Monday, August 25, 2008 10:49 PM

How do i breakthrough?

I need to get out of this circle of death.

1:41 AM

are you scared?
Its coming.
The time is now.
I,m gonna embark on the

Death March

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8:19 PM

The flame! how exciting.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:40 PM

The E-pic.

lol. get it? Epic? Ok fine.
I,m back and tired.
A 13 hour flight is no joke. I just wanted to post that really cool picture.

1T03 in the UK. YA! HA!

Monday, August 18, 2008 6:47 AM

I wont forget.
I wont forget.

The time i,ve spent here. 2 weeks.
But damn. I,ve learnt life lessons.
I,ve expanded my knowledge and take on history.
I,ve shared this experience with wonderful friends who would stick with me through tough trials and tribulations.
I,ve made new friends from CJ and other schools.
I,ve been to London seen the Bigben the London eye, Westminister abbey,Buckingham palace and a million places.
I,ve been given the liberty to hang around town on my own almost everyday.
I,ve had a brilliant dinner with Sherrie and Jess at a London Bar/Restaurant and hehehe we had steak and wine.
I won a prize for the best written article kicking RJ's and HwaChong's Ass in my History group.
I Punted down the River Thames.
I,ve discovered new things about myself and others close to me.
Last of all,
I,ve been to Cambridge University.

Friday, August 15, 2008 3:00 PM

Some people are realists. They base their actions and motives on things that are solid, factual and concrete.

Other people, are idealists. They base their actions and motives on ideas.

But me? I am different.
My ideas are real.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:50 AM

I am beautiful.
No matter what they say.

I recieved a very big compliment today.
"Tim with your cap and hoodie on, you look like the guy from pokemon"
Thats a good thing btw.
I think i,m a rather hypocritical person.
But firstly, i,d like to say that during this trip, i,ve become close friends with Joshua Chan. Crazy huh? Tell me about it.
I,d never have believed this pre-trip.

I tend to criticize people's hypocracy but in actual fact, i,m the biggest hypocrite.
Othello anyone? " I am not what i am"
Funnily enough, that quote was invoked in philosophical studies. I forgot the term for it.
Another e.g would be "This sentence is false". How u gonna answer to that.
I guess i,ll hit the philosophy books when i get back to singapore.

I,ve done some shopping. got some nice clothing. But i feel that theres room for much more. I am rather inspired now. To pursue my dreams.
But distractions keep on getting in my way.
I am 18 and my drive for a relationship is building up.
First there was that girl 1 year back.
But even now. I,m surrounded by beautiful, intelligent girls.
Sometimes because of this, i lose focus.

I have come to 1 conclusion though.
Life in the UK can be pretty fun and different.
Same applies for life in Singapore.
The major concern i feel is that friends play a very important role for helping one enjoy life. Yup.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 5:44 AM

I was blogging on
To appease brother paul and mr rajoo.
But i,m tired =( So i,ll just er. Copy paste the post lol.

---- start -----

“I am prepared to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”
This was quoted from Mr Winston Churchill who said it on the eve of his 75th birthday.
This. Is the essence of a truly great man.
There will be skeptics and haters. But undeniably, he was one of the big players in the age of Giants.

Where does my inspiration come from?
I can safely say that it’s largely owed to today’s visit to the Churchill museum and The Imperial War museum.
Truly. the previous few days have passed in the blink of an eye but i have learnt lessons both in and out of class.

In the past few days, we covered a myriad of topics.
First up, The Arab-Israeli conflict which deals with the persecution of the palestinians by the Zionist Jews.
In this case, the original victims the Jews, Turned the tide and became the aggressors. The issue of the unfair resolution passed in 1947 by the UNGA was brought to attention and one valuable lesson that was learnt was that in certain cases, History is written by the Victor. In other words, History isnt recorded but written.

We researched the Korean War. Basically its causes and its underplayed significance. Surely it was more than what American histiography made it out to be. The many different trends which emerged from the Korean war e.g NSC 68 and the rise of Macarthyism, The issue of a possible Sino-Soviet pact, US change of foreign policy to include more than just Latin America , Europe , Japan and the phillipines. One very interesting method of dealing with History was introduced. It’s called “counterfactualism”. Its not a very orthodox method of measuring History thanks to (all the philosophers out there who falsify all sorts of claims and theories)the unpredictability of events but nevertheless interesting and quite useful to the human race. What if the Korean War had never taken place? What if the nuclear bomb wasnt used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Interesting stuff eh?

Dr Jessica Gibbs, our History tutor was quite eager to teach us Cuban history. She did her Doctorate regarding the study of Cuban History. Furthermore, she has a Cuban husband and is writing a book on Cuban history. I was glad to learn from the expert. The monroe doctrine was implemented in 1832. It seperated and immunized the Americas from Europe. A crucial factor in U.S security. We touched on Cuba being the playground of the USA during Fulgencio Batista’s rule to the Cuban revolution of 1959 and Castro’s Regime. The Anti-Americanism of Fidel Castro. The equipping of Cuba with Soviet missiles and the war of nerves between the US and USSR. In the afternoon (late afternoon) we watched some Cuban films. Was quite interesting = )

And finally today! Yes The Churchill museum. It really opened my eyes to History for the first time. I must admit. The Churchill museum does have a very effective propaganda system (just kidding). I must say. I,ve gotten quite interested about the life of Winston Churchill perhaps i would research on him more in my spare time. Its pretty nice to look at the Cabinet War Rooms. That kind of feeling you know. “Wow. This was where they had war discussions during the battle of britain”.
Headed to the imperial war museum too! We went to the holocaust exhibition which was very enlightening. The cruelty and harshness of the Germans during that period. Imagine being born into an inferior class. Your destiny is not controlled by yourself. It is controlled by your color and religion. You are born inferior. That was the kind of mindset that the jews were forced to adopt through during the period of 1930s all the way till the end of world war 2. Urggh. Quite disturbing. The mass gassing at Austhwitchz. Terrible.

