Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:37 PM

ok. frankly speaking, im damn sian.

Its like you hit the point where you know its the end of the road and you gotta do something.

Its like one day in 1985 the Russians were like. O shet..we're fucked.
and then what do you do. You don't feel good bowing down to the US for help but you dont wanna continue living in a shithole.

Thats why Remy, Communism never pays.
I've discussed it many times and the best possible scenario is democratic absolutism (invented the word by myself) what you want is the complete opposite of Machiavellian rule through fear, but rather rule through love. Of course, with you as the supreme ruler.
Works the best. Power and Respect.

Notice however, that what i'm describing here is eerily similar to whats going on in BNW. except of course you can argue that BNW i coercion through brainwash. Whatever. Everybody's happy Nowadays

Well, im not. Not really,

Thursday, January 21, 2010 1:07 PM

In latest news, former Malaysian prime minister mahathir claimed that "9/11 was staged" at a general conference for the Support of Al-Quds to aid the Palestinians. He commented that the 9/11 attacks “But whether real or staged" "have served the United States and Western countries well. They have an excuse to mount attacks on the Muslim world”. Clearly, dismissing the number of deaths on that day, the billions lost as well as the millions who cried.

A level history students, Mahathir also talks about how " the Palestinians’ claim on their land in West Asia which he said was based on legitimate grounds." and that ''one of the greatest injustices done was to take Palestinian land to give to the Jews to create the state of Israel." He may be right, he may be wrong. That we have either memorized or learnt, is hightly debatable. This just goes to show how limited his sphere of thought is. Understandably, he was speaking at a pro palestinian conference but, he is blaming the israelites of today on the actions of their ancestors and obviously, by supporting one side or another, he is advocating the complete annihalation of the other since instead of searching for peaceful solutions, he instead returns to legitimacy based on roots. In other words, he is not searching for a peaceful solution but the triumph of Islam in the middle east. How irresponsible of him, as a politician in a country which is majority Islam. Does he not realize the effect of his words on his followers?

Like, Israel, Singapore is the Israel of SEA. Like Israel, we were goverened by the British and given indigenous land. Now what.. yo dudes. Remy, Ivan Jere,Mark Jessica. We gonna go to war on 2011 if you know what i mean..

Perhaps the most disturbing thing, is that Mahathir even said that ''If they can make Avatar, they can make anything.'' like wtf does that have to do with Avatar... also, not surprising is the absence of any disapproval towards the Islamic extremists bombing the world.

Full article can be found here

Oh btw, if you read the article about Obama not implementing solutions such as healthcare and guantanamo bay, Obama's administration lost a seat to the Republicans in Massachusetts (you know, MIT) just yesterday resulting in Republicans breaking the 40th seat barrier to have 41 seats in congress, thus making it harder to pass bills and such. Was gonna blog about this and how ridiculous republicans and democrats are but i already blogged about an even bigger fool so i'll just stop here.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 10:19 AM

10:11 AM

HMm. I had a good morning = )

Better watch out. ODAC may be hunting me now.

4:56 AM

cant freakin sleep. I woke up at 4am and i just can't get back to sleep... work in 2 hours. dammit. = (

Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:25 PM

So i was reading about waistline tips when it came to bodybuilding when it somehow came to this.
I was thinking initially, what a slut. I mean she does have topless (private's not shown) photos online but talks way too much about female sexuality. Like, you'd think you would like to read a woman talk about her vagina but this is just too much info that it becomes scary and possibly disturbing.

Rated : M18+
View at your own discretion

1:01 PM

Hi. Boyfriend available.

Has fluctuating self esteem
Self proclaimed good looks
Highest level of education achieved GCE "O" level
Proficient at internet games
Enjoys martial arts and basketball
Will not cheat on you
Enjoys soppy movies, Epic films and Comedies
Plays the guitar
Cooks decent chinese cuisine, soups and pasta
Will listen to you drone about whatever
Will hold you when you cry
Will try to leave good impression with parents.

