Wednesday, December 30, 2009 6:57 PM

ok. not feeling as screwed up as i was earlier. But my shoulder's still ache. Yes..sign of weakness.

Anyway, i always wanted to try one of these. You know how on other people's blogs they always say smth like. hmmm. something like this for example.

"Anyway, i'm just hoping that you'll forgive me for what i've done. Yes i'm talking to you. You know who you are. I'm not going to run away this time and i'll face the consequences like a man."

Yes. Take that for example. The emo-kid's blogpost. Or.. maybe something like this.

"KNN i'm so fucking pissed. Thanks ok? I can't believe that some people who call themselves my friends can so easily betray me. YES . YOU. You know who you are. If you're still reading this, i am no longer friends with you."

That one would be , i dunno.. the conflicted kid's blog post?
But the point is, i want to try that "you know who you are" thing. Wonder if the person/s that i'm addressing actually gets it, and hopefully it does not ensare anyone else.

Anyway, i certainly do miss some people from school. Honestly speaking, being stuck at home all day is really draining at times. Ironic isn't it. I'm not supposed to be tired from rest. As i was saying, those guys i miss, those guys were fun. Yes, hopefully you're reading this now. You know who you are.

And...if you really do know you are, leave a tag. Anyone else, feel free to make guesses. Answer will be revealed in my next post.

Speaking of which, i'm surprised that i've actually been able to continue this blog for 3 years! kudos to me. Of course, if you look at Xinyi's one, shes been going steady for about six...

1:05 PM

this post aint gonna be no "intellectual discussion"
man...i feel fucked up. maybe its my nose. my food. the shoulder ache. the fact that i'm doing nothing with my life.

I shouldnt complain really. A level period was way more screwed up.
I think its the fuckin shoulderache. I really think so actually.
Need to set me straight.
Ima go whip smth up to drink. Actually..that may make me feel worse.
fuckin shoulderache.

Well... at least its temporary. I dunno. Shoulder aches last for bout 3 days? Since it was excercise related..

Monday, December 21, 2009 11:49 PM

This post, is dedicated to possibly my only reader left, Remy =)
If you actually want a shoutout on my hopeless blog, just tag.

Since this post is dedicated to Remy, I shall deal with Remy-like things. None of your lovey-dovey animal talk, but rather i shall discuss incentive, since Remy is so into it.

I believe that many people out there, understand theory well enough. You learn how something works, giving you a speck of understanding on how life works. Congratulations! Depressingly, most of these people out there, who understand the theory well enough have little to no ability in applying it to everyday mechanisms.
I confess, i too am guilty of not applying my knowledge into the things i do (most commonly seen in me not applying my music theory into my music)
Therefore, i believe in constantly reminding myself and in this case my reader/s about the importance of actively applying what you know.

Many of you have heard of the bestseller, Freakonimics. Fewer of you have read the first chapter and even fewer of you, have completed the book.
If you have read the first chapter, you know that the authors discuss the importance of incentive in our lives, breaking it down, purely for the sake of convenience into economic,social and moral incentives, more often than not, overlapping each other.

Remember. This is a post dedicated to Remy in which i will discuss Remyish things, therefore, i shall take us through the process of questioning God. Perhaps Remy, this is why you should believe. Assuming God exists, surely he is an incomprehensible entity. You cannot understand god, nor what he does and although he is all mighty and all powerful, the vastness of his power is beyond imagination because surely we cannot imagine the universe and god is definitely bigger than that. Assuming we go to heaven or experience some sort of glorification in death, we are left with the choice of believing whether god exists or not.

When faced with such a situation, surely we should believe in God's existence. After all, it is a gain all or lose nothing situation. Assuming God truly exists, we gain everything. After all, isnt the attainment of anything and everything the ultimate incentive? However, if god doesn't exist, we lose nothing, therefore, the absence of any disincentive. With such a profit at the cost of merely believing, isnt the most rationale choice to believe? This is actually a simplified version of Pascal's wager in which i attempted to explain using incentives as a medium.

