Sunday, March 30, 2008 5:15 AM

time to sleep
After spilling water on my Literature CA assignment.

A sign perhaps.
But amen. I,ve finally figured the 2nd poem out.

Today or rather..yesterday's jamming was pretty lol.
Music could have been better. But i,m glad to see that everyone put in considerable effort.

So we jammed jam.
lol. I guess its pretty entertaining to play with words.

I slacked for the majority of the day , managing to complete my econs work and managing to analyse and anotate the 2 lit poems i must compare.
The actual essay writing for lit will have to wait till tomorrow though.

I kinda dread monday.
I,m gonna recieve bad news. Cos i didnt make it for Reach Cambridge.]


after jamming. Went to eat at some japanese restaurant.
had cha soba with tempura assortment.
It was decent.

Honestly. If only japanese food were cheaper.


So , here i am thinking about that again.
I cant help it.
Being in my room with the lights off and the cool air , i cant help but become emotional.

Shant elaborate.
Maybe i,ll go watch a movie tomorrow at or perhaps the one that HT and dev recommended.

Saturday, March 29, 2008 1:04 AM

so basically i foresee today to be my downfall.

The prospect of failure never seemed so imminent.

What am i talking about you ask?
I think i blewed it.
My chance to go to cambridge university for 2 weeks.

Todays Essay test was the final round of selection.
5 out of the 10 doing the test would get to go to cambridge.

I thought i was ready. I had put in 3 hours of study by skipping GP and studying during my lunch break.
The names were more or less at my fingertips.
At 3 o clock i assembled outside the library along with the other 9 candidates.

The teachers handed me a slip of paper.
I was stunned.
The day before i went to take a look at previous year A level history papers.
I specifically looked through the SEA papers with regards to nationalism questions on nationalism. I figured a question on the Rise of Nationalism in SEA would come out.
In a worse scenario perhaps a comparitive essay on the development of Nationalism.
But damn.
What came out was totally foreign. The following 45mins was just my brain going into overdrive and i wrote down anything that came to my mind.

Pretty screwed up essay i must say.
The only merit? The other candidates were equally stumped.
But still...chances are definitely low. I might not even make it into reserves...

zzzz And THAT girl. Shes gonna rub it in.
So bad.
Shes just been looking for a slight sign of weakness coming from me.
So far i,ve been able to compete with her toe to toe. But she is just so damn aggressive.
If theres one person who would make it into reach cambridge. It would be her.
If i dont get in , it means that the competition is over. She won.

I dont wanna talk about the girl.

I had steamboat at godma's today.
Dua Goh gave me this huge Timeout easter egg
seriously its so huge that. You guys would be like super jealous if you saw it.
Had a good chat with my cousins.
Peng Peng is teaching english ant Nan hua sec school.
Quite interesting to hear her stories seeing that one of my future aspirations is to be a teacher.
The talk also acted as stress relief. It was also good to make casual banter once in a while.

oh. Went to watch step up 2 today with the guys.
Yea. I think it was cool.
It definitely made me feel like dancing.
And Damn. That girl could shake her ass pretty darn well.
I mean it.

yea...not much to say.
Recently my blog posts have been riddled with angst , hatred , killer intent , frustration.

Seriously.. i wonder when it,ll stop.
I didnt tryout for council.
Running an election really appealed to me though.

yea. prepare for shame in front of my class on monday.
To make things worse. People are actually rooting for me on this one and i,m not gonna make it

Thursday, March 27, 2008 12:52 AM

damn i,m scared. am i really on their level? or is this all just a fluke.
Zero confidence for friday's essay test.
Consequence is dejection.

I lack too many things.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 12:27 AM

damn frustrating.

One person can ruin the day for you and everything escalates

Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:50 PM

Not been updating the previous few days.
Bit of stuff going on here and there.

Well firstly , we have a new band member. Devin

Jamming yesterday was kinda fun.
At least i got to do stupid things and laugh ard in the car.
Yes Skyler has a car. Or rather Hueitai has a car...

