Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:08 PM

Sorry. I dont think you heard me clearly.


hehehe =)

12:20 AM

oh wait. sorry i forgot to add.
This one's directed to everyone. Dont take it as an insult. (Although i,m gonna phrase it like one)
A point to ponder.

Or rather a/some question/s for you to answer.
Kudos to those who get it right.

Why are you smiling?
Do an honest reflection.
Is your life that great? Chances are you,re pretty insignificant.
Why is your happiness so superficial?
Deep down inside. Where nobody else can see. You wish you were better.

I expect people flooding my tagboard with anti-tim emoshit tags.
Or perhaps the polar opposite might occur where everyone just sits at home doesnt post anything and mock me for mocking you.
Works out either way.

Wondered why i highlighted "everyone" in pink?
doesnt fit the tone of the post does it?
Well, i,m sure some geniuses (heavily riddled with sarcasm just for the people who have zero EQ) out there will over-infer and end up way behind the starting line.
Honestly. I felt it would be fun to use pink.

12:16 AM

Why am i lonely. This time of the night?

Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:21 AM

what a day.
On the surface, outlook is good.
On a much deeper level, maybe the sun isnt shining as brightly as it seems.

I deserve some alcohol tonight.
Sure. Turn to alcohol whenever theres issues in your life =(

Saturday, July 26, 2008 1:59 PM

damn funny.
My baby sister was crying.
My stepmom was like ooh ok mam mam mam mam.
Then she brought the milk bottle and the baby stopped crying. lol

1:41 PM

hmm. matters of the heart indeed.
So i ask myself.
Where do i go from here.

I cant afford to get distracted from my goal of going to a good overseas university.
Oh the dismay.
Why do i always get the tough ones = (
O wait.
Thats because i choose the tough ones.
Yes thats right.
Play your cards well Tim.
You,ve got a decent hand.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:47 PM

for the next month, or at least the next 3 weeks, i can safely say that my world will be immersed in history.

How fun.
I mean it.
Never before have i felt that History was fun.
But yes its stressful too. I dont want to go there w/o and knowledge and prior preparation thinking that i,m gonna sound sooo logical, supported with mountains of evidence.

No. Leave that for the real geniuses.

The readings list just came in.
Its huge. I,m counting about 50 pages in total.
Very interesting though undeniably.
Lit too! they,re doing modules on Pride & Prejudice, Othello and BNW.
How relevant is that!

Adieu. There's still econs test on friday to study for.
Doesnt help that i dont fully comprehend the MR=AR relationship of Price Discrimination for a monopolist.

Monday, July 21, 2008 9:26 PM

life is like a bed of roses.
Be careful of the thorns.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:43 PM

i,d like to direct you to my most recent post.
I,m using LJ for this one because of the comments function.
I would like your feedback = )

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:27 PM

i dont know whats going on. But right now, yes right now, i feel like getting into a fist fight.

Perhaps its stress. Perhaps.

Monday, July 14, 2008 11:36 PM

This deserves a feature on my blog.
Or rather, my blog is honored to feature such good music.
Personally, i feel that in S club 7 , Jo and Rachel are the better singers.
But Tina and Hannah still rock. S Club 7 <3

9:02 PM

Yea. I know. The whole Cambridge post mid year fad is going on right now.
But i,m not really in the midst of it.

Just a few seconds ago, Beverely chatted me up on msn.
Ok screw it. I,ve even forgotten how to spell her name.
But i cant help but think.
Whats her problem?

You see, Bev is my Ex-Girlfriend.
Honestly, i,m not too glad to hear from her.
We broke up 3 years ago.
You can say that during those 3 years, i became a completely different person.
She signifies my past.

But dang. Seriously. Whats her problem.
I was trying to get some social politics into my head so that i could pretend to be smart for tomorrow's dialogue with the stupid minister.
Up came the msn. If attitude and tone could be fully transmitted through msn, i figured she was asking me in a begrudging and angry manner.
Asked me where i was studying.
Told her i was in CJC.

and then, she started scolding me for nthn.

Whatsup with that.
Giving me crap like " one of the biggest regrets i,ve had in life is you. "
Well thanks a lot. You sure made life easy for me huh.

Put it in the past ok.
I dont bear grudges. Actually, i do.
I couldnt really say that i dont bear grudges especially since i,m rather anti izumiko but then, thats not really a grudge right?

I was gonna comment on usefulness of this blog.
I realize that i am rather afraid to show myself to the world.
As in not the Exterior. Thats fine. I,ve screwed up a million times during gigs and i still have the guts to show myself on stage. Has to count for smth right?

Guess i,ll finish the rest of this on LJ.

Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:39 PM

hit me with inspiration.
The trip down to 7-11 was a good investment.
Well yes i did spend 4 bucks on milk and cookies (chipsmore sucks)
But it was worth it.
I brought my ipod along.