Duration of relationship, 2 weeks.

Any takers?

12:31 PM

i feel like Pip. except i aint weak like that lil noob, and i am probably way more handsome too.

12:28 PM

Hi guys. I am a very conflicted individual. Maybe its just myself.

9:34 AM

I dread the day where i may finally have to do something about it

Friday, January 15, 2010 9:44 PM

Will blog about Remy and his unfortunate perception of lies and the world.
However, i'm not going to discuss that here.
Instead, i would like to talk about what i shall now term as "The Unorthodox theorem"
Remy, the said theorem may apply to you or it may not. Its hard to determine.
Not an accusation but its me critiquing an increasingly common trend.

The Unorthodox Theorem is a critique on people who act in an unorthodox manner, so as to assert their uniqueness.
Oh no.. i have just triggered off a philosophical web. You the reader may think "what defines unique and what doesnt then?" "Haven't you fallen into the trap of the Unorthodox theorem by in fact, writing about the theorem itself?" The questions go on and on.
Not a solid theory, but good for explaining cases which fit in the particular criteria.

Basically, people try to prove that they are "special" or assert their "identity" through being the unorthodox one. Because (i hesitate to use this word) being a rebel, shows unconformity and what better way than not conforming to the masses to assert one's uniqueness.
For the sake of example, i will talk about Remy. Remy believes that the world revolves around lies (although now he believes in a mixture of truth and lies Tim&Trini combo ftw) I'm not saying that Remy is trying to be different. In fact, he approaches the topic from a very rational point of view. However, assuming circumstances were different, Remy could very well have pulled together a few sensibile arguments and since the arguments are somewhat sensible, assert his individuality in the sense that he is not like those fools who believe that truth and love is the way that the world functions.

This escalates into the initial idea, being blownup to his own personal Gospel truth ( see the use of language where i present contrasting imagery gospel and remy)

This "Unorthodox Rule" applies to pop culture as well. In truth, i embrace all music. I do not appreciate screamo like matthew does, but my tastes stretch from metal, rock, to mellower stuff like blues and jazz, to pop and even to stuff like disney. However, there are a certain group who denounce good old pop like lady gaga, Britney, Beyonce, Taylor Swift (yaya u may call her country whatever..) and instead claim that only indie is worth listening to.
I dont mean that indie sucks. The Kills rock! (not the killers although they rock too) but their support for indie has resulted in a blinding of their sonic-palette and in the end, it becomes more of an insistence that indie beats all, rather than true preference.

It doesn't end there.
But my examples end here.
I'm presenting to you a half baked theory which i myself am guilty of falling prey to.
Nevertheless, you understand that i express some discontent towards such treatment of things. Like, rather be "Real". Then again...does being "real" really make you "real" ?(i feel really stupid constructing such a sentence. If anyone can provide me with better phrasing i would be glad to acknowledge your sentence constructing skills) or is it just another trend?

PS. If anyone has a picture of JakeSully on the Toruk (badass dragon) I'd like that please = )

Monday, January 11, 2010 10:56 PM

Some people are constants. Lets call them enforcers
I am not a constant. My behaviour changes with those around me.
Its true. I believe that this applies to everybody but to varying degrees.

However, for my case, the idea is pretty applicable.
Some people bring out the best in me.
When i'm with Trini, we engage in emotional,moral and intellectual discussion
When i'm with Annabelle, we have opiniated discussions (not that its not intellecutal ana )
When i hang with Remy, talk goes down to Practical and sometimes Radical discussion. Freedom of thought although not very moral at times.
When i'm with Matthew. We talk about shit. Sadly its true. But its ok. talking about shit is fun.

Trini, Anna, Remy doesnt mean i don't have fun with you guys.