Jam is pretty awesome.
No shit.

Hmm. PTM tomorrow. Lets see what Ms Teo has to say to my dad.
Reach Cambridge round 2 tomorrow. I wonder if i,m ready.

O yea. I wanna watch step up 2. I,m a closet-dance fanatic.
I am starting to skip band a lot...
Didnt go for band yesterday cos it was at AJC.
Gonna miss band on coming wed cos i,ve got Pre-U sem.
Ah well

I,m a pretty jealous person.
As in , i get jealous easily. Its not like i can help it.
A small event and i either get overly worried or too jealous.
Well , its not entirely a bad thing. Being overly worried sometimes allows me to be extra prepared for things.

But in this case.. I just cant bear the thought...


Just remembered smth.

`xinyii- music is my life ][ *reminiscence ][ : its gd to haf gd rej skills u noe
`xinyii- music is my life ][ *reminiscence ][ : reli
T.i.m : through
`xinyii- music is my life ][ *reminiscence ][ : true u mean?
T.i.m : omg
T.i.m : are you serious? i actually
T.i.m : said through...

This is evidence that all form of rational thinking has left me.

Pulau Ubin pics
Hafta tilt ur head

Just a bike pic

Look at the uncles shirt. It says Dir en grey lol

So. Yup

I just cant get it outta my head.
and i dont mean jam lol.
But yea. Jam is pretty awesome.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 6:19 PM


No doubt about it.

peaceout. I made it through 1st round of Reach cambridge O yea.

Out of the initial 40+ that tried.
There are 10 of us left.
I,m going for the 2nd round of selection on monday.
Its gonna be an Essay test.

hohoho. After that , 5 will be left.
Those 5 will get to go to Cambridge University for 2 whole weeks.

My chances? 50% lol

But seriously. Kinda slim. Dunno. Will see how.
The competition is tough.
When the going gets tough , the tough gets going , and i am going for dinner.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 12:17 AM

I misplaced smth special today.
I hope i find it tomorrow.

Reach cambridge selection round 1 over.
Lets see if i make it.

Bogged down by Pre-U sem proj and Econs proj
At least this week is more manageble than the previous.

PE was hell as usual.
But hey , i,m gonna grow stronger.

Wonder when Reach cambridge selection for Econs will begin.
I want to go for the econs one.
I,m only using History as a failsafe.

learnt a new word today
It is a form of speech.
" he speaks in such a grandiloquent style " = he speaks so bombastically and talks so tally that he does not understand himself.

Its a bad thing.

Hmmm. ZZzzz.
Goodnight. I hope i find that missing article tomorrow. Its important.

I need a massage.
A good one.
My body is TENSE.

Has to be the combined effects of Crazy PE , stress and late nights and stress and stress.

Hmmm. ooh. i haent done math yet.
But its MATH! = (
I,m an ARTS Student. WE DONT DO MATH.

Saturday, March 15, 2008 11:02 PM

yea. Music Theory is finally over.

I hope i do get distinction though.

I was watching High School Musical 2 just now. (Yes i know i,m very slow)

It was awesome. Mainly the duets.
Yea. I,m just a sucker for duets.

Alright. I havent been blogging due to work.
Its pretty taxing on my body and mind.

At least...At least , music theory is over.
However , it doesnt mean that i can slack off.

After todays exam , we went (minus andrew) for Waraku.
I,ve been actually wanting to try it.
Heard a lot about Waraku but never got down to eating it before.
As Usual , i ordered Sukiyaki

Xinyi had some pork cutlet thingy which. Urgghh.
Was so wasted cos she couldnt finish.

Yirun had curry rice and i regret not asking him to let me try the curry.

I was feeling (am still feeling) pretty shitty today cos of my running nose.
Think of a pipe thats constantly leaking water.
Yea. pretty disgusting.


