Saturday, January 31, 2009 9:53 AM

We've all heard life stories about teachers that have inspired students in one way or another.

Well, i thought that my visit to Ms Teo's place was very inspirational.

Teachers don't usually invite students into their homes.

As a teacher, there must always be a space between your students and your private life.

Yet, here i am, walking into a teacher's home, meeting her husband (for the 2nd time), using her fridge like its my own, going into her study(where the scripts are located),going into her bedroom (which is probably one of the most private where places a person can be), checking out her wedding pictures and playing games.

But this is the person, who marks my scripts and turns my paper red.
This is the person, who screams at people for being late for lectures.
This is the person, who has to be responsible for me during school time.

I guess, we have to ask ourselves what a teacher really is.
Is being a teacher merely an occupation? I think it is.
There's no such thing as going the extra mile.
Because, teachers are human too.
When one "goes the extra mile", the person is just dropping the role of teacher and assuming the role of a friend.

Ms Teo's house was really enjoyable.
I pretty much could live there.
You can actually feel sense the love and care in the house.

Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:31 PM

I must be Focused. Our class band got through the auditions and will play for Rockafella. I am elated.

I must be Focused. Trini is back from Vietnam and we have some catching up to do.

I must be Focused. I am going to Ms Teo's house tomorrow for visiting during CNY

I must be Focused. I am going for Eeling's & Tim's party at sentosa on Saturday

One mis-step and i will be sent spiralling down into a pool of defeat.
I must be Focused.

Little by little.
Step by step.
One task after another.

I will become a machine that feels emotions. But still, a machine.

Monday, January 26, 2009 11:23 PM

I understand why my mom got divorced and is on the verge of another one.

I will now categorize the reasons into personal and inter-personal.

The biggest reason, would be personal.
She is a huge irritant. Every question and action needs an affirmation.
Imagine a 30 minute car journey.
Minute 1 : she asks you if you want a sweet. If you say no, she,ll ask you why and you have to give her an answer.
Minute 5 : she comments on the driver in another car being too fast/slow/unstable. Then she will keep on reiterating her point about that driver and asking you whether you agree or disagree, in which you have to giver her a proper answer.
Minute 10 : She talks about the place you're visiting and perhaps asks you if the dress she's wearing will spark off a positive reaction from the relatives/friends. You must answer her.

This goes on about once every 5 minutes till you reach your destination.
Now. Imagine the scenario at minute 10. If you don't answer her and just keep quiet. She,ll come off saying. "I,m talking to you". Then lets say, you tell her that the dress is nice. She will ask you "why". Followed by something like. " The ribbon is pretty right?" in which you must answer or she will come up with something like " Why today you so moody " this further aggravates your irritation and you answer. " No la. the ribbon is pretty" in which, she will comment on your "unhappy tone of voice". After which, she will go back to "So do you think they will say my dress is nice? " and the cycle goes on.

In other words, my mother's personality is an allergic reaction.
It is itchy, blotchy, swells and doesn't go away.

I was at my stepfather's place. A relative of his came in when she was in the toilet. I shook his hand and wished that stranger happy CNY. My mom came out and wished him happy CNY. I was sitting there watching TV. She told me to go greet the relative but i already did so i just continued watching TV. She then told me not to give such an attitude so i told her i greeted him already. What she did then was bring the relative to me and said. "This is my son". I turned to the guy i already greeted and said. "Hi". The guy replied "Hi". My mom then said. "Why so rude! call uncle and wish him happy new year". The relative told my mom. " He already wished me happy CNY just now". My mom said "Oh. then, (directed at me) Shake his hand mah". I looked at her and told her. "I already did." In which she replied. "Where got? I didnt see." So i told her, "You were in the toilet just now." Only after that, does she laugh it off like its a huge joke.

Yes. Allergic Reaction.

I,m quite worried about my sister.
I,m sorry. She's my sister but i can't help but feel that she is gonna be pretty stupid.

Number 1, she is 7 months old.
However, she only mumbles "la" sometimes. According to an online site i found, babies her age should have a repertoire of "ba,la,da,ra,ma,na," as they are experimenting with their tongue. I,m rather certain that up till now, i,ve only heard bawling and the occasional La.

Number 2, She has sucky parents.
My dad doesnt teach her shit. So its up to my stepmom, a Thai who just learnt english up to maybe secondary school standard 4 years ago, to teach her.
Its not very promising when she says "selina, have you ate?" or when she reads to my sister without the use of diction. "Keng-a-loo" which is supposed to be kangaroo

I named my sister Serena.
Yes, after Serena Vanderwoodsen which embodies, beauty, style and finesse.
The name Serena is supposed to be elegant in nature.
But after my stepmom distorts it to Seliina. It starts to sound ah lianish.