I,ve got research to do. On Asean.
I,ll update soon = )
Ok wait. I shall end of with another Churchill quote.

” It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.”

----- end -----~

So basically. All i wanted to say was that i got a cool bag from Burton.
A nice shirt too.
Tomorrow i,m going to Zara.
YA! HA! bitches ;)

Saturday, August 9, 2008 6:29 AM

Wah shit.
I know i,m in cambridge now but i cant help but feel really understudied.
Sure. I know my stuff really well now when it comes to origins of the cold war. We,ve touched on Arab Israeli conflict and contentious issues regarding the Korean war. BUT.

When it comes to what ASEAN+3 shit and what Zopfan and crap i really cant la. I dont know shit about it. The last thing i actually remember studying was what Sabah claim and Sipidan Ligidan. Jialat. I have no contextual knowledge when it comes to SBQ.

And not to mention my math and econs lol.
And er our PW lol.
And the S4 econs project.
And the freakin History file knn i must like do 1/2 of the outlines.

I need to get serious with my studies.
I need to take a H3 next year you understand me? Cos i want 11 credits to take a scholarship to my US/UK university.
I spoke to Mr.Rajoo what he told me was i needed a B for History promos (nobody will get an A) and i had to do well for my other H2s.

Really la. I am damn fucked now.

Thursday, August 7, 2008 3:22 AM

Sup Guys.
Tim from Cambridge at 8.30pm while its still bright as day. (It only gets dark here ard 10pm)

Today i met our History teachers
Dr Jessica something and the other guy.
In my opinion it was just ok for an intro lesson on origins of the cold war. I learnt a few new things but not much.
Of course, on the ReachCambridge blog, which can be found at , i would personally feel that today was highly enriching and would pose a wonderful experience.

Hmm. RJC and HCJC people. I wont stereotype but from what i,ve observed and seen today. The representatives for those 2 schools. I dont see how CJ history could lose out to them. Oh i,m not saying their stupid. They have excellent content.Better than mine at least. But as for today, i dont see myself losing out to them in anyway.

Ok so we visited King's college today.
Must go place. Its the BEST.
The chapel was brilliant. I was really blown away by the extricite artwork and the the detail put into the carvings. The ceiling was vast and finely crafted. ALL the windows were made of tinted glass. An impossible feat considering that it was built in 1440.

Went punting today. Punting is like canoeing except you dont get wet, you can relax and its tonnes better.
If i had a girlfriend, i would take her punting. In the long boat with nice comfy cushions, theres enough space for 2 people to sit side by side. You relax like you,re the king of the world and the punter brings you down the visually pleasing river in cambridge. Imagine like punting alongside Ducks with like 5 ducklings following mama in a line from behind.

I bought my Cambridge pullover for 18 pounds.
I was really disappointed when i couldnt buy the super nice pullover which Sherrie pointed out yesterday.
It was for females and there wasnt my size =((((((
O well. Now i can pretend that i was from Cambridge university.
Stand outside RJC and shoot them glares in which they have no choice but to turn away to.

On a little more serious note.
I hope history lessons pick up tomorrow.
There is definitely room for improvement and huge potential lying behind this trip.
I sincerely hope that it would be an out of the world (or at least singapore) learning experience for me.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:21 PM

hello. Tim from er. Oh ya.
I,m in the UK!!!!!!!!!

Ok firstly, everything is really different here.
The buildings have this kinda old rustic charm.
Oh I,m rooming alone so its realize nice too.
I,ve got a magnificent view of this unimaginably green field.
Yea its really pretty.

I love Girton College. Its kinda scary at night because there are all these potraits of people. They're really pretty but at night when you,re alone in a 800 year old building, the potraits seem to stare at you and their gaze follows your movements.

We went down to Cambridge City today and its brilliant.
A smooth mix of new and old. Tradition and Urban.
Its hmmm 7.30am here. Yea.

Yesterday after arriving, we took a 3 hour ride to Girton College from London heathrow airport. Girton is really nice. Theres this beautiful pond with ducklings and rabbits. CJC played captains ball with CJC and we won! In the rain too! hehehe.
I kinda like the autonomy that Ms Teo and Mr Rajoo has given us. University life indeed is fun!
Of course not forgetting that i have these wonderful friends from 03 and Cj with me.

I,ll be attending my first lesson and lecture later so i dont know how the classes will be like. Cross fingers x.



Motivation is a high.
I,m a little worried about work though.Scared that i cant catch up.
Btw shopping here is really great.
Pity the conversion rate ruins everything.
Cant wait for London.

Love you all ~ Tim.