Saturday, November 29, 2008 4:43 AM

Ok. My nerves have calmed and i,m not psycho anymore.

So anyway. Its my birthday er. yesterday and i was pleasantly surprised at dinner.

A million thanks to Trini,Annabelle,Ivan,Jeanette,Mark & Remy for the present,
Ivan & Jeanette for the shirt and jeanette for the awesome card although my picture is gay.

I,m such a nasty person.
Anyway, i,m pretty touched. People whom i wouldnt have expected wished me happy birthday and honestly speaking, i'm rather honored by that.

So, what i,d like to do now is thank them back individually again!

Vic : lol.

Su wei : I didnt expect you to wish me happy birthday and i thought it was a very thoughtful gesture.

Xinyi : I loved the soundtrack, so many thanks for that. I believed that i wouldnt have deserved a happy birthday after leaving the band so abruptly but i am grateful.

Raymond : Another face which i havent seen for a long time. I,m glad you remembered and bothered to chat me up though.

Chen : Sup man we gonna eat Soba lol.

Jarvis : Hey dude! Playing in so many bands now ah. Got so many gigs ah. Thanks and i,ll see you at PBO.

Devin : Thanks for the well wishes. You,re like, an energizer battery.

Eeling : Yo! yes i had a lovely trip in Batam and i,m sure you did too! Thanks for the well wishes too!

CHP : Hoho thanks for remembering. Matthew that bastard didnt lol. Aiya but i don't blame him la. He got exams and all that. Perhaps i,ll see you at PBO? =) If not...Chinese New Year.

Yirun : Honestly speaking, i didnt dare talk to you after leaving the band like that but i was pretty glad when you wished me happy birthday. The gesture itself was nice.

Heidi : Thanks a lot! But ya know, i,m fearing that NUS won't accept my application. Up till now, i,ve still had no news.

Ok. Now for the guys whom i spent the night with.

Annabelle : Well, I must say that i,m glad to have you around. In response to your card, yes, I am weird, i tend to call it special. But i do value my friends highly and thus, there is no need to thank me for those stuff. I have my Tim hotline on 24/7.Anyway, we had fun in the UK didnt we? But you know, our friendship is an unspoken one. Different from the kind i share with the guys and Trini but important nevertheless. I,m pretty much capable of anything because i,m like Chuck Bass.

hmm. what comes after A,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ok.

Ivan : Dude, i'm having fun with you man. Srsly, you bring good fun to any group and thats why i like having you around. You,re a pretty caring guy too! Too bad you lack hatred man. Hmmm, i,ve had a great year with you too! and many 966/985/154 busrides.
Well, thanks for spending my birthday with me and thanks for being a friend.


Jeanette : Ok Jeanette, you know, i used to talk to you quite a bit before mid years.
Nowadays, we don't talk as much but at least, we still have the friendship there. I must admit that you are also a different kind of friend. That is because, you dont let us gamble, you dont let us skip lessons and er you are not perverted like the rest of our group. (Not that we,re really perverted, its mainly Ivan) But apart from spending my birthday with me, i want to thank you twice for that awesome card. I bet it took a lot of time and effort to make and i really appreciate it. = )


Mark : Sup dude. You,re like my hang around pal because i always hang around you. I think that you,re a pretty cool guy although u freakin wrote 4 letters and 1 signature on your little card on the truck. I think you,re really funny and you do the funniest things. However, you really are a caring friend and i will always remember you for the J incident.

m,o,p,q,r (lol actually its supposed to be K but wthell)

Remy : Yo Remy. You and me, like Annabelle and I, share an unspoken friendship as well. I seem to get along with you fine, we like the same things and i,m sure we appreciate each other's company. I think that its pretty funny when you do stupid things and be mean to Trini but pls dont go overboard. The night definitely wouldn't have been as awesome without you around. Oh but your handwriting sucks, even on the freakin scribbled my name man. For the record, i think i might be the only person who appreciates your cynicism. Probably because i'm thinking of the same thing too! Thanks for everything.

and then we have the person whom i,m really indebted to as last.

Trini (who is not gonna read this anyway since she doesnt even use the friggin computer): 1 year might be short for you and me, but i believe that quality beats quantity and i,ve definitely spent a meaningful year with you. Thank you for being the avenue where i let out my anger, frustration, sorrow, fear, excitement, nervousness, joy, content etc.. that means a lot to me as i,m pretty sure that anyone else, would run away or think that i,m psycho (which i am). You,re support is highly valued and my secrets are safe with you. You are definitely a highly valued person to me and i was geniunely touched at everything you did for my birthday dinner, reserving the table, organizing the guys, getting the cake, planning the surprises, etc etc. Furthermore, you are very admirable as you do all these after spending days organizing council stuff and church stuff. Thats why, you,re truly an important friend and thats why i will strive to nurture our friendship and let it grow!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:14 PM

things are gonna change. I think.

I,m having problems. Huge problems beyond any of your comprehension.

I fear for my future, my dreams.

i dont feel like blogging anymore.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 3:34 PM

ok Tim.
I know its hard... but lets not turn this into an obsession.
Not like you haven't had enough of those already

Sunday, November 16, 2008 10:41 AM

I think, if you had followed my gradual change from the start of the year till now,
It,d be like reading harry potter 1-8

You realize that in book 1, harry is such a jolly kid.
Then he gradually becomes emo and screwed up from book 5 onwards.