It paid off. Listened to some songs and I,m reminded why i started playing music in the first place.

Its something that i would never giveup.

after tomorrow, everything would have been revealed.
We,ll see. Either i make it or break it.
Theres jamming tomorrow.
Hope its good.
But you know what they say. It all starts from you.
In this case, me.
Lets see if tomorrow is a good day.
Either that, or i end up drunk and sleep throughout the whole of saturday, wasting precious time, waking up with a hangover.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 10:09 PM

omg i so love hana kimi
its so touching and so funny and so everything i want



Tuesday, July 8, 2008 11:10 PM

i am thoroughly amazed by that person.
That person truly deserves to go to cambridge. More than me. More than anyone else.

10:02 PM

i,m seeking greater refuge in livejournal now. With greater "publicity" my blog becomes a constriction for me. I do not wish to have to turn this 1 year of memories into scripted junk. Yet, one should know that with the accesibility of the internet, almost anybody could read my deepest, most heartfelt feelings. Its to the extent where i cant blog about how i truly feel about certain matters without affecting my social life , which in turn affects my mental well-being.

Ah yes. While i leave a certain portion of my discourse to the wonders of friend filter which makes LJ so appealing, there are some stuff which can be publicized. Yes. To a certain extent regarding certain members, this blog of mine allows me to get some relief in blogging out my emotions. Well , at least some of them.

I must admit. So far, so far, so far, Mid-years have been a pleasant surprise.
Bs for my Math and Econs.
An S for chinese and
my history teachers Mr.Rajoo and Ms.Teo have given me positive and encouraging feedback.
While My chinese may be a subpass, 41/100 is still a subpass and it still renders me eligible for uni education. Furthermore, the Chinese Midyear paper was especially difficult and tricky. Admittedly, even the chinese teachers agreed that it was rather challenging.
Of course, i know better than to judge my chinese which is very prone to failure but for now, Rejoice!

At this rate, i would be packing my bags really soon.
Yet, 1 obstacle lies in front of me.
I truly believe that it shouldnt be taken lightly and that there is huge potential for me to screw-up.
Oh yes. The dreadful literature paper.
My last H2 subject. The one which i might S or E.
Terrible. It doesn't help that My strength was turned into my weakness. Othello. Or rather, my dear stomach. How could you betray me.
A C would suffice. It really would.
But can i obtain that C? Oh goodness gracious me.
Doesnt it suck to know that you screwed up?

It doesnt help that I,m only recieving the Lit paper on the last period of Thursday.
They are going to put me through so much mental torture. Imagine. If i get my hopes too high.
When i take my script and i see an S.

My god. Heaven and Hell would invert and become each others reverse.
Oh did i mention that i get back GP results tomorrow?
Lets see how i do.
But srsly. Its Lit.
Its stupid. Dumb system. Cmon i,m going for History. Why do i even need to bother about lit...

12:32 AM

i didnt think that my LJ would be so useful.
There are some things. Too dangerous. I cant post here.
It would ruin me.

Saturday, July 5, 2008 4:07 PM

i was fast to hit the bed last night.

Wanted to watch hana kimi and play dota with remy.
I bet he fell alseep too lol.

Alfresco was the shet!

Our chocs were win chocs.
Like srsly. Everybody who bought em liked em.
People even helped advertise our chocs to their friends.

Too bad we didnt make the most money. We got 2nd place = /
(stupid mei ling and her brilliant Xbox idea got first)
i realize that i do like intelligent people. A lot.
The friends i hang out with are a smart bunch. My good blessings.

So like eheheheh. I have the recipe for our win chocolate.
No lol i,m not giving it out. But i sure know what to make for Vday next year.
Apparently, we didnt need an oven = / so i can do it in the comfort of my own home.

So like. yesterday was good. Yes. Besides the $34.50 recorded in my lil debt book which the school owes us. Well actually, its Trini's book but whatever.

I bet like Faza and Renu and Jeanette are swarming here cuz they want the brother paul picture lol. Yep! our principle and Vice-principle were pretty impressed with our chocolate.

So ima upload the pics. But you know, i was going through my phone and i think i,m gonna upload some other pictures too.

Well here we have the brother paul pic which everybody wants.
Shoulda used Remy's phone but i guess this would do.

Found this on my phone. All the way back during Shakespeare on love with Cheryl. Because of Mr Issac Lim's influence...i,ve started pronuncing cheryl as Che - ryl.

This is Remy's ass when he and annabelle were doing their shet in the photcopy room

Now this here is Tim and Jeanette Also after shakespeare on love.

This is Jere lol. Its Joyce's hand

Ok so now that we,re done with photos. I,m starting to feel the heat.
Recieved an email yesterday. Its nerve-wrecking.

