Saturday, May 30, 2009 3:18 PM

" What about us! , What about everything we've been through "
" What about Trust? "
" You know i never wanted to hurt you "
" What about me?? "
" What am i supposed to doooooooo? "
" I gotta leave but then i'll miss youuuu "

* music

" SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I've Got to move on and be who i am, (continues singing )

* Zac Effron copes a feel of Vanessa Hudgen's bust.

its all here = ) Love the song btw.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 5:20 PM

Ok look. I,ve been watching house and i,ve come to the conclusion

Hazel looks like Cameron.

Hazel, if you're reading this, (because i,d not expect you to read this, but you never know...) yes. I mean you.

4:33 PM

Hey guys.

If i were an animal, i,d most probably be a snake. I shan't elaborate.





just maybe.

Maybe I'm a lion

Friday, May 22, 2009 9:49 PM

ok look.
when i have a problem that i dont like to face, i choose to run away.
I do so by taking drugs.
Not your ecstacy, weed, meth and all that crap that stupid people take.
I take legal, sophisticated drugs. I won't tell you what.
The drugs help me out with my problems.
Are you gonna judge me?
If you say no, its probably a lie or an attempt at self justification.

If you react to the above sentence in a nonchalant way, "bullshit" for example, or "whatever you say Tim", in a detached tone, it further proves my point.

In that case, taking drugs helps me more than not taking drugs helps you.

Do i need counselling? Yes.
Am i gonna go for counselling? No.
Does that make me more screwed up than you? Yes.
I would like to try counselling.
Seeing how most of the counsellors in Singapore have a psy degree from NUS FASS, or NTU PSY
I,d really like to have a chat with them. Take a look at the way these guys think.

The truth is, you dont need a course on psychology to counsel effectively.
Sometimes, Drugs do a better job.

Well, for those of you who can tell, I've obviously had a nasty day today. Nasty isnt the best adjective to use its just that theres a little irritant in my brain. Nothing more.
Take it away and i,d be blogging about puppies and ponies.
Not drugs and deranged madmen.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 9:36 PM

So frustrating. Imeem doesnt let me embed full songs = (
So i just took it all away.
Ha! how'd u like that ! = /

8:30 PM

Today i,m gonna blog about generic things.
Things which people may classify under the term, General.
But as i go along, both you and me, may find out that these things really aren't generic in nature after all.
So much for General Paper huh.

A few of you may know, and most of you dont know, that i,ve been living at my Godmother's house for the past week. Its ridiculously near school, (10mins away meaning i wake up at 700am every single day and still arrive at 7.25) and its luxurious.

For those of you who don't know, (that means many of you), my godmother is a multimillionaire who owns a jewellry line catering to elites (meaning one piece of jewellry may cost you a few tens of thousands). While my 3 room flat in joo chiat pales in comparison to any single one of her 5 houses in Singapore, i,ve been living at her permanent resident, my second home.
Usually, i stay there often but i inhabit my cousin's room.
This time, before going on a holiday to Switzerland she invited me to stay in her room which is simply luxurious. (Think hotel suite)
Therefore, i,ve been feeling like a rich boy. Makes me want to act more cultured.


The next non generic issue i would like to talk about, may seem pretty general. After all, what i would like to talk about is the female gender.


What are women really. Are they just men with a different set of reproductive organs? Or maybe its men, which are actually women with different genitilia.
Do men and women think alike?
Some may say yes, i mean after all, we both have brains and we take-up similar academic paths.
But science says no because of the X and Y chromosomes (you realize that i don't know shit about X or Y chromosomes. I dont even know which belong to men and which to women. Someone enlighten me on my tagboard thanks.)

Well, i,m here not to talk about women in this sense but rather, the women in my life.
I,ve grown to love and hate women.
They make you feel so good but make you feel so bad.
This isn't just limited to your mid-teen BGR crisis (Dear pwease forgive me i still lubb you muacks)
Your mom, your wife and daughter (for older readers), your teacher, your aunt, yourself (for the the majority of the readers)
Admit it, Women are tough stuff.
But recently, i,ve been very thankful of the women around me. Much more so than the men.
My Godma. My dear FEMALE friends(Ya annabelle if you're reading this, ur included in here. You too ivan.), Sydney (srsly, what would i do w/o her help), Ms Teo (not mr rajoo), etc. etc.

Women are bitches. Srsly.
But i still love them.

You know what, i,m tired. I wanted to blog about Choice, Salmon and High School Musical but i,ll leave that to some other time.
kk bye.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 8:51 PM

OH. For your information. Inclusive of this post, the last 5 posts are to be read bottom up otherwise you'll have a reverse impression of the line of thought. Notice the timings posted at the right hand corner of this little rectangular border?

8:50 PM

Ya right. As if i wanna be normal.

I'd rather be anything but ordinary.

Can't Touch This!

8:48 PM

hmmm. i was known as timmy to my childhood friends.
Of course, now, i've lost total contact with every single one of them thats why i,m able to re-invent my self as Tim.

Apparently, the issue on weirdness still hasn't changed all this while.
Well. At least i,m Tim and no longer timmy anymore.

Its a change you see. These kinda things are gradual in nature.
Maybe when i,m 30 i,ll actually be normal!

8:45 PM

Oh right. Now i understand why people find me weird.

It may be due to systemic reasons.

I mean, what do you expect of a guy who has an email address of

Sure. one can argue that it was inspired during a sec 1 phase where the brain is underdeveloped but srsly.

This ain't cool.

8:35 PM

I cant believe this.
I suddenly see the light!
Sometimes i wonder if school is restrictive.
Given the wrong circumstances and the wrong teachers, school can do bad instead of good.
Its really nobody's fault but up till now, my ability has been hindered because of standardization in schools!

Hohoho. Lets see how far i can go with this.
Damn. You know, people think i'm weird.
Its the truth.
To me, the things i do make perfect sense. But apparently not to the majority.
In certain cases, i don't really think before acting.
But most of the time i do and trust me, the reasoning leaves the act reasonably justified.

But i still appear weird in front of other people.
I was with a friend today and we were talking to my friend's , friend whom i knew only by face and name.
It was my first time talking to her and i think she couldn't hold in her laughter or smth. Oh no. I,m getting laughed at. Its embarrassing.

I wonder if people think that i,m a freakshow.
Freak show. I,ll show up those freaks. Nat once told me that i was unique. I wonder how much of that is true.