Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:30 PM

All you Haters of High School Musical Out there.

8:02 PM

Chinese A levels are over.
While some of you may disapprove. I have shown varying attitudes towards different subjects in school.
The perfect history student contrasted against that lil piece of shit sleeping in chinese.

Theres only 1 problem. I cant afford to take CL'B next year.
O well. I did my best today.
Quite a feat i must say. Considering that i didnt fall asleep for my chinese paper and i actually brought a dictionary for once. I,m also proud to announce that my multiple choice was not just a simple case of eenee meenee mini mo and i actually put in rationale thought into it.

Appalled? Yup. There you have Tim who displays such horrendous attitude.
zzzz sometimes i hate being a rebel.
Of course nowadays i,m such a goodboy compared to past standards.

Anyway, whats over is over.
I dont ask for anything more than an S on my A level result really although an E would be nice for a change.

When PW is over. I wouldn't have an excuse anymore.

Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:11 AM

As a musician i,ve always liked anything that sounds good.
Therefore, i am not gay even though i listen to High School Musical which is very light and catchy.

Anyway, i really like their style of piano major key pop.

Hmm. ABout Vanessa Hudgens.
Apparently many people hate her because she appears to be "slutty" as quoted.
I actually think that shes kinda cool.
I mean she might be a lil more slutty and stuff but damn her voice is really good.
Especially after going through that high quality mixer and equalizer

But i guess what i and probably most people like most about High School Musical music would be the duets by Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens.
Theyre good. I like.

In terms of looks though.
Kelsee wins facedown. You know. the Piano Girl.
Then Its Sharpay.
Gabriella only comes in 3rd place in my book

Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:47 PM

well... somehow i did it.
I must admit that my ego has been inflated to an immeasurable size.
Start of the year it was just getting into CJ
Competing for Pre-U sem slots
Fighting for Reach Cambridge
competition for MidYears
Going to the UK and beating RJ and HC
Coming back to CJ
Promos and finally
after all this.
I,m offered H3 History and Econs.

Naturally i,d pick History over Econs any day although Game Theory in genuinely interesting.
But I actually did it!
I remember speaking to Trini about this some time after mid years and she said that she believed in me. She did but I didnt. Especially when it came to History. I always felt like someone who was better than the norm but unable to climb to the top.
I found people pursuing the same goals.
Jessica, Sherrie I,m sure Elijah wanted his bad as ever.
Well, we dont know about Lit's selection yet. I know Elijah would get through for H3 Econs application.
Sherrie and Jess should be fine when it comes to H3 Lit.
I,m so proud of my Win class lol.

But i,m suddenly afraid.
Yea. Pretty darn Scared.
I,m the only person in the level who was offered H3 History.
That means i,m effectively 2009 H3 history J2 batch.
Either the school will get 100% passes, distinctions or fail.

Pressuring not?
Well its my interest.
I really dont want to give up X.
A smart capable women she is and shes someone that i want so bad. Beauty, Brains and so much more.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:58 PM

i told myself before that i,d give up my pursuit for a fruitful and lasting relationship with "X" for the sake of taking a h3.


I probably would.
But still. i,d give up many more things to have both.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:15 AM

god give me strength!

*cross fingers*

off i go

Monday, October 20, 2008 12:39 AM

alas. i have turned into a fashion freak.

After Tuesday-cry-over-results-and-no-h3-offer-shopping, here i come!


I,m so cool now.
Gonna be pwning the streets with my fashion.

Sunday, October 19, 2008 11:20 PM

i guess after i put up this song on the blog.. i became pretty cool
There are many versions of this.
But the original has got to be the best.
Its totally like. New Wave music.


Friday, October 17, 2008 11:30 AM

Got a new song on the blog.
Namikaze Satellite by Snorkel although this version seems to be little faster and thus more "hip". Kinda spoils the message the song tries to bring across.

I want to collect the blowing wind
Through the waves, I run to the far away distance
The consequences is decided, even the road is far
I continue towards the painted future...

From here to you in a far away place,
I want to send that days of the wind and the pieces
I'm not lonely, I'll always be here
Wherever I go, the wind is connected...

Time is rushing us, with faster speed
Even If I wake up in a dream, I searched for that same light
Under the sparking sky filled with stars, countless constellations and shadows
Even in a night I can't sleep,

Repeating encounters and goodbyes
I'm still a child
Such image
if I can just throw it away

The next time I see you, I'll untangle the thread
Talk to you 'till we're both tired, and keep smiling
Through the bright city, the morning lights dyes the sky
That nearby place, what are you... what are you gazing at?
what are you gazing at?

The time keeps the flow going... the wind connects the both of us.

I'm not lonely, I'm still here now.
wherever the wind is...

its so useful knowing elementary japanese.
kirei onna
k fine so i suck at direct translation..

Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:54 PM

promos are over and the free time has allowed my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to resurface.

Although i must state that i,m in no way as screwed up as those people who wash their hands with soap every 5 minutes, theres no doubt that i,ve got issues.

What do you do then?
What you do is.

Yes. Notice how "Run Away" is mentioned about 100 times in this song.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 4:59 PM

Damn why is it just so tough?
Here i am, sitting at the top with a few capable others.
well, at least for history and econs.
But even at the top, theres this mad rush.
The rush for number 1.

Suprisingly, i,ve never been number 1 before.
Number 2 maybe, at most a tie for 1st place.
But suddenly, i can see others possibly doing much better than me.

I went crazy today trying to gather information on the people who scored L6 for History SBQ.
I,m pretty sure that i at least hit a L5 17/25
But then... when is that ever enough?
I,m looking for a 20 man.
I want my L6.

Then suddenly, theres a shortage and i spy many people capable of fulfilling that position.

We,ve got 4, at most 5 places.
Heidi's in
Vern too
and Nathaniel.

2 more slots. Dammit i want in! Cuz my L5 just aint good enough.

I apologize for putting up such an elitist post. But, all those who struggle just to pass dont know how crazy the competition is up here.

I havent even started on IH and WW2 decol.
For Decol, the target to beat is 17marks <
Kw , i,ll be satisfied with a 13.5 < (which is nearly impossible)
And i,m hoping i scrape at least 16 < for collapse of communism.

Hohoho. I talk so much. Do you seriously think that i can get that kind of grades?
I,d probably end up with a 16 , 12 and 14 respectively.

hmm. isnt that a B?
A pathetic B though...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:36 PM

life is taking an unexpected turn.
x Crossed fingers x

i wish everything turns out fine.
I'm kinda sour over my econs paper.
Always been decent at econs but i guess this promo paper will reflect me performing below my average which kinda sucks.

Wonder if i was one of those who hit L6 for history...
Most likely not...but at least i think i have a decent chance of getting an L5.

Ahhh life is playing me for a fool.
All these signs that are subtly flashing but just enough so that it catches my attention. Congratulations. You have Tim ensnared.
I kinda like japanese trance.
Maybe when i,m not feeling too lazy, i,d upload "shut up and explode" on Imeem.
On the contrary, the song is nothing like shutting up and exploding.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 8:43 PM

dammit tim.
You cant turn back now.
You made that choice bitch.

o well.. i,ve always been my own boss. no matter how it looked like from the outset

Friday, October 3, 2008 3:14 PM

I dont believe it.
History is finally over.
my fingers are crossed.
But i feel as if a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders.

I present to you BLAZE LINE!