Monday, March 30, 2009 10:57 PM

Silent Jealousy.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:13 PM

Alright, i,m back from Kahang.
One would expect a long elaborate post about the trip, but i,ve never been the type to post according to reader expectations.

I,m rather glad though, the trip was pretty shitty especially since it rained EVERYDAY. However, i made quite a few friends.
Got to know 2 idiots, Carl and Baba from T15 in which we performed the most retarded but definitely most entertaining skit, at the same time, strengthening bonds between acquaintances and friends alike.

Took it like a man and roughed it up a little on the wild side,
practiced my punting skills on bamboo raft (Mark and I won FIRST place in the race ok. But i swear it was my pro punting skills that bagged the victory)
got wet by losing my balance on just 1 out of 10 obstacles (due to gay mark being my partner)
fell into a side river in a ricefield which was chest deep due to a certain fag called mark giving me this bright idea.
walked in a river which fluctuated between ankle to knee to chest deep and shrieked everytime the cold water touched my nether regions,
descended a hill in the rain,
Climbed up a friggin hill and had a steep but enjoyable decent,
Made a "spaceship" with Francis's brilliant ideas and Javelin skills (sadly we failed due to a stroke of bad luck)
sleeped in a tent with a couple of gays.
played frisbee with gwen, megan,francis,edwin,roy,rachel,trini,monica,ivy and a couple of gays.
Caused my team, captain planet, consisting of Mark,Trini,Carl,Sebastian,Rachel,Valerie,Francis and I to forfeit due to Mark faggot's brilliant idea of attacking all the other groups at 1 shot.
played cards in the tent which i shared with some gays.
learnt to play bridge with the gays, francis, trini,gwen,rachel and monica
stuffed myself at pizza hut where belmont got a 2 person meal for $4 sing, while francis baba and I took on the challenge of a 6 person meal (which caused me to use the toilet directly after finishing my 2 bowls of soup, 5 slices of pizza and 4 breadsticks )
Bought gum, smuggled it w/o getting caught.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 11:44 PM

Hmm. I miss Ah Gangz much. Both of them.
Forgive me for getting all sentimental but we've been through a lot together.
Sometimes i get so caught up about the present that i forget about the past.
I really would like to see them again before the year ends.
Come to think of it, the last time i met them was March 2008? =(

Well.. its not like they even know that my blog exists.
I should surprise them at their house one day.
Seeing Uncle again would be nice.
Hmm but their sisters scare me.

12:11 AM

i was really wondering. whether i should even blog about this at all.
But this being my blog, i feel that i should at least, have a little freedom of space.

You know, i really respect our 34th student council president, Francis.
I discover something new everytime i talk about or to him.
So, the reason why i really respect and to a minor extent, idolize him, is because i,ve never met a person, who in my judgement is smart, intelligent, goodlooking, strong, kind, humble, responsible and fun at the same time.
I probably do not know his flaws but hes not some goody two shows.
Neither is he a street thug.
He commands authority and respect.

I feel insecure, blogging about a single person, since i might get flooded with critics but still, i cant help but want to be this guy.

Sure, being me has its benefits (well not really. If you think i,m all that. well... dont even think it and if you think that even if i,m not all that, there are still certain merits about me, you may be right but my demerits outweigh the good stuff = / )
Ya. But I think, the word is think. Because i do not know how Francis's life is like. At least not the complete picture, but I think that if i had the choice, i would trade lives with him.
After all, my view on him, is that he is simply amazing.
I just wish i could measure up to someone like that.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:49 PM

Hai Guyzz.
Ok. I just felt like doing that.

So. CTs are over.
But when i think about CTs, i think that i,m quite a hypocritical person.
I talk about Elitists like xxx and xxx, but i myself, derive my satisfaction from being at the top.

So, people around me, save Remy are talking about how badly they are doing for their CTs.
I wont deny that this CTs were undoubtedly rushed as compared to promos but.
still, i hear so much depression and angst and nonchalance around me. Its sad. Cheer up people. At least its over = )

Can you tell me. Like srsly tell me. Tag my board and tell me. If i turned elitist, if i started bragging. What would your reaction towards me be?

Monday, March 2, 2009 11:21 PM

Today my cousin did something in school which made me proud.
Good Job Vic.

I believe that i suck up a lot to History teachers.
Not a direct suckup like certain people, (no not you jeremias. Your method of doing it is very interesting)
I tend to adopt a more subtle method.

So anyway, i do respect our school's history teachers a lot.
Ms Teo, Mr rajoo, Ms Sarah Soh, Ms Narinda
They're all awesome teachers

However, my dear cousin > ms soh today
Last week she scolded him for doing a shitty reading assignment where you had to annotate the reading.
She told him : "couldnt you be more hardworking like your cousin? " <---She obviously doesnt know me too well. I do work hard but i,m pretty stupid and i play a lot and i,m definitely not like jessica.

So he went back and made amendments.
He handed it to her on friday and today, she came to class saying.
" Victor, you have redeemed yourself your assignment got a B"
In which my cousin replied.
"But Ms Soh, all i did for Mason was just to type it out "
And ms sarah soh was speechless.

= )

Oh no. I,m quite worried. A friend of mine may be in trouble.