Monday, September 29, 2008 9:47 PM

We,re all so stuck up about promos
Guess what the STANCE PUNKS have to say.

Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:25 PM

i would very much like to see a situation, where a student was more able than a teacher.
Does ability come with authority? Or does it come with the job.

Anyway, Guillermo Tell. Its a Cuban song.
Being a musician, i can't help but butt my nose into music.
Guillermo Tell, music + history.
Imagine my enthusiasm!
Dr Gibbs introduced that song to us.
Castro is a bitch.
Not that i liked Truman very much either...

Roosevelt is still probably my fav US pres in the 1900-2008 period.
But it might change to Barack Obama soon.
Interestingly enough. Not many people know Obama's middle name.
Wanna make a guess?

Hussein. Yes. Hussein. lol one might associate that with you know who ~~ but funny eh.
Well, i guess its just a coincidence.

In History, we learn about wars.
Countries go to war for their National interests.
WW1, WW2, The Cold War, The Chinese Civil war, The Bolshevik Revolution, The 6 Day war, The Gulf War, The Russo-Japanese war and many many more.
1 thing they all have in common.
The 2nd most fundemental reason for going war, the 1st being discontentment.
Its for the sake of themselves.
Its for their own sake.

Tomorrow, My war begins.
Or rather, i,ve already been fighting a war. Ever since the day i was born.
Tomorrow is yet another Battle. A large and possibly decisive one though.
Lets win!

Friday, September 19, 2008 1:51 AM

things to say?


1. I can converse about X japan. , How Rustynail was my "first song" , how i think heath is cooler than Taiji no matter what all the rest of them say, how hide was the best in my book, how yoshiki was still "fucking my mind" etc. etc. etc.

2. I can converse about warcraft. How you play a human vs NE with a tier 2 soc rifle archmage firelord push. Or how you tower rush 1v1 with a Naga on Terenas Stand. How gay UDs are and how i,ve never really found a way to beat them except expo tank. etc. etc. etc.

3. I can talk about our transport system. All too much words to say after doing a thorough research and analysis on it. How the ERP is just a temporary measure, how building new roads was never a solution. How the income gap and wealthy status+convienience of cars will always outweigh buses (especially when you stay on private property) etc. etc. etc.

4. I can talk about History. Almost anything of course in some cases a more in depth discussion and in others a mere broadness scratching the surface. Napolean's invention the Gullotoine, How i can't help hating China and its politics, How i feel that Gorbachev is the coolest president of Russia ever. Not to mention hours of speculating the difference it would have made if the Abombs werent dropped. Ok i cant help but ramble. You know the first bomb? How it was dropped on Hiroshima? Apparently, i can use the evidence on the buffer time to argue that Truman didnt really give a shit(in explicit terms) about japan welfare. It is a huge controversy. Was the 2nd bomb really necessary? Little boy came on august 6th. The main aim of the Abomb besides other sub aims like demonstrating US power to the Soviets was to Shock Japan into surrender. It was meant to be like a giant "wtf just happened" being dropped on Japan. Obviously the effects were there. But Nagasaki was NOT necessary! US gave japan 3 days. Just 3 days. How do you expect japan who had a large Wtf just happened dropped on them to react within the short period of 3 days? The army would have pulled back. There was no reason to continue fighting the war for japan. The 2nd bomb was not necessary. ok i digressed. back to topic.

I can talk about lotsa things.
I have lotsa things to say.
thats nice = )

Monday, September 8, 2008 1:29 AM

So nowadays, i find myself flaunting my intelligence by being intelligently unintelligent.

Does that make sense to you?
Sure does to me = )

lol i did it again.

Friday, September 5, 2008 9:24 PM

stole this from Remy's blog.
I swear that guy can become the ultimate female enemy.

"Supper was Udon with mushrooms and crabsticks, was rather nice and my younger bro helped cook it, he tried to make me suspicious of his intentions but i know him well. Know him well enough that he wont do such pranks, nah , thats my job. He lacks the ruthlessness and hatred to do it anyway, if u piss him off , the most he will do is charge at you and start throwing punches that miss all the time. He became faster tho, bet that has to do with him shedding a solid 10 kg in like 2 weeks, dont be jealous girls, guys are better in slimming down : P Dont blame me , science say you people are the weaker ones, afterall its biologically true that your have more body fats than guys haha. No offense.... Seriously."

Surprisingly, i agree with him = /
Dont become a hater pls.

9:15 PM

Its Hari Raya Again.

Went out for dinner at 8pm
When i was coming back, i got stared down by some punks.

The thing about Hari Raya is that huge amounts of malays start congregating in my area.
Its noisy all the way till 3 in the morning.
Thank god i live on the 11th floor.

But what you see here, are youths moving in groups averaging 5-6 people.
There are those smaller ones with just 2/3 ppl and those really large ones with 20 people.
Well, what happened was after my dinner i came across a group of 4 guys.
I was looking at them (not in a hurtful or abusive way) and while i stay true to whats in the paranthesis, i was silently ridiculing their caps. Cuz its amazing how they can rise so high.
Well, seems like i caught their attention.
Started looking at me and i got a little nervous having to walk past them.
Not like i could ever get in a fight down here.
I swear. 1 punch and like the whole street would be onto me.

Anyway, back at my block, there was this matriach waiting at the lift with me. We entered a lift and a bicycle came in blocking my way.
What surprised me was her pleasant smile asking me for my floor number since i couldnt reach the buttons.
I guess it totally got rid of my negative image due to the punks.
But then, dont make it a racial problem i say.
It isnt a malay characteristic (not the hats. The staring) but rather the characteristic of youths.

I still remember last year, i was bitching about litter on this blog during this period of time.
I still stand by that.
They can have their fun. But whats important is that clean up.
I can't stop you from turning my void-deck and whole street to a party pasa malam. But damn clean up pls.

Thursday, September 4, 2008 1:11 AM

do you know of the color purple?
In japanese. It translates to


Quite a cool name.
For a color that surprsingly suits me.
Dont even go to the intepretation of purple = gay.
I may be happy. But i,m certainly not homosexual

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 8:13 PM

well yea. Just to show you guys that i,m still around. = /
But hmm. heres a photo.
Remembrance of the wonderful times.
and to provide vision for the future.