Had Band BBQ yesterday.
It sucked bad sad to say. Well i still appreciate the effort put into organizing the event.

This one is for Hweepeng.

Grrr. bad bad Astrid. Taking the photo while our eyes were closed.

Anyway. As you can see. Its Tim & Vanessa.
Coincidence really seeing that my cousin's good buddy is in the same school as me.
Same CCA too!


I met a new breed of female yesterday.
I formed a group of people whom i viewed as Talented.
They,re my Pre-U sem group. We,re out to beat all the other groups in CJC and Singapore.
I scouted for people who had excellent presentations during the trials.
I found them and now we,re working together.
However , there was this particular girl whom i scouted.
I felt that her presentation was very strong and her points were super valid. Her poise and articulation was there and i feel that she,d make an excellent anchorwoman for the news.

What i didn't expect though was that she was a total Bimbo.
Think Intelligent Bimbo.
She couldnt stop talking about Pizza Parties and Making out during the Pre-U sem 5 day camp.
The number of times she went. (input bimbo accent)" Oh My Gawwd , That Guy is Sooo Hawt "
Nevertheless , she contributed to the discussion of our project. So , shes still an asset.
Irritating Asset though.

I think she should have gone to ACJC.
ACJC are just full of gossip mongers.
Birds of a feather flock together.

I,ve dealt with bimbos. But damn. Intelligent Bimbos , thats smth new.

Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:24 AM

Today was meant to be a horrible day.
Band didnt go well , i was late.
My saxophone got taken AWAY from me for some girl to use...


Nicholas came down.
To be honest , I,m happy that Nic came down.
But Nicholas is like.Super strict.
Everything i play is bad. But its pretty amazing.
5 mins with him and he totally smoothened out the way i play Tears of Moon.
Yea. Its like having a mentor or teacher whos never satisfied with your performance.
But after all that , you walk off after your final exam with an A.

K so after my playing got constantly dissed by Nic , i realized that my T_T FAVOURITE PENCIL CASE. OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MR PENCIL CASE.
ya. i dont want to talk about it. I tear everytime i think of my OMG MY MISSING T_T pencil case.

So i still had to go to Andrews. Shit. Music Theory. I mean i was rather angry at everything and everyone around me by then. The stupid uncle who banged me while walking , the stupid secondary school kid who stepped on my shoes , I constantly shot dagger glares at everyone around me. Was still in a pretty bad mood when i reached Andrews.

But right before we went for dinner , I GOT OHOHOHOHOHO.

A message from MDM DAMO saying ahahaha. That i got into PRE- U SEMINAR.
hohoho. So there ya have it. Things picked up from there on and i ended the day well.

By no means. Is this good mood gonna last. I can already envision the amount of tasks and running about i,ll be doing in the next few days. URGGH. Pulau Ubin , Theory , Reach Cambridge , Basic Revision , Pre-U sem , Theory , BBQ , Theory , EXAM T_T_T_T_T_T. Jamming , ARGGH. ENOUGH.

Goodnight = )

You know what. You can cheer me up by posting nice stuff on my tagboard. It helps..
Yes. The amount of self-pity i have for my self.. What do you expect. I,m a guy..
Speaking of which , i read Xinyi's blog and there was some anti-male aura presiding in one of the sentences.

So you see.. Males are actually pretty alright.
I mean sure , everyone can be jerks at times and there are moments where we downgrade to the mentality of a primary 4 student.
But , cmon we,re still cool. = )

Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:25 PM


Whats wrong with me.

I cant give in to laziness , emotions or any sort of human-like feelings now...
But they keep surfacing. Its not like i can help it...

5:48 PM


I am packed to the max.

I,m killing myself.

Can i ramble?

I need someone to listen to me.

I,m not gonna blog here.

Cos i fear that people would think that i,m just trying to show off.

If u wanna be the kind soul that listens to me.

Hit me up on msn.

I,m no superman

Friday, March 7, 2008 9:19 PM

Love this song.