But surprisingly, the people that i don't hang with often bring out rather good qualities in me.
I don't talk to Xinyi much but when i do, i feel humbled.
I don't talk to jere much (nowadays) but when i do, i feel at ease.
Sad to say, there are some people however, that bring out the worse in me.
Some people make my curse, others make me hate.
Think about it, does it apply to you?
Who brings out the best in you?

9:39 PM

Work is tiring. Not the work itself, but rather the need to wakeup at 5.30am everyday so that i won't be late. SPH has strict terms about latecoming and breach of contract, so i'm sorry heidi. I will definitely finish reading your paper by tomorrow.

About work. Call it moonlighting whatever. But anyone needs a business consultant?
With my current occupation, it becomes inevitable that i read the paper from cover to cover daily.
That being said, since i now read the papers (not browse through literally read every single page and article) daily, and i'm working for a business paper, i can foresee that my blog content will be a little more business focused.

Today's news, China becomes the top exporter of goods worldwide.
In addition, the dow jones average took a plunge this week so investors are approaching with caution.

Ok. That will be all for today.

Eiwa is within me.

I am Omatikahya bitches.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:20 PM

was gonna blog about jihad rehab, beyonce and gaga.
was gonna be a really engaging post where i would be "in yo face"
and give you my honest opinion (not that you need to care about what i think) on these things.

Butttt i'm lazy.
Work at SPH starts at 6.45am
Yea. Tough stuff.

1:08 AM

yea screw this. i'm tired and my head hurts.

Saturday, January 9, 2010 3:06 AM

Actually, come to think of it. I think that people like heidi,sherrie and jessica goh maybe even remy(i'm not so sure about that because remy you don't show your philosophical side much. You are more of a practical boy but i will give you the benefit of the doubt) would have thought of the same thing or somewhat similar answers although probably expressed in a different way.

What does that mean? Because the students from Oxford couldnt even grasp the concept that quickly.

CJC > Oxford?
I hardly doubt so. Surely i must be overestimating myself. Or am i missing something here.

2:58 AM

holy shit. I have numerous lectures from cambridge and oxford. Yea. Full downloadable lectures where professors really talk and teach. Not just cambridge and Oxford but even

I may be shooting my mouth off here, but i seem to be thinking at the same level as the professor.

Yes, flame me on my tagboard. But i was quite surprised when she posed some problems and questions and my "answers" were spot on. (was a lecture on philosophy)
shall we discuss?

Thursday, January 7, 2010 1:35 AM

Dear friends.
I have been hired by Singapore Press Holdings for a month.
My workplace is at Tanjong Pagar.
Yep. Tanjong Pagar business district corporate high = )
Eat that jessica goh >=)

Sunday, January 3, 2010 1:24 PM

hi guys. Wanna see some cleavage?

Yes =) cleavage. But srsly, my whole post from now onwards is gonna be based on the video embedded. So if you're gonna continue reading, i srsly suggest that you watch the video first. Remy will have stuff to say about what i write.

Firstly, i'd like to commend the true hero of this video. The one person that made the most sense and carried out everything to near perfection. The Cop. Props to you man. Kinda nice to see a good cop in America.

So.. you've seen the video. Whos right? whos wrong?
Since we're all educated, i'm sure you'd agree with me when i say that the preacher is an inadequate representation of christianity and that the 2 girls and the rest out there were faggots.

