Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:38 PM

with reference to the poster "annoyed" on my tagboard,
I am annoyed at you now! But nevertheless, i will remain civil.
Yes. We all know that i have my issues and i must admit. That post was a way for me to relieve my angst against someone who irritated me that day. Very much like how your reply is a way in which you relieve your annoyance towards me. Notice the 1 month break between my posts, it means that something has to upset me enough so that I actually bother getting my ass on the computer to post it online. Clearly, we're both caught in the same predicament of having to voice out our opinions regarding something.

While i do believe that as long as i,m not slandering the government or doing something like promoting racism, what goes on within my blog is very much my own business. Yes. you say that its the free internet. If i have issues, then close the tagboard or password my blog. But i still retain the ability to post since i,m the registered user. So, if it upsets you so much that i like to vent my frustrations on my blog, i suggest you not read it or else, you might be further insulted.

Even then, i would still like to let you know, what i think about your response. I think that your response is founded on thin air. You may think that everybody out there is smart in their own way. (Jeremias's opinion which i actually agree on.)
I hope you think that way because it reflects that you're nice. But reading the statements that you make, you end up making a total of 4 assertions.

Number 1, you say that "I think that i'm all that".
Number 2, you criticize my judgement of people's intelligence.
Number 3, you say that i am in no position to judge.
Number 4, you say that i am the one who is sub-par.

Bearing in mind that this is my blog and verbally and personally i may only mention engage in such conversations as i initially posted with my closest friends, you are really making empty statements.

I think that i'm all that. I do think that i am smart. But i'm definitely not all that. Academically wise i may be performing better than the average but there are clearly people ahead of me. To claim that you know what i'm thinking means that you are probably a super-genius to be able to read my mind. Remember that my initial post was an angry response to a nasty incident. I dont criticize people for no reason.

You criticize my judgement of people's intelligence. How would you know, if my judgement is wrong or right? How can i judge people? Well, i can! Thats the truth and so can anyone and everyone. My oh my i would sure like to live in a world where nobody judges anyone. That way i can walk around town in my underwear and nobody would shoot my glances and whisper to their friends. I can judge and so can you. You are denouncing me for making known my judgement. As far as i can tell, there are about a million other people out there who do the same thing. Go denounce them too. Of course, nobody is saying that my judgement is correct. But yes. I can make a judgement.

You say that I'm in no position to judge. What would render me in a position to judge then? Would i have to be president of the UN or something? The truth is that even kids in primary school judge. Why do people, during a neighbourhood soccer game pick the better players first? Because they are judging the abilities of the players and YES. They are in the position to judge. In fact, if i take what you just said, and turn it back on you, who gives you the position to judge what i blog? Because from the statement: " I dont think you have reached the position to be able to judge others so dont", you clearly are judging me too! I'm ok with you judging me. But its kinda ironic isn't it. What you say should apply for yourself too. Nevertheless, i hold by the fact that i AM in a position to judge althought my judgement wouldnt even influeunce an ant.

Lastly, you say that i'm sub-par. Par means a level considered to be an average. I think i may be wrong. Those people i mentioned earlier aren't sub-par. They are just, par. I make a correction here. You may feel,think,believe that i,m sub-par and i respect your viewpoint. I do believe, that the issue we're discussing now, is intelligence and that can be measured by IQ and EQ and maybe AQ. Now, i can't prove to you that i have some EQ and AQ but i do have various examples to show that my IQ isnt sub-par. Firstly, i have my grades in school. if a D is getting 50/100 and above for a particular subject, then a D should be the "par". Based on J1 promos, J2 Common Tests and Midyears, i average a D for GP, a C for Econs, a B for history and a C for literature and an A for math. You may think that my grades aren't awesome. I don't think that theyre good either. But nevertheless, for every subject i take, i appear to score a D or above. This does not mean that i am above the average, but it means that i am definitely not, "sub-par". Secondly, we have the NS pes allocation. I've been allocated to PES A which again means that based on the IQ test, i,m not sub-par (although it doesnt mean that i,m smart either). While i can't prove to you that i have a reaseonable EQ and AQ, i'd like to believe so. Thus, your assertion that i am sub-par has largely been falsified.

After typing all these, i'm no longer annoyed with you. I have let out my frustration. However, i'd like you to read this notorious blog,
Ignore the fact that it originated as a stupid xia-xue dawn yeo flame blog.
Also, i do not endorse the high-handedness of the author.
But i acknowledge that the writer makes some legitimate arguments that have a certain degree of sense. for example in this post.
I'm sorry if you're appalled by the writer's lack of euphemism.

I blog for a reason (be it legit or not) and i dont believe in password protection. I hope you can deal with that.

Saturday, September 26, 2009 1:01 PM

And thus forth, my blog shall now become a medium for the notattion of the thoughts of my soon to be mentally stimulated mind. prepare to be engaged.

Monday, September 21, 2009 7:41 PM

yes. i,m actually active. Its so irritating.
How can there be so many simpletons in this world?

Probably, only less than 2%(made up statistic but good enough to prove my point)of the world are smart people.
I mean, in a honestly straightforward way, even the people in JC or uni arent "smart"
theyre just normal people.
The only reason why they are labelled as "smart" is because the rest of the world is too stupid.

Its rather frustrating from my point of view because there are just so many people who think at a ridiculously sub-par level down there.