Notably, there are some flaws and loopholes in this theory, the most obvious being that the existence of god does not equate to eternal bliss after death. I believe that god is good (apply same theory here and you will understand why you should believe that god is good) but the theory crumbles if we do not experience heaven even if we believe.
Also, the theory only applies for believing in God as there is no disincentive in believing. However, if a religion requires practice, disincentives will automatically surface.

Interestingly enough, if we factor in the existence of hell, we have an even greater incentive in believing in God. After all, it becomes a gain everything, lose nothing or gain everything, lose everything scenario.

A little disorganized, but i'm sure you understand my train of thought. Feel free to point out more loopholes in this discussion. I believe that there are more loopholes which i have not covered.

You know whats funny? While this theory or rather Pascal's wager argues for belief in God, religious enthusiasts and fundumentalists discredit and denounce it. Why? They do not believe in a logical and rationale approach towards finding ones belief in god, but rather endorse only a spiritual search in realizing one's belief.
You know whats even funnier? If you delve a little into the metaphysical realm, you will find that these fundumentalists which denounce Pascal's Wager are actually employing Pascal's wager itself, except that this time, there is an added step. After realizing rationally that you should believe in God, they decide that its not enough to be rationale, thus they go spiritual. See the huge irony here?

Thursday, December 10, 2009 12:15 AM

nobody actually blogs now. I mean, everyone uses twitter (see the irony?)
I've always been a little critical on life.
Judgemental even when i deny it.
A little cynical but not like Remy (such an affectionate name).

Anyway, i wanted to blog about righteousness. I do believe that righteousness is misplaced sometimes. Some animal agency is sueing "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" for killing a rat. Said agency claimed that animals killed for consumption have to be done so in a way that pain is not inflicted on the animal.

Personally, i think they're just in it for the money.
I ridicule the statement of accusation put forth by the animal agency. I marvel at their ability to phrase the issue as an atrocity, the merciless killing and abuse of human superiority at the expense of a defenseless animal, man playing god by taking away life.

So, basically, all the agency is saying is that : we want your money and we are exploiting the support of mindless animal enthusiasts and legal procedure to get it. Oh, wait who cares about a rat.

On the other hand, Viewers! Are you disgusted? Oh no! The killing and torturing of an innocent animal for the sake of our entertainment? Surely we must be devils!
Hey, it brings in good revenue!
Cost of a rat : a cleaner kitchen
Cost of loss of viewership : a few million dollars?
Sounds reasonable doesn't it?

Seriously, in my opinion, "i'm a celebrity get me out of here" shouldn't have done such a thing. But maybe thats just because i'm pro animal and i have a hamster named snowball.
But then, even if they shouldn't have done such a thing, its seriously no big deal. The time and money spent filing a lawsuit could have been spent, i dunno, saving baby seals or smth. Which goes to show how phony these organizations are.
One may say. "Wait a minute Tim, they're doing this for publicity! more support = more funding and greater consciousness for their cause of saving animals! They're actually making a big hoo ha so that they can save even more animals"
Well of course doofus. Even if they're doing that robinhood steal from the rich to save the poor thing, the result of this would possibly be a series of "inflated lawsuits".
Even if the agency wins the lawsuit (which i srsly doubt they will) the future will be no better, agencies are gonna start sueing people for not cleaning up dog poop. For forgetting to feed the cat for an evening. For me putting my hamster on top of my head (violation of hamster chastity penal code page 407,chapter34,clause 39)

In the end, as much as we like to see ourselves as a superior race, we aren't. Yes i know theres christ and all that. But basically, we're like animals ourselves. Just really smart(lolsmart? you gotta be kidding me)animals. Talk about inflicting pain. I'm pretty sure that when a crocodile kills a gazelle, theres no pain involved. Same goes for the lioness which bites the neck. All very clean kills. Non brutal in nature.
You can say that those are a necessity, they are killing to survive.
But hey. So are we. I mean, i love animals. Probably more than you. But i eat chicken, i adore beef and fish tastes great. How would you like a hook sticking into the upper region of your mouth. I'm pretty sure thats painless. Gotta be real.