The preacher, in my opinion, is an improper representation of christianity just like how the Taliban and Al Qaeda are inappropriate representations of Islam. I'd like to say that firstly, if he chooses to follow the bible down to every single detail, he would have broken a tone of the bible's rules. (The reason i know this is because i am reading the book that Remy gave me last christmas) Did you know that the bible does not condone "speech zones"? At the start of the vid, the Cop told the preacher to get off the pavement and the preacher did. Does that mean that the preacher is submitting to the rules of man over the rule written by god? If that is so then the preacher has just ignored the word of god.
Even then, look at what the preacher is wearing! Did you know that the bible (thanks remy for the book) does not condone the wearing of clothing made up of mixed fibres? Example, cotton + linen = going against the bible. I am pretty sure that the shirt he is wearing isn't 100% cotton. He's breaking the rules.
Since he says that "Women should submit" even after the girl questioned him about women being abused by husbands to the point of death, it is clear that he does not intepret the bible in the context of the 21st century. Since he is taking the teachings of the bible as an absolute, he is committing a mortal sin by wearing the clothes that he is wearing.
After all, from his point of view, the rules of god are equal and he must NOT, take preferential treatment of one rule over another.
I am disappointed that the mindlessness of some religious zealots pervert christianity in such a way.

So..were the girls right? I can understand their annoyance at the preacher. I am rather disgusted at him too. But in my opinion, they have demonstrated a sign of immaturity and unclear thinking. No i'm not gay. But srsly,which guy wouldnt like tits being flashed in their face. O wait that preacher lol. Ok. Which normal guy wouldn't like tits being flashed in their face.. Regardless of that, while those girls may think that they are being liberal by flashing their cleavage, which isn't all that sexy in my opinion, they are degrading themselves as a response to someone equally if not more disgusting. Its like, bringing yourself down to that kinda level if you get what i mean. College students.. really. Like if you had more sense, you would say, "screw you and your warped religion" and just walk away. Giving a faggot attention is just gonna breed more faggotish action.

In conclusion, i see a full circle going on down here. The attention these stupid kids give to the man, breeds his warped sense of religious righteousness which as a result attracts even more haters. If no one pays any of them attention, they won't even have the incentive to do such things.

You know, actually, on second thought, the girl's response may be due to the perversion of something she values greatly. I'm not trying to imply anything, but i can just imagine girls like jessica (goh) reacting to guys like these. I'm not saying that she would show her cleavage but i dunno, she may get violent. The idea is that i'm not suprised that women get so provoked and it may not be their fault at all that they do.

Saturday, January 2, 2010 11:38 PM

Inspired by Ng huimin. She did this little thing on facebook. Kinda cool. I'm gonna try and do one myself. Oh btw the answers to the 2nd last post are jere,nat,dora and tara = )

Friday, January 1, 2010 8:16 PM

people usually have this "new years post" on their blogs.
I dont feel like following the trend because i feel that by doing so, i'm just being like everyone else.
Guess that means that i'm trying to assert my individuality and uniqueness.
Honestly speaking, i've always thought that i'm better than others. I always think that i'm special. Like the chosen one in some Lord of the Rings movie or smth.
Like, "if its me. I can do it."
I don't think that will ever change.
In reality, that probably isn't true but you see, its a conflict between brain and heart. A rationale evaluation makes it clear that i'm not this glorified one or something. But my heart doesn't admit it. Or is it the other way round. I'm not so sure myself.

Right, anyway, before i digressed, transition from 09 to 10 has seen me growing. Physically, psychologically, mentally but most importantly, morally. I'm glad to see growth. Yup.

Nevertheless, 2010 remains a year of uncertainty. Unlike 2009, my friends remained and we moved as a class up. My regular contacts were still my regular contacts. Although it may have been A level year, but everyone had everyone (Not a BNW reference) so it was ok. 2010, its a fresh start again. As brilliant as i like to think i am, I'm adverse to change. I'm quite scared of new beginnings. Like i don't know what to expect. Whether i am going to satisfy (Not a freaking BNW reference) or not. Unsure of my course of action, because i like to plan my moves. I always plan. Gonna leave you guys hanging like that. No closure to this post because i don't need any closure at the start of the year.

For readers who do not know what BNW stands for, it stands for Brave New World, a novel written by Aldous Huxley. Its a dystopian text. On the other hand, if you don't know what BNW is, there is a chance you won't understand the meaning of Dystopian text. In that case, i've provided you with enough info to google and you can find out.