Yes yes. I should do my part as the educated older brother, guiding her along. I must admit though. I am quite lazy but i,m pretty busy too.

I have a 2 year old nephew. He is such a dear.
A genius too! That 2 year old boy, can speak fluent chinese.
You ask him. "Ni siang che she mo" (forgive my horrible chinese) he says. " Wo siang che Pu tao (grapes)" you play his favourite dvd and he tells you that the tiger is gonna eat the bee.
"Kor kor, ni kan. Na ge lau hu hue che diao mi feng"

That guy is 2 years old. I swear he is a frickin prodigy.
Well...his parents did study medicine in university...

Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:44 AM

Trini's in Vietnam.
Apparently, its quite horrible down there.

Its been a tough week.
Drama practices to Grandpa's birthday all the way at BoonLay back to Drama again + PTM + Obama inaugural followed by Drama Practice while History Tuts menacingly float around. Then the start of my H3 research paper which is horrible then Drama again and then Rockafella band stuff.

Tough indeed. Its gonna become worse next week.
hmm and Trini still won't be back.
Well, at least I,ll be able to go to Ms Teo's house next week and Bug her home with secret cameras and voice detection devices so that i can spy on her when shes like setting the Prelim papers or smth.

Never been to a teacher's house before.
Its a general rule that as a teacher, you must NOT let a student go to your place.
But o well, since victor and us are all friends now.

Honestly speaking, after her whole fiasco, i never thought i,d be listening to Britney again.
But i guess i am.

Monday, January 12, 2009 10:41 PM


I know some people who would love nothing more than to wake up at 8.30am and read a book all the way till noon.

I know some people who would love nothing more than wake up at 5pm and grind world of warcraft till 7am occasionally popping into the toilet and to pay the mcdonalds delivery guy.

I know some people who would love nothing more to wake up at 7 in the morning and go for a nice jog, followed by breakfast at 8.30.

I know some people who would love nothing more to wake up at 5.30am to prepare for school.

I know many people who would love nothing more than to wake up at 11.30am just in time for brunch and laze the afternoon away.

Obviously, these are all different people, leading different lifestyles.
But they all have a specific desire, goal in mind.

Number 1 would like to relax with her book.
Number 2 would like to get his epic in WoW.
Number 3 would like to maintain a healthy lifestyle while number 4 would like to do her best in school.
Number 5 would like to do things at her own pace.

But what about me?
Sure. I fall into almost every single category at different times of the year (except that i dont play WOW)
I guess. i,m just trying to bide my time blogging. = /
What i,m really waiting for hasnt come yet = (

1:12 AM

lol i have to wake up at 6am. and its 1am now. I DO NOT FEAR.


k goodnight

Thursday, January 8, 2009 1:46 AM

So anyway, i found some interesting stuff online. Too bad you'll never find out.

One day, there was a rocket scientist named ali. He wanted to get himself a pretty girlfriend. Therefore, he went to this magical place called America . Now. Ali wanted to revamp his image to score with the chicks.First, he tried becoming a dashing military man. But the army wouldnt take him in because he was a foreigner. Depressed, Ali went to the hood. He wanted to become a musician
. But instead, what Ali found was this . Nevertheless, he realized that his new image brought him some girls. Of a different kind . However, Ali was satisfied. He got some booty but realizing that his girl blew all his money, Ali started to become desperate . Thus, what he did was engage in child trafficking . However, soon after, he got caught by the police . Ali was thrown in jail. He was sad. All his life, all he ever did was. When Ali finally got out of jail, he went to Singapore(no i am not going to post LKY's picture here lest something funny happens to me) and there, he hoped to earn an honest living . He heard of

some of the local beauties too thus, he went to mediacorp to find his beauty. However, Ali got lost and ended up bumping into a handsome stranger.

After bumping into that handsome stranger, Ali realized that he had . From that day on, Ali disappeared from the face of the earth. As for the handsome stranger? He went to America and there, he met his girlfriend
where the 2 lived happily ever after . THE END.
Ok.. so i was bored = )

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 11:07 AM

recently i,ve been playing games with clan imp.
Imp stands for impossible.
we don't play dota.
we play crap thats srsly impossible to complete and we complete them.
these guys suit my style = )

Friday, January 2, 2009 1:16 AM

This blog of mine is so godly.
Look at my archive section.
August 2007!

Goodness me i,ve finally lasted for over a year.
Amazing huh.

Well. New Year and stuff.
Guess its time to get cracking.

Perfection wont wait