First time i heard it was when my J3 senior Nicholas played it. Damn it was helluva good.
He taught me well. Too bad hes in army now.
Oh well , my current SL Shern Way is good too.

There. In the CJC Christmas performance.

If i,m not wrong , NTU sojourn 2008 played it too.
I should mention the soloist again? Lee Wan Cai

Its dead sexy.
I,m learning the song too ^^
But the techniques aren't there.

Soon. soon. i,ll play it like them.

Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:03 PM

Hi I,m Tim.

I,m becoming a machine.
I have let myself down.
My output is NOT looking good.
Sleeping in class does not constitute a model student.

I,m pretty disappointed that my name wasn't shortlisted for the
Reach Cambridge programme for History.
I think that the main contributor is my lack of attentiveness in class and lectures.

Its alright. I,m gonna try for it anyway.
I hope i do get shortlisted for the Reach cambridge programme for Econs though.

I am going to try for the Pre-U Seminar tomorrow.
I have to make a presentation. About the dumbest topic in the world.
My presentation has to be good.
Wish me luck. There are only 25 slots for each school. 15 slots have already been taken in CJC.

I,ll be playing in the upcoming Con Fuoco concert by CJC band in May.
I,m glad that my conductor allowed me to play.
So many things happening in May...

Pre-U Seminar ( if i get in ) , Con fuoco , Skyler Gig ( if we,re going )
Work. work. work.

I find it really degrading.
That when people think of me , they think of 2 things.
Eating biscuits in class and sleeping.

I,m off to prepare for tomorrow's presentation.
Doesnt help that they only gave us 2 days to prepare for it.

Monday, March 3, 2008 4:08 PM

i,m feeling depressed.

Its all because of the occurence that happened yesterday.
Both parties didnt intend for it to happen.
But it did anyway.

Now , i feel distant.
And when that happens , i feel like the driving force that keeps me going is gone.
i understand that. its not your duty to make me feel good.
But i,ve become reliant. Perhaps too reliant.

Its becoming a drug

Sunday, March 2, 2008 11:49 PM

i was looking through my com and i came up with some cool stuff.

Tadahh. I took this when i was in clementi last year.
I realize that i spent more time in japan than in clementi.
Save animals. Extinction is FOREVER. CONSERVE

I took this in the supermarket. SPAM. In a literal and non-literal way.

Took this yesterday! At NTU sojourn 2008. Our Xinyi plays the flute there.
Ok. i think i look damn chui in this shot (chui has become part of my vocab)
But for the sake of "old" Skyler one last time = )
Taken at Matthew's house. The day he bought his new guitar.
Yirun's CS hand
NUS , UCC. I like that place. Its cool

Last of all. The man! Jarvis with da ladies and da retro. flower power groove.

Ok. So i think i may have offended some people from my school today cos of my lack of tact and inability to scout properly.
But nevermind. I will try my best to make things good.
I got punked today.
By YIRUN. GRRRR. He rigged my chilli causing me to pour half the container into my pasta.

Jamming today was ok la.
Damn Hueitai uses a PRS. OMG.
Thats like godly guitar.

But Skyler needs to get our act together.
Me included.

Went for NTUSB's concert yesterday.
My favourite pieces were
Blue Horizons , 2nd movement
The lady in white or smth ( forgot the name of the song )
The song by the carpenters.
I actually cheered for Wan Cai lol.
I dont know him in person but lol his name is funny. sounds like Guan Cai.
I liked his skillz

Grrr. those ppl who found it boring.
Dunno how to appreciate musics and dont get me started about how they themselves are lousy musicians.
kk. So hmm.
Ya. the band shud go out.
Chill at the movies or smth
We need to relax.
Perhaps after march 15. That would be nice.


I felt pretty sad towards the end of the day.
Its missing. I need it.
Me and my insecurity.

Cmon. End it off nicely.
But theres school tomorrow = (((
Boo hoo hoo.