Thursday, April 30, 2009 5:39 PM

Bam Bam.
I feel good.

Today i will shout out to the people who subtly read my blog without me realizing.
Hi Eeling and Hi Nat and Hi Heidi and whoever else is out there.

It may be a bold statement.
People may think that i'm shooting my mouth off
I may become the target of mockery and people may think that i'm a showoff and a snob.

However, i'm gonna make a declaration.
I decided,

NEXT YEAR, I'm gonna be collecting an AWARD on stage. I'm not sure what award. Top in History, Econs, Academic Excellence award, award for 5 distinctions (bitch pw BITCH!) whatever. I'm definitely gonna get something good next year.

dearest jessica / sherrie. I leave it to you to bag the lit award thanks.

Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:04 PM

Today i watched Cats at the esplanade sitting on the 1st row which practically gave me the best view and a chance to interact with the Cats.

Courtesy of my godmother.

Its so awesome. It really opened my eyes to musical and theatrics.
I'm the stage manager for CJCs Blithe Spirit production and my set sucks compared to the awesome set they have.

Its so cool how they change the theatre into a rubbish dump and all the super cool lights and all.
The singing is great and the cast is awesome.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:44 PM

I believe and i,m sure that you'll believe too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:08 PM

Where did that Tim go to?
The one who went for Pre - U seminar
The one who got selected for RC.
The one who got all Bs for promos.
The one who took up H3 history.
The one who was always on top of things.

Where did that Tim go to?
I,m trying hard to find him.

Monday, April 13, 2009 11:18 PM

It appears that i,m not very good at economic devt.
Perhaps its because i missed 1 and a half lecture on it.
O well, not good enough a reason to suck.

So, after doing tomorrow's tut,
i,m having a drink. Before preparing to sleep.
It was initially meant to be a martini. However, due to sinus, i switched to Benedictine Dom, for the medicinal qualities.

I,m even drinking uncool liquer now. = (
Shows how much i,ve degraded from my initial spunk.

Friday, April 10, 2009 12:54 AM

I was gonna blog about PW results. I was gonna criticize people. Justify my angst.Defend my stand.

I was also gonna blog about the MFA lecture by Minister mentor Lee. How he's a bright spark. But nevertheless an old man who although has accurate judgment, farsight, the correct solutions and the means to act, is slowing down in both his body and mind.

Yet, i decided that i shall not blog about these things.

Instead, i would like to thank Cheryl.
Cheryl made my day today.
Not Trini, Not Matthew, Not Warcraft nor History or anything else.
Maybe its because its Cheryl, thats why she was capable of doing so but she took a shitty day, smacked it a little and made it a significantly less shitty day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009 9:05 PM

I was in a mood to write.
Keyword. Was.

But nevermind, i'll pick up what i have and we'll talk. Or rather, I'll type.
I kinda like the Lady Gaga on my blog.
Its very shaky.
I came across the song when watching a youtube vid of my friend in the US dancing around with her roomates like retards.
Doing university in new york looks fun. and stupid.

Ok. Today, i will criticize the regular.
The nice bodied, big armed, reasonably sized legged and if lucky enough, the intelligent brain.
One can be equally tenacious, matched in cunningness, similar in spirit.
But what happens if the cards that you're dealt with from birth just don't match up?
Those people who are jealous of my ability to lose weight instantaneously are fools.
or am i the fool?

Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:06 PM

As you can tell, i have changed the song to p-p-p-p-poker face

Anyway, H3 history is really tough.
Sometimes i wonder if i can do it well.
Theres no squirming your way through.
Every single word i use is being scrutinized. Well, of course that means i am getting very precise in my vocabulary but i can get stuck for 30 minutes on a single word or phrase.
Doesnt help that Rajoo tells me that i,m either 100% or 0%
I mean, sure, it's Tim. He'll be fine in the end you know.
Wait till you're in my shoes. You then realize that i'm struggling to stay afloat.
But i guess the biggest problem is that i've got nobody to help me with this burden.
Sure. I'm bad at Lit.
Well, so are many others.
Ok. I have sucky chinese. I don't really give a shit about that and so do others.
But this time i'm all alone.
Imagine trying to learn about political structures or nationalism or Cold war on your own.
Nobody gives you any notes.
You set your own syllabus.
There are no lectures. No tutorials. No guidelines.
Yet, you're expected to sit for your A levels having prepared for the topic and write a 5000 word essay on it.

Oh did i mention? You can't just open Tarling or Keylor. Because nobody has written a specific book on what you're doing.


P-p-p-pokerface. P-p-p-pokerface. Muhmuhmuh muh