There ya have it Ladies and Gentlemen.

Friday, November 14, 2008 10:09 AM

omg have you watched gossip girl episode 10?

Srsly i lack skills.
I shoulda just become like Aaron Rose.
Even i,m romanced by the way he romances girls.
I need to learn from that guy.
These Artisty kinds, makes me feel like saying Je t'aime

But oh hohohoho. I know. I know.
Aaron Rose is a bad man.
Evil guy.
But still his methods sure are effective.

3:27 AM

Huetai calls me emo.
Thats just his intepretation of my constructive critiscm. Of course, being me, i have to deliver it in a cynical disapproving manner.

Trini calls me melodramatic.
I believe that its a more accurate depiction of my character. After all, i,m in drama. But its a result of "reading too much into things" which i prefer to term "thorough analysis of possible implications". Of course while her whining is piercing, my whining is corrosive.

Well, i,m having one of those moments again. One of those moments where HT would say, Tim is emo-ing or Trini would tell me, "you,re being melodramatic again".
We all know the source of my worries.
On base analysis, something might be the problem,
then you realize that the target issue is affecting me.
But then you realize that i,m the cause of my worries.


I forgot what i wanted to blog about.

O well, i,m a person who sets goals without planning.
I like to dream without purpose and talk without action.

But yes, i want to make the ultimate chicken rice, crossiant, tiramisu, stew, etc.
and Yes, i want to be a professional guitarist, pianist, saxophonist and vocalist.
and yes, i want to be a teacher, lawyer, cook, stockbroker, president of the united states of america.

As to whether i,ll ever get about to achieving these dreams.
Time will tell.
But there are certain things. Which i get over-paranoid about.
Thats my weakness i believe.
But its also my strength.

Meh. I wanted to talk about smth but i forgot what it was.
Must be because i'm tired.
Its interesting finding out about other people's lives isn't it?
Well, i dont aim to be intrusive but i guess it helps understand a person better.

Yawn. If i recall what i wanted to blog about, hmmm. ah whatever, i,ll just go with the flow..

Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:01 AM

zzzz that girl just ruined my day man.

She and her stupid statements.
Think it through before bringing up this crap to me.

Meh you think its easy being class treasurer.

But anyway. We went to watch Quantam of Solace today.

I felt that it was rather fail.
No cool bond stuff, no pro guns, no gadgets and shit =(

But nvm la it was watchable.

So i guess the holidays for me are like
hmm soso up till now.
we,ll see how things go.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 2:55 PM

History's First Black President.

How exciting.
Dont you feel it?
I do.

The Dawn of a new age.
I cant wait to see the future developments.
Martin Luther King must be toasting in heaven right now.

Look at me!
A history student.
Political Science just got so much more interesting!

1:36 AM

I,m starting to find everything around me to be really boring.

I,m facing a dilemma. If i post, people will read and judge.
If i don't post, the only other avenue open to me would be Trini.
Problem is, shes obviously asleep and i don't want to wait.

Everything, Everyone, Everyface, Everyplace
has suddenly become so boring to me.
All the "plans" for the holidays.
All the outings
All the promises
All the activity

Perhaps this isnt Tim
Yea. Meet my evil twin Jim.
Although the name Jim doesnt even sound Evil

I just want it to stop.
no.1 I like to control my own pace
no.2 I need new blood.

I want to meet new people.
I want to try new things
I,m growing too big for this little box to contain me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008 2:29 AM

k gotten over my lil "incident"

Anyway, i think Scream has to be one of the best HSM songs ever.
Along with "Can i have this dance" where the waltz seen on that roof top garden blew me away.

I feel that HSM3 shapes its music and dance style from micheal jackson when it comes to the male solos aka Scream & The boys are back

But anyway, Scream is just very nicely put together and the piano accompaniment that goes with the guitar is so impactful.

In addition, its an awesome song to beat yourself up with.
An added bonus for little screwed up me.
Too much free time kills.
Nothing to distract someone from all these "issues"
My oh my.
The madness within me.
Kinda reminds me of Dr.Stein from "Soul Eater"

Saturday, November 1, 2008 10:37 PM

o man. something horrible happened.

My supper has just been ruined.
What i,m having.

Milk Tea and Japanese Cuttlefish

I dont mean your noob cuttlefish.
Mine is pro stuff. Its the most delicious cuttlefish ever.
But thats not the point.

I,m eating my cuttlefish while drinking my milk tea while watching yakitate japan which is this really awesome japanese anime about bread which totally makes one salivate.

Then suddenly, my tastebuds picked up huge spicy waves (the cuttlefish isnt spicy) and i started craving for water.

So...i picked up my milk tea and drained the bottle but my mouth was still hot as ever.
Then, i proceeded to get ice cubes from the kitchen but it didnt work.
The first ice cube into my mouth, 2nd, 3rd
The heat was still there and trust me, its rather excruciating having your mouth constantly on fire for 5 minutes.

So i,m thinking. Shit... did some kinda chemical reaction take place?
By then, my mouth still showed no sign of cooling down and my nose started dripping while my eyes started to tear.

All of a sudden, i get this shitty feeling and i puke (into a plastic bag, the one where i bought the milk tea in)

then everything goes back to normal except that you have this shitty feeling that lingers for a while.
Now my tongue has turned back to normal but i,m kinda staying away from the cuttlefish.

Freaky though.