gang rui being the more down to earth and humble one.
Gang rui used to tell me.

" Timy , must be humble k? only lidat then you,ll be cool "
I never applied his advice too much but , the words stuck and i never forgot them either.
Today , he gave me a new piece of advice.
" Think with your brain , not your butt "
I,ll leave it to you guys to figure out what that means. But seeing that you,re all smart people. I,m guessing you guys probably understand = )

T_T gang yi and gang rui.... my best friends are going to ARMY ON 10 JANUARY T_T
Matthew is gonna go to SP zzz leaving me alone in CJC.
hai... well , at least i still have Skyler <3

This picture is my streetgang. We hang around at cityhall everynight.
Yes. Thats us. We are violent. See the guy on the extreme left? He eats babies for breakfast. The guy on the extreme right? hes a chain smoker.
the guy in the middle? well thats me = )

KK now for Skyler pics

I look a little like cheng in this one. Especially that woosy face.

On stage

So thats that. happy new year = )

happy new year pull your ear.