Dear Students,
Finally, the mid-year examination is over. Brother and all the HODs will be having a meeting soon to decide on the final list of students who will be sent for the programme of REACH Cambridge. Please take note that if the reserved students have better grades than you, it is possible for Brother to make that switch. So the list is not final yet. However, as of current moment, I will need to standby your details. I will like to meet you at 7am on Tuesday 8th July outside the staffroom to let you check on the details a final time before sending it to Brother. So please be punctual. Please also submit a CLEAR photocopy of your passport to check for validity and VISA requirements by Tuesday.
Thank you. Ms Teo

The only consolation is that i am NOT on the reserves list.
But while they have to worry about getting their hopes too high, i have to worry about being switched. Not like i did too well for my History paper...
Mr Rajoo was telling me. My SEA formative was poor. Well DUH. Time constraint forced me to rush through the stupid formative. Last 3 paragraphs in like 5 mins?
And it didnt help that i did not list Thailand as an exception for my written essay. zzzzzz
International History looks better somewhat.
BUT BUT BUT. I didnt write my conclusion for CMC and I have this sinky feeling that what i did for The Essay on Cold War was more of Narration than analysis.


Friday, July 4, 2008 1:41 AM

Dig my LJ = )

1:10 AM

i seem to be tearing quite badly
My eyes hurt.
Theyre bloodshot in the mirror.
Its been a long day huh = /
frickin contacts.
I wonder when did i become so vulgar

it puts my in a position where i wonder.
Do i even have the right to tell nat and matthew to stop using vulgarities?

Night. Freakin teary eyes.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 1:35 AM

just read Remy's blog he is freaking me out. Seriously. I,m just gonna quote his entire post. Too freaky.

Here Quote "

Ok , got to admit , i was bored of doing nothing at home. So i goggled stuff about the Mayan people that i was talking about in my previous post and the reasons why the world will end in 2012.

Ok , got to admit , i was bored of doing nothing at home. So i goggled stuff about the Mayan people that i was talking about in my previous post and the reasons why the world will end in 2012.

)Building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone.
2)Sacrificing Virgins.
3)Bloodthirsty people.
4)First Mob to predict the death of all civilasation at 2012 ( Many others have also caculated the death at 2012 following the mayan's prediction.)
5)Successfully predicted the death of 5 civilisation during their time, including their very own.

The Mayan people could be said as geniuses of their own time as Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the Earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the world right as well. (Lets hope not. "fingers crossed")

Well, some people have attributed their highly accurate calender to help from aliens. Again, its up to you to decide.

Ok back to the topic, here are the seven reasons why the world will end in 2012.

1)Mayan calender.

2) Sun Storms- recent solar storms have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy, it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

3) The Atom Smasher- Scientists in Europe have been building the world's largest particle accelerator,However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it's properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They're predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.

4) The Bible's prophecy (And other religions) - Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between Good an Evil, has been set down for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.

5) Super Volcano- The Yellowstone volcano in the United States has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang. Another Cold Age?!?

6) The Physicists-Physicists at Berekely Uni have been crunching the numbers. and they've determined that the Earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they're claiming their calculations prove, that we're all going to die, very soon - while also saying their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 percent- and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.

7) Movement of the magnetic fields - A magnetic field exists that shields us from most of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call north and south have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so - and right now we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is underway, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.

Information obtained from:1) And of course WikipediaSome other websites were Hogwash and did not provide any scientific explainations or sane ones at least.Oh well , its up to you guys to believe, just sharing some interesting stuff.Personally, i do not believe the world is going to end in 2012.Cheers!

" unquote

I dunno. For me scientific information is always smth to worry about.
All the more reason to live our lives to our fullest content before we die huh.

1:21 AM

Its quite interesting to meet new people.
Or rather , take a scenario.
You,ve known your relative for like forever.
You see them every new year and during family occasion.
But you'd never figure they were THAT kind of person or someone you could really get along with. For my case, this scenario would apply for Hwee Peng.

Or lets change the scene.
Theres this person you always see in school.
Ok. Take for example, a popular girl/guy whos like the bomb and all. You know? the kind that everyone likes. The kind that always seems confident about stuff.
But when you get to know them better, you realize how insecure they are about themselves.
Well, for me this is citing a situation. I cant think of anyone i know who fits this criteria currently.

What about the guy who always looks mean and if you talk to him he,ll beat you up?
But yet when you actually do talk to him, you click so well and become buddies.

Or the supposedly intellectual straight As pro at sports person. After actually meeting them you realize how much of a klutz and how blur they can actually be.

Yes people are interesting.
Too interesting.
I like interesting people. It would be quite nice to find out how they work.

Wouldnt you agree?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 1:49 PM

sometimes i wonder if i am a utilitarian = /